Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Things I love this week:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
So I saw this with John and Hillary on Christmas Day.  Twas a very good movie and totally my pick for best film at the Golden Globes (until Sunday - more on that later).  I usually shy away from big movie types around Oscar season but this movie was a gem.  I even liked Brad Pitt in it.  If you're not familiar it's about a guy who ages backwards and the girl he's in love with ages normally.  What I learned from this movie is that Brad Pitt will look amazing in his 50's.  It was a very touching film with great direction and photography - I found out later that David Fincher (Fight Club) directed it and that he's up for a Golden Globe for it.  It was super long and it was the kind of long where you check your phone to see what time it is.  I almost fell asleep too.  Reminded me of Forrest Gump a bit.  Brad Pitt's performance was flawless which impressed me because I always see him as a fluff actor.  


This is BY FAR the movie I was looking most forward to seeing.  I LOVE Gus Van Sant - and pretty much all of the actors in it - Sean Penn, Emilie Hirsch, James Franco etc etc.  I loved the political background and the relevance it still holds 30 years later.  The film is about Harvey Milk a gay rights activist in the 1970's and also the first openly gay man to ever hold a spot in congress.  He is fighting in San Francisco for equal rights for gays (in the 70's the government tried to take jobs away from anyone who was gay or supported a gay lifestyle).  The culmination plays out around Prop 6 - a proposition that church leaders were trying to pass to take said rights away from gay citizens - which pretty much mirrors Prop 8 -  a vote that was held in California this year to take marriage rights away from gay citizens and was shot down by a strong backing from the Mormon and Christian churches. 
Luckily in the 1978 election Prop 6 was NOT passed - giving gay men and women equal rights in California and from then on other states followed suit.  The opposition for Prop 6 was lead by Harvey Milk - and because of him and his unwavering hope and fight for equal rights our country made huge strides.  SPOILER ALERT.  Though most know the story - Harvey Milk was assassinated by a fellow supervisor in California who was crazy and pretty much jealous (and closeted gay as Robyn and I suspected).  Sean Penn has been nominated for his role as Harvey Milk at the Golden Globes.  He can really play any part he wants.  Genious.  I hope it gets a Best Movie nom at the Oscars.

Slumdog Millionaire
Jesus.  This movie was freaking amazing.  Not lying.  I know I usually like all movies I see but this takes the cake and I will put all my eggs in the Slumdog Millionaire basket for the awards season.  I didn't know much about this movie until someone sent me the clip below and I was sold.  Hillary then told me more:  It's about his young boy from Mumbai India who you see at the beginning is going on India's version of "Who wants to be a millionaire."  The host gets the police who sends him to to a torture cell because he is sure a kid of 18 from the slums can not know all those answers and demand to know how he's cheated his way to 20 million rupees.  They go through each question and why he knows the answer to every single one and you get to see him as a little boy through his early teen years and then in present time.  A beautiful, genius film directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Sunshine, A Life less ordinary) Slumdog Millionaire better take all the accolades it deserves in awards season.  

Other awesome things I have been able to enjoy since I have been on mini vaca are:
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I LOVE this show.  I've always watched it off and on but I finally bought Season 1 and 2 at Target the other day.  This show is hilarious and is a way more modern and uncensored version of Seinfeld.  I absolutely laugh out loud while watching this show (and if you don't then you have serious problems).  I may have to go and buy season three.  Like yesterday,

How I Met Your Mother

This show is also quite the gem.  I've always meant to watch it but since I don't have DVR other things take precedence.  I LOVE THIS SHOW.  Jason Segal.  Hello!  Love him.  He fill my Freaks and Geeks void.  Ted, the main guy is also quite amazing.  Oh and Neil Patrick Harris is totally the best character.  He plays someone 100% opposite from who he is in real life which makes it all the more funny.  Watching this show always makes me want a dirty martini though - they're always drinking them in their fun little hangout bar called McClarens.  I'm watching the season one finale as I speak and it's awesome.  Not Jim and Pam awesome but definitely worthy.  I hope season two of this is still on sale because I need to go and buy it.  

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holidays in a nutshell.

  • Christmas Eve was full of family awesome ness and for the second year in a row I got a good Yankee Swap gift: The Office DVD game!  Woop.
  • While all the family awesomeness was going on I was also getting wasted.  Classy.  One of my step sisters couldn't finish her wine - I couldn't let it go to waste - chugged it.  LONG RIDE HOME.
  • Passed the heck out with my glasses on and I woke up and I could see - obvs a Christmas miracle.  
  • I got a tea maker and a DS among other sweet gifts.  Tea maker is kind of the best.  If you ever want to get me a pres go to Teavana.
  • BrainAge is still telling me I am stupid.
  • I have seen Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Milk and Slumdog Millionaire since I have been on my mini vaca.  In second half of said vaca I promise reviews.
  • Returned the present Robyn got me (Pushing Daisies - already had it obviously) and in return I bought first two seasons of "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia" and first season of "How I met your mother." Both of which are amazing and full of lolz.  Can we talk about the racist episode of always sunny.  Ridic.
  • Played the game Apples and Apples and I think it may trump Scene It!  and ruin a few friendships in the process.  Seriously I thought someone was going to throw down last night.
My red tights.  Killer.  Hillary's Alice in Wonderland tights.  Killller.

All the cousins.  Minus two.  And Roger.  We tried getting him out of the picture.  More pictures to come.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Online shopping.
How annoying can online shopping be?
So I thought I was for real done with my Christmas shopping (except for a few things I told my stepdad I would pick with for my mom).

I ordered my friend her present off of Amazon (which will remain a secret- she sometimes reads my blog :)) last Monday.  I got a really good deal and also got free shipping.  Yesterday, six days later after ordering it I get an email telling me it's not coming.  Yeah.  OK.  They said it's because sometimes when things go out of the warehouse they don't get updated on the website.  So it was telling me it was in stock when I ordered it but it wasn't really.  At least they never charged me.

Lame.  So now I must go on a hunt tonight to go find one at the same reasonable price I got it for on Amazon - which totally won't happen.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I had so much fun this weekend! All New Englanders were aware we would be dumped on this weekend by over a foot of snow - so I left work early on Friday and headed home.  I made a huge pot of chili all while drinking my favorite wine (Estancia Pinot Grigio FYI) and doing  a few rounds of shoveling.  I don't know why I've always really loved shoveling.  I love bundling up and going outside and seeing the kids play across the street.  And last year I learned shoveling burns 440 calories an house so - BONUS.  My little neighbor Kyle came over and we made some snowballs and some snow angels.  Nerdy.

By 7pm my car was already covered.  I woke up early the next day to go in town and be a tourist with Hillary, John and Hillary's brother Kent, and his girlfriend Christy.  While I was in bed I was thinking "OK I'll brush my car off and park at the station."  Not the case.  When I looked outside I saw the snow had not let up and now my car was a white silhouette of itself.  So I decided to walk to the station.  Something I have definitely not done since high school pre license.  I saw a few cars spin out on my way so I knew I made the right choice.  Stopped at DD for a huge coffee and got on the T. 

One of my quests for the day was to find red tights.  So while I was waiting for the rest to come in - I stopped at Macy's.  Seriously they had EVERY other color besides red.  Truthfully I really wanted plaid tights - anywho I digress.  Our first stop together was Newbury Comics in Fanuiel Hall.  Kent and Christy were blown away by Newbury.  We spent like over an hour in there just looking at everything.  But I FOUND my red tights!  They are awesome.  Hillary made fun of me the whole time for buying them and then at Urban Outfitters - what did she buy - red tights.  We're going to be the Red Tight brigade.  We got lunch at the less glamourous Hard Rock Cafe.  The new one in Fanuiel Hall is so much cooler than the one that was in Back Bay.  Say what you want about HRC - I'm always so in awe by all the cool stuff.  We were sat at the New Kids on the Block table.  Of course.

Next stop was Mike's Pastry - it was hike and yeah we so needed it after that dinner.  I'm so embarrassed to say I've lived in Boston my whole life and I've been to the North End twice maybe.  It's so picturesque.  Kent kept saying we should be in a movie because it was so nice.  Went to Mike's which is pretty much the best bakery Boston has to offer.  I got some treats for Mom and Roger and of course a treat in the form of a cupcake for little old me (more on that later).  

We walked around a bit more just looking at stuff.  I thanked ULU, one of the companies I work with wilst walking around all day.  They sent me a great pair of  boots when I started working with them late last year.  I didn't wear them much because I really depend on my Tecnica Apres Moon Boots in serious winter weather - who I also used to work for.  I really started wearing my ULU's this year and I feel like I can walk anywhere and get over any snowbank in them - and they're adorable.  They have an amazing strong outsole probably designed for serious snow people in Colorado but lemme tell you - they're genious for a day in the city.  I had to jump over this snow bank probably 4 feet off the ground.  I glided over that shit like a Gazelle in my awesome boots.

I digress.  We hopped on the Blue Line (which got a makeover!) and went to AMC Boston Common theatre to see Yes Man!  I really enjoyed that movie.  Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel - what's not to like.  After the movie we parted ways and I headed back to the south shore.  It took forever on the T - and then I remembered I had to still walk home.  Not a fun time.  The snow had gotten way worse and of course no one shoveled the sidewalks.  So half way home I had to walk on the "sidewalk" through the snow.  Serious workout for the buns and calves. When I finally got home I got a glass of wine and decided to eat my cupcake.  Now I did take a picture of it but I didn't save it - when I realized this it was only a crumb.  Sad.
Hillary and I with the bells in Fanueil Hall!

The side at our New Kids table!  His little (seriously so small) tour jacket was in a case above.
(blogspot is not letting me load pics!  More later!)

So excited for only 2 days of work this week!  They're going to be busy though.  Blerg.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I think I'm done with my Christmas shopping!  I say this and I'm sure I'll be running back to the mall for something.  But I'm done shopping for all the important people in my life.  

I was torn between getting my mom and stepdad a night in Boston Park Plaza Hotel for New Years (only $179 a night!!!!!) and dinner at the Melting Pot, or tickets to Fleetwood Mac.  I decided (and after polling people in my office) to get them Fleetwood Mac tickets.  My mom is so not up on it so I don't even think she knows they're on sale so it should be an awesome surprise.  Pretty good seats too.  I think everyone will be excited with my gift giving this year.

Hillary and I went to Jingle Ball last Thursday night.  So NOT my scene at all but we got VIP passes and I heard there was an open bar - so obvi I was in.  Oh and I really like Katy Perry.  We got in and decided to grab some food and drinks and grab a table - before we even walk in a young handsome man strolls by - and he is followed by about a half dozen screaming girls - we were like WTF!!  It was Jesse McCartney - totally the best Justin Timberlake wannabe out of all the wannabes.  We get our drinks and sit down and Natasha Bedingfield is walking toward us.  Like I said NOT my scene - but when I see someone famous I can't help but to get a little giddy - so I'm like Hi Nastasha!  Yeah I'm so lame.  Hillary is lamer though because whenever one of the acts came by I'd have to tell her who they were (or does that make me the lamest?).

Next act was coming on.  We didn't hear the announcer but we heard 12,000 screaming voices - David Archuleta - now I am and was David Cook fan but we decided to tell David we voted for him anyways if we came up.  While we were watching Archie (that's what the kids call him), Lady Gaga and her entourage of crazy looking men walk by.  She is prettier and less tranny looking in person but looked WAY coked out.

Hinder came on next.  OK I love Hinder - the two songs I know by them - but really I love their lead singer the most.  True story I didn't know his name until that night but since they've been around I've just been enamoured.  His name is Austin Winkler.  What a name.  Anyways I'm telling Hillary how much I like him - how you know he would totally pull your hair in bed - ok going way off topic.  They're awful.  They weren't even allowed real instruments.  Seriously agonizing.  Don't worry I'm going somewhere with this story.

Katy Perry came on next.  We went to sit in our real seats which really weren't seats at all.  They were kind of hanging over the stage so we pushed these little bitches out of the way.  She played four songs: Hot N Cold, Thinking Of You, my personal favorite Waking Up in Vegas and the worst song EVER, I kissed a girl.  The amount of girls under 15 who were singing that was insane.  INSANE.  I really want to see Katy when she tours now for real.  Her album is so good.  I Kissed a Girl is awful - but if you give her album a chance you won't be sorry.

Anyways we decided to go back to VIP to see if we could run into Katy.  We grabbed another drink and sat down at a bar table.  We decided we were going to leave but decided to people watch during a band (artist?) called Kevin Rudolf.  We see a gaggle of ladies (mom's seriously) run towards this group of guys and we see through the glitter and the sequins of the tweens- that it's Hinder.  I'm dying.  Pretty much.  Again not my scene, so I just sit back and watch - meanwhile Hillary is like fidgeting with her camera phone for a photo op.  They get free of the giggling gals and as if the lead singer - Austin - is reading my mind he walks over to me caresses my arm and kind of holds my hand for 4 seconds - and is like "Hey you" in his sexy voice.  I'm not over exaggerating at all seriously.  Maybe I look like someone he knows but yeah - we connected.  Ask Hillary she was like HOLY SHIT - HE totally came to YOU!  I decided if they stayed around for drinks I was going to chat him up - but they looked like they were on their way out.  Dying.  Like a 15-year old I was like "NEVER washing this sweater."  In love.  I googled him when I got home to find him married to a Playmate.  Great.  Yeah totally my nerd moment of the year.

My weekend was chill.  I did my Christmas cards, finished the shopping and got a matching mani pedi in festive holiday colors.  Work is super super stressful lately - literally every day I get to keep my job is a good day (not because I'm not good at my job because I am!  Just some major major shifts happening).  I'm just counting down the days till my mini vaca  - I am vowing to shut my email down for a week.  Totally NOT going to happen but hey.  

Oh and my nail salon gave me this as a christmas gift (note festive holiday color):

Ho ho ho!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So Letters to Cleo was amazing just as I expected.

Pat and I started out the evening at (club) Chilis.  We decided didn't want to see the opening band so we left Braintree around 8 and headed into Boston.  We got a little lost because last time we went Gary drove and I didn't pay attention.  But we ended up finding our way onto Comm ave.  Parking behind the Paradise was $5!  So lucky.  You figure we had taken the T we would have pair $7 for park (YEAH $7 to park at B-tree now) and then $4 bucks each for us to take the T.  Lame.  That's my problem with the MBTA they encourage people to T-it but then raise all the prices to park.  

Anywho when we got in we checked out merch and I got the "When DID we do that" CD they were selling exclusively at the shows - pretty much had all b-sides, remastered versions and stuff they did for movies on it (yes it has Cruel to be Kind, I Want you to want me and Dangerous Type on it).  

We got some drinks and parked ourselves up on the second level.  It was like 25 degrees out and we realized it would probably be cold in there to - not so - it was probably 90 degrees in there.  Seriously.  Pat may or may not have seen the infamous Kaitlin standing in front of us.

Show started and the place was electric.  I felt chills when they came out and started the first notes of Demon Rock.  With many of my favorite 90's bands alot of them played at Middle East, TT's, Paradise - 18+ - Letters to Cleo and Third Eye Blind stick out most.  I remember being 14 and having a hour long conversation with an employee at Sam Goody's (that is not there anymore and has been replaced by Forever Slutty-1) about how I was going to be Kay Hanley for Halloween because they were playing at TT's on Halloween and I couldn't go because I was, well, 14.  So yeah hearing the beginning of Demon Rock almost put a little tear in my eye - 12 years overdue.

Ok enough blah blahing.  Here is the set list (not in order it was played obvs - that would be too easy):
Big Star
Rim Shak
Here and Now
Mellie's Coming Over
Because of You
Find You Dead
Veda Very Shining
I'm a Fool
Demon Rock
Fast Way
Pizza Cutter
Little Rosa
WTFAMP (also known as Where the fuck are my presents) The Christmas Song
I want you to want me

Yeah that setlist = amazing.  I never heard WTFAMP (the x-mas song) before and I loved it.  I can't believe Kay is 40!!  Seriously - I swear people like her and Gwen Stefani are freaks of nature. 

Find you Dead was a total treat because when I peeked at the LA setlist I didn't see it so I was a little sad.  It's so weird songs that bring you really distinct memories.  Like that song and especially Because of You - remind me of freshman year and standing at the "Jesus" in front of Archies waiting for my mom.  Acid Jed reminds me of my thirteenth birthday.  I walked to Caldor (PS click that link and read about the "scandal" holy shit) and I bought the Jagged Little Pull tape and the Wholesale Meats and Fish tape.  Weird.

Ok back to the show.  They told fun stories before some songs like they were asked to write a christmas song for a charity - so they came up with "Where the fuck are my presents".  The charity told them nicely they thought it was too "mean spirited" and Kay was like "Yeah I mean, I didn't think it was at all - down deep isn't everyone like - where they fuck are my presents."  Sweet.  I really hope they make a recording from that show - or really any from this "tour" would be great.  They closed with Rim Shak which is one of those live songs you're like "wait where is this on the CD?" because it live is just on a whole other level.  Every song they played was just 1 million times better live.  For Little Rosa Kay and USA Mike (her hub) came out and Kay sang and he played the guitar.  It was amazing.  Just how the song should be.  The only song I didn't get to hear was Acid Jed.  Maybe next tour guys???

The show ended at about 10:15 and as soon as it was over I knew I wanted to go again to the next show (tonight - actually probably starting in like 10 minutes).  I schemed a little bit at work today and really considered going alone (who knows the next time they'll come back) but alas I decided to hang in and go to bed early.  When I started writing this post I was still considering going. 
Some fun from the show:

Yeah I know my pictures suck. This one was the best.  The rest are here.

These are better:

Fast Way

Here and Now

I had intentions of taking video of my favorites but I was too busy dancing and singing to do so.  You know how it goes.


Monday, December 08, 2008

It's tonight!
Letter's to Cleo at the Paradise tonight! (ok I know this is not a photo of the whole band however I think Kay looks so lovely in it!)

Saw this article at Boston.com today and I got super excited.
I love that in the article they mention they won't be recording an album - which to be honest makes me pretty happy - it could be awesome - or it could just be bad.  I'd rather not know.  So many bands make "comebacks" and NO one wants to hear their new shit at the show.  We want to hear the classics.

Oh and I did say I wasn't going to ask anyone about the LA setlist or go searching for it.  But I did.  Last week.  I will be a happy girl if they do the same - happier if they add a few more.  So excited.  

I'm going to try and sneak my camera in so I'll post a review and photos later this week!  Woop.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I find it odd that I'm not able to put a title on any of my blog postings.  Anyone know why?

Anywho.  I went over to Greg's last night to return DVD's and books I have had for literally 2 years and to catch up on some good TV.  My two favorite Wednesday night shows have been cancelled or paused indefinitely:  Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money.  

Networks keep the shittiest shows and always dump my favorites.  I absolutely LOVE those two shows.  But thanks (or no thanks) to ABC come January 21 Lost will fill my Dirty Sexy Money void.  Pat also posted this new Lost clip but I must do it as well.  Not because it's pretty much the most exciting show on TV - but my first dad crush on TV makes a cameo.

Yes Graham Chase.  My first older man crush on TV (way before Dawson's dad on Dawson's Creek!!).  He's looking a bit husky in this clip but still holds my heart.

Let's take a moment to reflect on awesome Angela's dad was:

Wonder if he would like Playin' Dead.

So with the loss of my awesome Wednesday nights we searched for something new to obsess over.  I think I have found it.  It's called Secret Millionaire.  I feel so embarrassed for admitting this - but I think it's my new favorite show.

It's about these really rich people who pose as poor people in less fortunate areas and convienently meet all these people that inspire them for being "poor".  At the end of the show they have to distribute at least $100,000 of their own money to the people they meet - breaking up however they want.

So anyways.  The first rich people is this dad and his son.  The dad pretty much brags that he has the best job in the world because when people lose their houses he gets richer.  His son is a total brat who smokes pot and plays the guitar all day.  They go to Imperial Beach, a city in CA near the Mexican border.   The people they meet are: this lady who looks like a dude who fell off a ladder years ago and because she didn't have health insurance they took her house, second is this woman (who they meet in a grocery store??) who takes in a ton of kids and feeds them with her social security, third is this little girl (they see her picture on one of those cans in a liquor store? So random) who has bone cancer and they can't afford treatment anymore.  I was sure they'd give her at least $100,000.  Come to the end when they're giving out the checks (which is the best part because they have to tell the poor people they just exploited that they are really loaded) and they give the first lady $25,000 (THAT'S IT?), the second lady $50,000 and the girl with cancer the same.  Seriously!!? Dad brags about all this money and he only gives out $125,000.  It's a tax write off - hello!  Oh and a snafu I noticed was that the check they give to the old lady and the girl with cancer have the same check # on it!  FAKE!

Second hour - they people are way cooler.  They go to all these areas hit hard by Katrina and live in a trailer park for their week.  They gave each person they met with $100,000.  Take THAT rich guy from first ep!!  Another little editing error I noticed was that on their checks the date was 4/31/08.  Yeah there are only 30 days in April.  Got you FOX!  However Greg, who works in a bank told me they would probably still take the check.

I still loved it.  It's like Extreme Home Makeover but the people don't lose their houses after because they can't afford the taxes.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Ok the new Killers album is amazing.  I had my doubts as I was not a huge fan of "Human" but I got an email from iTunes about it coming out a day early so I decided to go for it.

It's brilliant.  I may be as bold to call it my favorite album of 2008 (and probably 2009).  It's the perfect hybrid of Hot Fuss and Sam's Town with extra awesomeness thrown in.  I sit here and listen and I hear something new everytime.  They're definitely experiencing with new instruments and sounds (I Can't Stay - probably my favorite song on the album makes me feel like I'm on a Caribbean island).  So genious.  Other great tracks are Neon Tiger, Spaceman (second single) Tidal Wave (iTunes version only), This is your life, Dustland Fairytale - ok the whole album is great.  Get it!

Thanksgiving was alright.  I made a pumpkin cheesecake from scratch.  This one to be exact. I had all intentions of taking photos of the finished product for this here blog but it was cut and gone before I could.  It was a hit obvs.  My mom ended helping me prepare it the night before T-day and we had so many laughs about how much harder we were making it for ourselves.  I have a tendancy to jump the gun when I'm baking - like I'll put something in before it's supposed to go in.  But it still turned out good.  I think I'll be making it again for Christmas Eve.

Thanksgiving wasn't so bad.  It ended up being my mom and Roger, grandmother and aunt, evil stepsister and I.  Oh and evil stepsisters baby.  I tried so hard to be a little nice to her.  Evil stepsister - not the baby.  The baby is cool.  I'm so not a kids kind of girl.  I've never had any younger siblings and not really any cousins I was really close to.  I end up talking to babies how I would talk to my cat.  Anyways after dinner and amazing dessert I made the hike up to Hillary and Johns to spend the night so we could get up early and shop our faces off.  We drank festive beverages and played the new SceneIt! for Xbox which is way more fun than the first one (even though I do way worse on this new one).  We looked a pictures from the cruise/wedding last year and remembered that this time last year we were somewhere floating in the ocean.  Sooo wish I was back there again.

Black Friday was slightly a bust.  I ended up scoring at Kohl's (twice actually) and got some great jewelry for mom and robyn (and who am I kidding I got something for myself).  The jewelry there is so nice and it was all like 75% off.  YEAH!  Target was too busy but we were able to grab Sex and the City and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (both which were so cheap).  We pretty much attacked a young Target employee who was carrying a stack of SATC movies.  We attempted Best Buy but the line was insane so we left.  We were actually looking for a space longer than we were in the store.

We ate a yummy breakfast at Hi-Tide in Winthrop and I packed up my stuff and went home.  Took a solid 3 hour nap and went out again to Circuit City (which was a SUPER bust).  Decided to go see Four Christmases with the fam.  I enjoyed the movie but the end was AWFUL.  But I still love me some Vince Vaughn.

Friday night I met Liz at OG for some food and chats.  Probably more chats than food seeing as I brought home my whole meal.  That's what happens when we get a talking.  Love that girl.  We spilled about jobs, new developments in our lives and realized we need to hang out more often.  I'll bring the wine if you provide Joaquin goodness.

Saturday night I went over to Robyn and Matt's new APT and Matt's friend Tim made us dinner (home made raviolis and chicken sausage!  Yum).  We played Wii Baggo (so fun!  I won!  And I think we should get points in the real life game when you get the bag on the box. Just sayin.  We could prevent the 6 hour game we played in the summer).  Also played Wii trivia and I made a new Mii.  The boys giggled at some comedy show and Robyn and I watched the little known but classic 2003 film, Grind.  

Sunday Annie and I trekked in town to see the Grinch musical at the Wang Theatre (now called the Citi Performing Arts Center.  Sad).  So good!! There were a ton of kids there who all got really excited - dare to say Annie and I were right there with them.  Wasn't going to go but Robyn got tickets for both shows yesterday through work so we took two of the day time tickets and Matt's mom and little brother took the other two.  Good times.  Love that damn movie (animated and Jim Carrey version).  Went to lunch at PF Changs and it was so good.  We forgot our doggie bags.  Talked about Annie's upcoming wedding and my dislike for bridesmaid dresses.  I have to go in March to pick mine out.  Which means I have appr 3 months to look fabulous.  After Christmas I'm getting serious with this diet and workout crap.  I need to be the hottest bridesmaid (you hear that Alison and Robyn :)) - in all seriousness - Hillary's wedding was amazing but I looked like poop.  The dress was TOO big for me and my hair was a frizz ball (thank you Mexico heat).

Time to work.  Entourage's new featured "My Day" is staring me in the face with all my to-do's for today.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TGIW!  Thank god it's wednesday.  I am seriously over the moon that I don't have to work and wake up early for the next two days.  Actually that's a lie.  I will be taking advantage of black friday sales on Friday morning.  It annoys me that the sales don't come out till tomorrow - but I'm an industrious young lady so I found them online at Black Friday 2008.

Based on what I saw there I will be hitting up Target, Best Buy, Kohl's (maybe) and Old Navy (another maybe).  I plan to put together a list of people who I'm getting xmas presents together and killing it in one fowl swoop.  Totally won't happen but I'll try.

I don't really like Thanksgiving.  I don't like the food and my mom always invites her crazy brother and sister and their equal if not more crazy kids.  She thinks they're crazy too and generally trys to stay away from them but always ends up calling them.  To top it off crazy stepsister will also be attending.  I predict my anxiety will either a. keep me hidden in my bedroom or b I'll probably end up leaving and making an excuse that someone else invited me over.   

When I get married and have kids I'm not going to make a big deal about Thanksgiving.  I'm going to let them vote on their favorite foods and I'll make it all.  Kind of like Signs.  Except we won't be abducted by aliens.

Anywho.  Last weekend was eventful.  I saw Twilight.  Yes I did.  I thought it was great and I expected way more crazies than I encountered.  This one group of girls next to us we're echoing our sentiments of crazies and then they proceed to tell us they waited 18 hours at the local mall to meet Robert Pattison.  Um yeah that's crazy.  Overall I really enjoyed the movie.  Maybe even more than the book.  It was fun - though the movie Hill and I would be like "I totally pictured their house being brown" or "Really that's what they think Eric looks like."  They set up the end perfectly.

Grattuitous Robert Pattison photo:

Saturday I lounged around, drank alot of coffee, lunched with Annie and took a nap.  I haven't napped in years.  It was exhilarating.  Seriously amazing.  I hadn't seen the elusive Patrick Dunn in like year (ok more like a few weeks) so we planned some major hangoutage.  We went to Club Chilis - which is actually Chili's but since our hero Liz Lemon called it Club Chilis so will we.  After other defunct plans we decided to go hang out with Gary who was still in his pajamas at his house. We played SceneIt! Seinfeld and it was all I hoped it would be.  I'm not as good as I thought I would be.  Gary and Molly were the best.  While Gary got ready I played with this dog he was dog sitting and Pat played selections from his iTunes.  The dogs name was D'Artagnan but Pat kept calling him Diedre.  Super cute.  

We then trickled on down to Rockland hot spot Player's (Club - we'll add club to anything).  This place is cool because it's got alot of everything.  Darts and pool tables, a pimp bar and huge TV's and then another area for functions and bands to play.  This band called the Smoking Jacket's were playing Saturday night and they were good!  They knew EVERYTHING.  They would go from Sublime, to Tom Petty to Justin Timberlake.  The ladies danced while the boys chatted.  There was some shadyness going on at one point while we were outside getting fresh air (It was like 25 degrees outside but 125 degrees inside).  I get a frantic text from Pat so I come back in and he's running towards the door "Fight!".  What?  Yeah there was a fight between this HUGE guy who promoting for Alex's and the bar tender.  BY that time we decided to leave anyways.  We talked on our respective rides home and I listened to Pat's philosophies on where signs should be in relative to their actual location, why I should watch my favorite shows WHEN they are on if I don't want them to be cancelled (Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money RIP) and other goodies.  Pat I will make a book someday of all your thoughts.  

Got to hustle if I want to leave early.  I'm stupid and scheduled a conference call with my account team at 2pm EST.  Hoping to get out after that.


Monday, November 24, 2008

The new Killers album is amazing.  Mind blowing if you will.  While perusing the internet for gossip I found one of my FAVORITE Killers vignettes from Jimmy Kimmel two years ago.  It was actually one of the first things I ever put on my blog.  So until I bring you a full review of Day and Age, here is a video of the Killers telling Jimmy why they are called the Killers:

"Gift baskets."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh and Happy Thursday.

"I bought a whole bunch of apartments. I bought a black apartment."

Is it crazy that in less than two weeks it will be December??  I think so!
Though I can't wait till next week because it's short!!

So, ok update.  Someone asked me about my apartment hunt the other day and I didn't even realize I didn't fill anyone in about my experience.  Ok so this is my first apartment hunting on my own so it's been pretty daunting.  I found a really cute place that I got a tour of on Halloween.  I find it amazing how some people can take photos to make rooms/spaces look HUGE because this place that I looked at seriously looked HUGE.  Then again for the price I guess that was wishful thinking.  

It was cute and probably the PERFECT size for me except two small issues.  OK the first one is a big issue.  There was ONE closet and it was in the bedroom aka for clothes.  My big problem right now is SPACE so I NEED at least one closet besides the one in the bedroom.  Ok well I'll give them the benefit of the doubt - there was TWO closets but they put the fridge in one of them.  Weird. 

Second thing was that the bathroom was in the bedroom which I thought was weird.  People have been telling me it's not but I think it is.  For ex to go to the bathroom you have to go through the bedroom.  I don't know it just caught me as weird.  Then she took me in the basement to show me the washer and dryer (good!) and the "storage" which had the largest dead cockroach/beetle in it.  Yah not putting my stuff down there.  

So I'm going to halt my search to at least February.  Gives me more time to save and I really love my mom's house around Christmas!

Work has been insanely busy.  More lately than ever.  Lots of new business pitches and presentations happening and I'm trying to lend a hand wherever I can.  Sad news came to us yesterday - one of our smaller clients called us to tell us they'd laid off a ton of people and they most likely wouldn't have us work for them anymore which makes me so sad.  I LOVE this client.  I love everything they stand for and the products we represent are AMAZING and I feel really proud doing PR for them.  I would work for them for free but sadly it's a lot more complicated than that.  We have some new business opps in the coming weeks so I'm hoping things will look up.  I mean - I've seen client teams fall apart because the client leaves.  Scary stuff.

My two co-workers (I always think of Jim from the office when I say co-workers because he says he could never call his co-workers friends - but in my case my co-workers are friends of mine) and I went out to dinner and drinks. 

We went to the Cheesecake Factory which was a unanimous vote.  My boss totally got pulled over getting there because she challenged me to find out which way was faster: Rt 123 or Rt 3A.  She said she felt the competitive nature take over and she ran a red light without even knowing.  She only got a warning but we had some giggles about it (and I plan calling her out at the all staff meeting tomorrow!).

We had so much fun.  I laugh SO hard when I am with them!  I swear the waiter thought we were psycho because of the laughs that were coming from our table.  We were talking SO much about work that Kathleen was like OK let's share something with each other that we wouldn't know otherwise.  So I told them the story of my NSYNC obsession when I was 16 and sending in a FANatic video.  I pretended to be naked in the middle of the road (I had a top pulled down and shorts on) and I held a poster board over my body that said "I AM NSYNCS BIGGEST FAN."  Wonder why I didn't win.  They liked that one.  

I told them I had a blog and that I'm not hiding anything so they can read if they want.  They know how obsessed I am with funny pictures/signs so were asking about which ones make the cut.  Kathleen asked me about one that I don't think I ever put up here:

From the Graves 601 Hotel in Minneapolis.  Probably the nicest place I've EVER stayed (seriously there was a tv in the bathroom but the shower was weird. I kept looking for a door but there wasn't one.).  They had this mile high sex kit in the minibar so obviously I had to take a picture of it.  Enlarge it to read the text better (that's what she said?).  I showed my boss the next day and she couldn't believe it.

I have some more gems from my phone that I've never posted on my blog. Stay tuned.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Need this.


So bad.

So Wednesday night, Robyn and I went to see The Academy Is.. at the Roxy.  I can't explain my love of them.  I don't follow the whole Fall Out Boy/Cobra Starship/Gym Class Heroes bull but I just love The Academy Is...  Their albums are always strong and I generally love every single song and yes I might have a fan girl crush on William Beckett.  I know he weighs as much as my boobs but he's just so cute.
He's the dude in the middle for those who are wondering ;).  It took me forever to pick a picture of them I actually liked.  Clearly they all spend way too much time on their hair and  I don't care.  

Did I also mention we were the oldest people there who weren't accompanying children?  I made the merch guy feel totally inappropriate of course.  There was an adorable hoodie - and as I've learned before everything sold at shows like this are actually in Abercrombie sizing.  A large really means an extra small.  So I put it boldly:

Me: What size is that?
Awkward merch dude: Medium.
Me: Hmmm well me and the girls here, we take up alot of room.  **as this point it grab my boobs** (and before you say OMG slut I was a C cup in third grade so I've been dealing with this crap forever!)
Awkward: Ahh emm umm
Me: Can I try it on?

Just like I predicted there was enough room everywhere else but the boobies.  Rats.  

Anyways we got there early enough to see We The Kings who were adorable and did a really cool cover of "Feel Good" by the Gorillas.  The lead singer is a raging redhead and in his part to "Save the Redheads" they sell a shirt at the shows that says "I love redheads."  That provided me endless giggles.  They also have a shirt that says "We the kings will own your face."  I appreciated that too.

TAI came out for about an hour (WTF is that about boys) but packed it with all my favorites but not Sleeping with Giants which is prettyyy much my favorite.  I was all set to hear them play "The Test" acoustic as I mentioned on this post.  Instead they came out and played a new song - which apparently was the first time they've ever played it.  All in all they were fucking awesome.  I have pictures and one video so hopefully I'll get a chance to load them this weekend.  I was going to have two videos but "Checkmarks" makes me so happy that I couldn't focus on taping - I just needed to dance.

In other amazing exciting news - I discovered there is an ULTA in Massachusetts!!! Yes you have seen right.  I guess this means very little to people who are just experiencing it for the first time but it is this AMAZING store that's better - yes BETTER than Sephora.  They had one in New York and Lauren and I would go all the time.  It's like a Sephora but instead of all high end stuff it's high-end stuff, middle stuff and also products from Cover Girl, Clairol and maybe even the old favorite - Wet N Wild.

I went up to see my good friends Hillary and John last night at their new apt and we decided we could explore the area a bit and grab some food.  As we are pulling into the parking lot I see it - I probably gave poor John a heart attack and I knew as soon as I told Hillary what it was she would die.  I immediately apologized for the heart attack and for the fact that Hillary would find a new place to spend money.  They have EVERYTHING here.  I was sure they would have my discontinued Frederic Fekkai shampoo and conditioner - sadly they did not.

Since I've been little I've always had an obsession with shampoo.  I would get my allowance and walk down to Shaw's of F&M (omg remember that place!!) and I would buy a new conditioner and shampoo.  I just love that first day with a new shampoo - the honeymoon phase if you will.  After discussing my love of FF with a sales gal she brought me over to Biolage and said that this one variety was the best for my hair.  Side note: When I was looking for that link I saw that it got a Self Health and Beauty Award in 2008 so that's exciting!!  Working in PR I know how hard stuff like that is and that award winners go through vigorous testing.  For the record my hair feels amazing (Pat I am so sorry I know I told you I would stop talking about hair and dresses!!).

Anywho I am very happy with my purchase.  Also I couldn't walk out without a new OPI nail laquer called Don't Toy with Me.  That link does NOT do it justice.


Monday, November 10, 2008

I've been a buzz since I heard Letter's to Cleo were performing together again for a very brief reunion.  PS Don't know why the picture is weird and being cut off.  I really do like USA Mike. Obvs I got tickets right away but I just can't wait.  Trent went to Saturday nights show and it's just made me more excited.  I have a dream set list and I'm holding back from asking him because I want to be surprised.  Is that nerdy.  Ok here is my dream set list:

I See
Here and Now (obvs)
Come Around
Because of You
Find You Dead
Veda Very Shining
I got time
GO! (which BTW is featured in the latest JC Penney commerical.  Rando.)
Alouette and Me (has it been confirmed that this is NOT about cheese?)
Never Tell
Secret Agent
Dreams cover
Demon Rock
Acid Jed
Pizza Cutter
Do What you want, yeah
I Want You to Want me (guess it wouldn't be a cleo set list without this)
Ok so my favorite album is GO! w/e. 

Just about a month away. Weee.  In other tickets news: I wanted to get Killers tickets for Jan 26 at Agannis arena.  I totally forgot - two days later I went to see if I could still get them and alas I could not. Sold the fuck out.  I have such bad luck.  Still kind of dancing around the idea of going to see The Academy Is... wednesday night.  It's in Boston so that helps (as opposed to Worcester - I'm such an old lady I can't go out there on "school" nights).  Eh I don't know.
My car has been on the fritz a bit.  I'm getting it checked out tomorrow am (check engine light is on and it died TWICE on Saturday but since then has been fine) so let's hope it's nothing crazy.  

I also got myself a pretty "holiday parties" dress.
Cute right?  So obsessed.  BUT see that little tie?  Yeah I didn't like it because it kind cut me off at a weird point - so I cut it off and moved it up closer to the bust.  Marc Jacobs eat your heart out.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Weekend fun.  Killer's performing "Girls Just Want to Have Fun."

In other news my blogspot dashboard is all in spanish?  Que?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Crazy-ness!  I'm still in awe over Obama winning.  It still gives me the chills.  Hope you all saved your newspapers from yesterday.  My favorite though are the people who are like "OMG I'm moving to Canada, Mexico etc," I think Switzerland was the best one so far.  Seriously - if people can't see how positive this will be for our country I'd be happy to see them go.  

Halloween was fun!!  I went to Target on Friday trying to find a costume and obviously found nothing.  However I did keep my devil horns on all day.  Someone at the party was like ok I know what you are!  You're a horny teacher.  So I took that as my identity for the night.
That's moi in the middle.  That argyle sweater was $20 at Target.  Get it.  Heather was a pregnancy pact girl from Gloucester.  Best costume.  Better seeing as Chris totally dropped her at one point.

The party was SO fun!! Alysse and I are kind of the Queens of beer pong but after our first game took like an hour we decided to call it quits.  Next time!  Lots of amazing costumes and good people.  They really went all out.  Kudos.

Next day I went to a beer tasting at Curtis Liquors which was awesome.  I ended up falling in love with Woodchuck and ended up buying a 12 pack (which earned me two free pint glasses).  So good!  My reason initially for going there was to get Hillary her favorite wine before I made the trek to go see her in Winthrop.  I make it seem far but really it's not!  Bad wine selection up there though.  

Went to Hill and John's new pad and helped them unpack/organize.  Their couch, which is the best couch EVER - didn't fit in the new place so they traded with their new neighbor (who helped them get the place!  Not a rando).  Not the best couches so we went to Target for more randoms and a slip cover (best invention EVER?).  We also picked out curtains and some other items to beautify (you'd think it was my apt too).  

When I got home later I found out that my uncle had passed earlier in the week.  Back story is I don't really talk to my Dad's side of the family.  They kind of forgot about me after my Dad died 16 years ago.  In an odd twist of fate - my uncle Richie - the one who just passed, had contacted me this year and we had been trading emails for a while up till about Oct 25.  We finally made plans to get dinner and drinks Nov 14.

I wondered why last week he wasn't emailing and I found out that he was found dead Oct 27. Cause of death is still pending.  Luckily I didn't miss the wake and found out it was Sunday.  I was a ball of a nerves all day.  Should I go, should I not go and send a card.  NO.  I was going to go.  For 16 years I have had something missing - I was super close with my cousins and aunts before that and I had missed it so much.  I tried to tell myself I didn't and that I was the better person -but after this year and reconnecting with uncle - I really felt like it was time to try and mend a relationship with them.

I won't get into all the details that will probably make me cry again - but the whole thing turned out great (minus the fact we were at a wake) my family cried when they saw me, I cried and everyone was just so shocked to see me.  They put pictures of me on these picture collages they made for the wake and it was one of the FIRST thing I saw when I walked in an it immediately made me feel better.  I met two cousins I never even knew about!  They're so cute.  I really regret not making sure I saw my uncle sooner but things happen for a reason - and in an eerie way I feel like maybe he knew he wasn't doing well and he would bring everyone back in the end.  He was only 48 - and looked WAY younger.  I'm so curious to know what happened.  
My aunts and I traded emails and my aunt who lives in Milton - emailed me the other day the sweetest note - that yes made me cry - now you know why I've been an emotional wreck this week.

Seeing my family inspired me to bring out some old school pics!  So I present you with Kristen circa 1980's:
My cousin Nicky and I in front of the old Dorchester house (which is now a spanish realtors office - tres sad).
Kim and I!  St Patrick's Day parade in Southie.
I loved that stinkin doll.  She's kind of scary now that I'm thinking.

This is my uncle and I.  I Must be like almost three.

My trip down memory lane.  You can see the others at my Facebook page (it's a public link you don't need a password - but feel free to add me!)  So happy the people I tagged were good sports lol.

Last order of biznass.  MUSIC!

I made it the Top 11 this week because I love the Cribs so much and I've been giving them a ton of love.  I love that new Coldplay album so much.  I wouldn't have even gotten into it if Pat didn't ask me to steal it (which I haven't done in FOREVER thankyouverymuch).  It's phenomenal and kind of matches my mood this week.  Somber but positive.  42, Lost! (with the exclamation point lol) Lovers in Japan, Life in Technicolor, and obvs Viva la Vida are the standouts.  So good.  I'm taking a break from my pod today and enjoying Sky.fm on itunes radio.  Seriously the best for non-stop 80's hits.  I'm talking like Foreigner, George Michael, Debbie Gibson, Madonna, and Aha (right now I have Take on Me!  Helll yes).

Good stuff.
Once again GOBAMA!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Say hello to the new first family!!

Words can't express the emotions I felt even walking into the voting booth knowing that I was voting for someone I KNEW could turn this country around.  I really wanted to scream it from the rooftops.  But my pin showed where my loyalties were (which BTW they made me take off in the voting room and I hurried to put it on before I was barely out).  

His acceptance speech was awe inspiring.  I couldn't stop crying, this week has been an emotional one (more on that later - maybe) so that's probably why I was so choked up - but man I am just so floored about this.  I'm going to buy a paper today and put it away so I can show my kids someday - "This is when America became a place I was proud to live in."  I really have never been so proud of my country.  I wished so bad I could be in Grant Park last night hearing his speech in person, waving an American flag.  

The hate that people have for this man makes me sick. Well guess what.  He won by a landslide so he's doing something right.  I am so happy today!!!!  And still wearing my pin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick update!
Work has been insane hence the reason for my neglect.  But while I'm faxing media alerts for the New York Marathon I decided to update-ish.
Music time again!
I've been in a wicked The Academy Is mood as of late.  Not sure why.  I'm finally warming up the new album after hearing a live acoustic version of "The Test" on William Becketts blog I kind of gave the album another chance.  It's so good.  I'm really tempted to see then Nov 12 at the Roxy in Boston but I'm trying to hard to save money so - maybe next time :)  Caitlin and I saw them last November and they were AMAZING.  I was so impressed.  I thought William would be totally cocky and assey on stage much like other emo band singers but he was so charismatic and sweet.  IF he ONLY wasn't so damn skinny.

Anyways!  Been doing alot of listening to bands that begin with a C! LOL random.  Coldplay was JUST not close enough to make the cut.

Speaking of Coldplay I adored them on SNL last week and also adored their host!  I am in love with Jon Hamm.  Seriously.  Jon Hamm's John Ham.  Genious.  Why was I the only one who thought it was funny!  And the Mad Men sketch combined with one of my favorite sketches EVER - Two A-Hole's was just amazing.  Now all I need is Amy Poelher to bring the "Rick and Kaitlin" sketch back and I'll be happy.  We can find a new Rick!  Oh and Kristen Wiig needs to get on a new Tareeeget lady speech.  Am I the only one who sings "approved" when my debit card goes through?

Anywhosit.  Two A-Holes!
BIG NEWS!  It seems that EVERYONE has the moving bug these days so I decided to take the initiative and move out of my mom's house.  Yes I live in my mom's house currently.  Which whatever I don't care - but I need my own space.  Badly.  Hillary and John are pretty much gone (helping them move a ton tonight), Robyn called me from her new *and first time away from mom* apt and Pat is currently playing Bert and Ernie with his roomie as they do over their new place.

Well I'm going to check out two places this and next week.  One is in Weymouth near the Cameo I believe, and the other is in Abington near the Depot (GREGG!!!) and Target.  They are only like $20 bucks different and the realtor told me the one in Weymouth has a walk in closet.  Umm DO WANT.  I'm checking out the one in Abington Friday morning after my dentist appt and the Weymouth one probably next week.  So exciting.  Just the thought of getting to move out gets me so excited.  Yeah the bills and rent are going to suck but I think of all the unnecessary shit I buy during a month and it's crazy.  I can do it.  I haz become adult?

ALso Friday is Halloween and Lydia & Crew's Big bash.  So exciting.  I can't wait.  I don't have a costume yet sadly but I'm hoping something will come to me. I wore an angels halo at Missy and Nat's party but I feel like I might have to bring out the big guns at Lyd's place.  Hillary and John are going as Hillary and Bill (Clinton duh).  Hillary already tried out the Hillary mask this weekend at Missy's and I will tell you it's frightening.  It's like I am really with Hillary Clinton.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

How about that?
39 degrees out!!!!

Oh AND it snowed last night.  Hillary and I went to the Living Room for the Mad Men party and when we left it was SNOWING!  Hillary will say it was not snow (she's from CA and in denial every year that snow might not come).  SNOWING!  It's October?? Is this a bad sign?

The Mad Men party was pretty cool.  They played 60's music and played Mad Men on these big screens.  On one TV though they were playing the World Series (which people still seemed interested in after Sunday nights game - oy.  Go Phillies BTW.  Please make it a clean sweep).  

I drank some martinis which made me extra silly on our train ride back to Newton Center.  Because it was so cold we took the blue line to Government Center.  In my 26 years in Boston I NEVER have taken the Blue Line.  And when I rode it I realized why.  It's like the ugly step child of the T.  You walk down the ramp to the trains and time regresses back to 1976.  The trains are barely held together and smell like years and years of people peeing inside of them.  It doesn't go very far (I think it goes to Wonderland - which is not a place you want to be when the street lights go on).  On a normal day I would walk from GC to the Living Room but Blue Line seemed like a good idea.

When we got up to the GC platform there was a musician ( I use the term loosely ) playing his tunes.  He started with a rousing rendition of some tunes from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (creepy much) and then launched into "Singing in the Rain" which is pretty much my favorite movie/and song from a movie.  I decided to put a dollar in his hat and as I'm walking he reaches out to me and hands me a mint.  Now the question is:  Do I eat it or not?  This may never be answered but I'm keeping it.

Tuesday night my mom had a little birthday celebration for me which was very nice of her.  They bought lobsters, shrimp and lots of other fun stuff. We're such a Massachusetts family.  Seriously we have ate lobster on Christmas before.  My crazy Republican neighbor showed her face again and had to spew her republican thoughts.  I always say I won't fight with her but I end up saying something offensive.  My newest thing to say to Repubs is "Lucky for me your vote will never matter in Massachusetts!"  Mean?

My mom also surprised me with a Red Velvet cake!! OMG so good (I also had a piece as dinner after the Mad Men party last night).  Seriously who invented Red Velvet cake.  Are they married?  Cause I want to marry them.  


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Music time!

Hmm.  Well New Kids on the Block have ended their reign at #2 with the introduction of the new amazing Kings of Leon album "Only by the Night".  I LOVE Revelry, Manhattan, Use Somebody, Cold Dessert, New Frontier.  Ok they're all fantastic tracks.  I also bought (yes bought!  I am taking a sabbatical from stealing music lol ok not really but I got an iTunes gift card) the new Cold War Kids album - "Loyalty to Loyalty".  It's no "Robbers and Cowards" but I'm trying to give it a fair listen.  They were in Boston last week and when I tried to get tickets in August-ish they were already sold out.  Hoping they'll come back real soon.  

I'm predicting Letters to Cleo will be #1 at least until December 8 when we go see them at the Paradise.

I am so tired and sooo not in a working mood today.  After my cleaning expedition last week, my office is returning to it's normal messy ness.   I currently am set up 3rd grade fort style - I have 4 ft boxes on all sides of me making it not so easy to get out - but when I'm getting product together it's good to have it near me.  Kathleen and Bethany are both out this week, vacationing and conferencing respectively and each day that passes I say that I'm going to fix up this place.  I still have yet to send the rest of the product back to the client.  It just breaks my heart to send all this good stuff.  I'm not going to take it all and I don't want to just bring it to good will - so back to Colorado it goes.  

Oh and I have to send out like 200+ mailers before Friday.  I seriously want to hire an assistant for a day.  Damn.  Guess I should get back to work.  


Monday, October 20, 2008

Birthday Fun!  
I had a pretty great birthday weekend!  It started off with a really good friday.  Literally - the Red Sox showed us that they weren't ready to give up at 12:16 AM turning around the ACLS series (only to lose last night - Sunday - but at least they forced all seven game).  

My mom gave me my birthday present when I got home from work because she wouldn't be seeing me till my birthday was well over.  I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted for my b-day.  I was going to ask for money for my future living space but I decided to go for my fall back present - perfume.  SO I got this guy!
Also came in a really cute Dior makeup bag and also a lotion and a body wash.  It smells heavenly.  And oddly enough I discovered my love for it from the Sephora newsletter I got in the mail.  Sephora is my love.  There are rumors we may get one at the South Shore Plaza next year.  Seriously I will camp out.  

Anywho I have the lotion and the spray on today and it's not over powering (I am alone in the office so who knows - maybe I need a second opinion).

Friday night Hill and I got take out and watched The Strangers (not good - but Scott Speedman is good to look at) - at around 11:00pm we got a hankering to watch Titanic - so random I know - we only watched an hour before we started falling asleep.

Saturday morning Hill and John took me for breakfast where we ate alot.  IHOP has my FAVORITE TYPE of crepe now (which is nutella with bananas and strawberries)!  Happy Birthday to me.  The plan was to go into Salem but alas it never ended up working out.  We drove there - and for 45 minutes we drove in traffic going in circles looking for a space.  We aborted mission and headed back to South Shore.  We were thinking of other possible ideas but we decided to do up the Ale House which always has awesome Fall themed foods and drinks.  They didn't have my favorite caramel apple martini but they had a Pumpkin Spice martini which was so good.  For dinner I got Butternut Squash Raviolis!  If you are a butternut squash fan you MUST try these.  I think a lot of establishments have them this time of year.  So good.  Seriously I couldn't stop talking about them.

Hillary for my birthday along with the amazing birthday surprise, got me the 4th Season of the OC.  I LOVE THE OC!!!  But the 4th season was sad and I never bought it but every time I see it I'm like OK I need this soon.  Just to finish the collection.  I'm such a nerd.  Hillary also got me a High School Musical pen case.  It's so funny the older I get the nerdier I get.  I also got a Camp Rock birthday card from Robyn.  Do you see what I mean?? It didn't sing to me but you bet I sang to it.  

Watched a little bit of the game with Robyn, John and Hill but they were all seriously falling asleep on me.  Around 5th inning I went to Lydia and Phils to finish the game and see all of them.  Their house is SUPERRR spooky because they're gearing up for the mother of all Halloween parties.  Seriously Alysse has like body parts in her bathroom.  For real.  Anywho.  They had a really yummy cake for me (pictures coming!)!  

Red Sox won on my birthday as they always do.  I got a little nervous for a while there thinking the game may go into October 19 but it didn't.  We watched SNL after and I decided that Sarah Palin was a waste of space.  She didn't even do anything funny.  Honestly if she had done the rap that Amy Poehler did for her I would have died.  Or if her and Tina got in a bitch fight.  Genious.  Best part of SNL was this.  Obviously.

Sunday Annie, Hillary and I went to lunch at Cheesecake Fac and it was amazing.  I go there and I tell myself I will get something new but I always come back to the Barbecue Ranch Chicken Salad.  Seriously best salad on earth.  We did a little shopping (obviously because we were in the mall) and I got a really cute long jacket/sweater.  I NEVER shop in Macy's but this time of year they have the cutest stuff.  I also got some new Clinique goods and I was very happy when the saleswoman strayed me away from the old folks line of moisturizer.  Ok I know I'm only 26 but as I said before - I think I look old in my new license pic.

We made a quick trip to Target after to pick up some presents for our friend Andrea's kids birthday.  We got Abby the CUTEST little halloween outfit and Joseph a "scary" movie.  They are the cutest kids.  Andrea and Joe make the cutest kids.  Officially.  No word yet if they're going to go for a 4th :)

Went home later to do laundry, a little catch up work (New York marathon please be over soon) and to watch the Red Sox lose.  I also watched Mad Men during the game (Yes I am the only living soul without a DVR).  I need to get ideas for the Mad Men party I will be attending with the bff's on Wednesday night.  The Pheonix and WFNX (Boston paper and radio station, respectively)  are having a Mad Men party at the Living Room (the one in Boston not Rhode Island thankfully).  I have a cute dress that will work and I'll just wear my Mary Janes but I am struggling with hair.  I want to do the Joan Holloway but my hair is not that fun.  Boo.  WWJD.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Update on the women who randomly popped in yesterday for our "sample sale" lol.  Also the women I complained about in the last post.
She just came and brought these to us along with a note thanking us for all the swag.  She also added that the recipe is Barefoot Contessa.  Does this woman already know me?
And yes there is real lemon zest on the middle ones.  Sadly me and Kathleen are the only ones in the office today.   We'll have to share with the other offices.  Maybe not.
So I think old age is setting in officially.  As many of you know - my 26th birthday is this coming Saturday.  Also Saturday my current license expires.  So I decide I'm going to go to the registry because I may or may not want a new mug shot on that baby.  

The woman asks me to look in the eye thing to check my vision.  Which is bad duh.  So I put my eyes to this machine I think is the vision checker and she's like "Ma'am.  That's the camera."  D'oh. Then she asks me to spell my last name and I spell it wrong!  What is with me today!

So I got a new picture and it's horrendous.  The woman procedes to tell me I have the same smile as Jessica Simpson.  Thanks.  I guess.  I even think I look OLD in my new picture.  AND my forehead looks huge.  I tried telling Bethany how awful my pictures are when they're straight on because it also shows my crooked nose - why can't I strike a pose in my license picture honestly.  

Yesterday at work we did some serious Fall cleaning.  We are growing out of our space.  So much we can't even see each other when we were sitting at our desks.  Also, we would have to move boxes around to even close the door.  Anywho.  Anything we couldn't send out anymore, mostly Spring 08 apparel, we moved into appr 7-ish boxes into our conference room (which is shared).  After I took like 5 bags of swag, Bethany's kids and mom came down to sift though and while she's there this crazy woman who works down the hall from us is like OOOOO this stuff is so great (meanwhile totally waiting for me to tell her she can take a few things if she wants).  So I'm nice and I'm like "Well feel free to look through a take a couple of things you like."  She takes a ton of shit.  But whatever we NEED to get rid of it.  A few hours later I go to check the mail, and I come back and there are two women and their kids standing around the boxes.  I'm like "Hi?" and my boss is like oh these are Terry's friends.  Thinking Kathleen is talking about her husband Terry I'm like "OH Hi!  So nice to meet you.  Yes please look through and take what you want."  Then I follow my boss in to my office and she's like "WTF!! I can't believe she sent her friends here."  Yep crazy lady's name is ALSO Terry and she sent her neighbors in to look through our boxes.  Seriously.  This is not a yard sale, lady.  

Long story short if anyone wants some tanks, socks, pants, polos etc please let me know before someone comes and rummages again.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So update on my birthday surprise!
Friday night Hillary told me NOT to make any plans for Monday night and that she had a surprise for me.  In Hillary fashion she wanted to tell me so bad but I wouldn't let her.  

Sunday night she calls to tell me it's on Newbury Street and that I should plan to meet her at 5pm.  Obviously this has my mind racing now!  I had a few ideas that it could be but I still wasn't sure.  I ended up meeting her at her work around 4 instead so as we were walking to the T to go to Newbury she told me - she set up appointments for both of us to go to the Spa for massages and manicures.  AMAZING.  Never once did that go into my mind.  When she first told me she had a surprise for me I thought it was going to be her making my favorite Carollo dinner (Poppy Seed Chicken FYI) so naturally I was super excited for the Spa.  She told me we were going to Spa Newbury but didn't have to be there till 6pm so we found it a great time to get a drink (or few) before.  

We went to Sonsie and sat at the bar and enjoyed some wine and watched the beginning of the worst game ever.  We decided we had a huge crush on the bartender and that we may have to go back JUST to see him.  By the time we left to head to the spa the game was 4-1.  Bad sign.
On our way to the spa we pass by Johnny Cupcakes and mention how it reminds us of Rachel, our friend who did a little modeling for JC and we look in the window and we see her friend Danny working there.  We bust in and hugs all around.  That store is amazing.  I've been a fan of JC for a while yet never owning any article of clothing.  His story is just so great and he's a South Shore boy so obvs I'm interested.  We chatted with Danny for a bit about his band - LionsLions and that I need to catch a show asap and about other randomness.  Since I was finally in the store I found it apropos to finally represent this brand that I respect so much.  So I took this guy home with me..

EDIT:  Ok the shirt I got is so special that it's not online yet.  But seriously go check out his shit.  If you LOVE Boston, Cupcakes and attention to detail PLEASE check out the website and or hit up his store on Newbury Street.  

Anywho. Next stop was the spa.  It was super cute and totally relaxing even in the lobby.  My massage was amazing.  So amazing I almost fell asleep (ok I think I DID fall asleep).  The room was super nice and not like the first time I got a massage.  Back story (no pun intended) I got my first massage just about two years ago and I hated it.  It was at a retreat and kind of an odd location.  The lady sucked and kept yelling at me for not relaxing (sorry lady I have an insane job) but last nights experience totally turned my massage history around.  I feel like there is no more stress in my neck or my lower back.  Amazing.  Then I got a manicure which was also fantastic and the woman who did it kept complimenting my nails.  She's like you have GREAT nails - like 10 times.  I decided to go for a red nail - the red in the bottle was perfect - the red on my fingers look like Dorothy's ruby slippers.  Still awesome.

After the spa we walked and talked about how great it was (and after like 15 hugs to smart Hillary) and decided we could totally go for another drink and some food.  We ended up going to Match - where I have wanted to go for years!  There wasn't anyone there so we sat at the bar and continued watching previously said tragic Red Sox game.  We got a yummy martini and a mini burger.  Mini tuna burger I must add.  So good and perfect ending to an amazing day.

Seriously I don't even know how to thank Hillary for this.  She totally gets it.  I love to be surprised and be caught off guard.  I was so happy I cried a little while I was getting my massage.  She's so damn smart.  I'm already starting to plan great things for her birthday (no seriously I am). We had so much fun and realize we should do it more often.  She doesn't read my blog but I'll make her read this one (HI HILLARY)!!!!!

After our little meal and sadness of the game we trudged to the T with all the other sad Sox fans.  When we passed by the Fenway stop lots more sad Sox fans came on and I made it a rule to allow NO Tampa Bay fans on.  Lucky for them - none took the T.  That's right.  We befriended a couple of guys who we were thisclose to for a good chunk of the ride.  Two seats became available and they grabbed them for us.  So we continue talking and one of them is like can I sit on your lap??  Totally expecting me to say NO he's like AHAH Just kidding.  I was like "No please do!".  He's like "Oh I was kidding... but now that you mention it" and takes a seat.I had to ask him the obligatory "So what do you want for Christmas" as he listed out things he would like.  Hilarious. He was too cute and so was his friend.  We got off the train, walked to Hill's car and headed back home.

Thanks Hurdy for the most fun night I have had in a LONG TIME.  