Thursday, October 05, 2006

Probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen!

Oh and this one too.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

So i didn't get the job.
I thought the interview went amazing but I guess they gave the job to a transfer who had already done the job and is coming from another hotel.
C'est la vie.

Just shows you that you can't really predict anything from an interview. It can go amazing and can still be a toss up.

They said they would keep my resume on file because of my "great talent" blah blah blah - it's just protocol i'm sure. But hey maybe another fabulous job will come my way!

I can't be bummed about it obv cause I have a job (granted that I don't like) but it will take time to find a new one I suppose.

I really did want that job though :) and I have the blisters to prove it.


Friday, September 15, 2006

So my job hunt is at a standstill. I almost positive I didn't get the job @ the Ritz. It was two weeks ago that I had that awful phone interview so I take it's a no-go. I am so one of those people who's like whatever I didn't want it anyways - and then I will try and try to convince it to myself that I could do better - but I really wanted that job. I thought I would have been amazing at it. I guess they thought otherwise.

I also can't go out with my friends/family without them bringing up the fact that I am horribly under appreciated at my job. Ok so I know I am totally taken advantage of and all that stuff - but really does it make you happy to harrass me about it. I know they're just in my best interest but really it's so annoying.

Oh and I just had to write a check out to the government for my taxes. I'd rather go to the dentist. I know it's what would be taken out if I did get taxes out - but when I have to write a check for over $1000 and I ALREADY don't get paid enough - it's very painful.

I told Robyn I was thinking of taking like $400 for this Marc Jacobs bag I want. She assured me that they wouldn't let me keep the bag in IRS jail however. I would totally just make up an allergy and I can only sleep on my handbags.

On to better things. Taking Back Sunday was super fun last Saturday. As I predicted everyone else bailed except for Robyn and we had fun so whatev. We had a pretty pimp spot. I swear this weekend I will upload the videos I made from that show and the one in June (and the ones from Bon Jovi for my rockstars). Robyn and I hit the Salty Dog after for some brew and good chew. Hehe I really wanted that to rhyme.

Not sure what's on the plan for this weekend. All I know is that I'm broke but definitly going to try to see The Black Dahlia tonight. I know I already said this in the previous post - but go see The Last Kiss if you can. Such a great movie and Zach is a cutie. Maybe go to the RCC tomorrow night with the gang. Enjoy what nice nights we have left.

that is all.

Friday, September 08, 2006

TGIF! lol Wow that was a lil gay.
But seriously I am so excited it's the weekend!

So Hillary, Robyn and I met Zach Braff Wednesday night at The Last Kiss Advance screening in Boston.
It was so cool. He was so amazingly nice and very candid. He didn't have time to stay and watch the movie with us so he did a question and answer thing before and did trivia (gave out Dunkin Donuts coupons - the preceded to make fun of Dunkin Donuts! He's like why must you have 13 on one street. Are you scared that you may run out of coffee from one place to the other. So cute.)

I asked if there would be a directors cut of Garden State because so much in the deleted scenes commentary he says "If there is a directors cut this will be going in." He said he would LOVE to make a criterion collecters editon of it (like my My Own Private Idaho) and that it would probably be 7 hours long. Sweet! This crackhead (seriously crack head she started a fight with hillary) next to me had to ask who he was dating which was annoying (answer was NO ONE for those keeping track). Robyn nearly had a heart attack when he told her he didn't like the OC. He said <3's size="2">
The movie was fucking fantastic!

It comes out September 15 and please everyone go see it! It's amazing and really heartfelt - in more ways than one.

Also the Soundtrack is kick ass. Pretty much Garden State Volume II - but Zach produced them both so who cares. It's good tunes. I was racking my brain to remember what episode of the OC that Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek was played in. Found it and cryed. For the 10th time. Season Finale of Season 2 - if you didn't cry in that one you have no soul. Speaking of the OC - I really can't wait for the 4th season (and for the 3rd season to come out on DVD - I need to see Marissa get the hack again - I was laughing too hard the first time to take it all in). I unlike Zach am apparently 14 and a loyal OC watcher.

After the film we went to PF Changs and gabbed about the movie (and the food yum yum). That place is so good. Best Garlic Noodles EVER! Tomorrow is free Taking Back Sunday day too :) Yay! Super excited! Trying to get the whole gang together to go but very doubtful that will pan out. Whatev I'm going.

Haven't heard back from the Ritz. Not looking so good I suppose. I'm going to call Monday to see what the deal is, either way. Because I really need a new job.

Yep what else is new.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So the summer is offically over?

So the VMA's were craptastic!! So let's not even go into them. <3ed>

My Labor Day Weekend was alright. Friday night Robyn and I had some apps @ Rock Bottom (yum yum). Robyn took us in her new sweet ride BTW. lol Then we saw Little Miss Sunshine which was the best movie EVER! I want to see it again already! Saturday we blah-ed around. I bought Season 3 of Nip/Tuck eek! Bought some new books: Bait and Switch: The (futile) Pursuit of the American Dream by Barbara Ehrenreich (who I LOVEEE - really interesting book - I recommend it) and another book of fun/20 something essays.

Sunday I lounged around with the girls. We were Entourage-less so we watched Nip/Tuck instead. Also scored the 4th season of QAF for $20!! You know how expensive those are. I really have to stop shopping but I had to pick that up.

Yesterday I did laundry, went for a walk and made SURE i slept late. The most exciting part of my weekend was being able to shut my alarm off and go back to bed. I'm such a winner.

Watched my NEW fav show Vanished last night! So good! I really hope it lasts! I say this everyweek but I really have a feeling it'd doing well. They talked about it on E! = coolness. Then I watched the end of Dane Cooks comedy special. I kind of turned into a hater after EVERYONE and their grandma jumped on the Dane bandwagon - but after I watched the special last night I am again a lover of the DC. So funny - I have to watch the whole thing some time but the parts I saw were HILARIOUS!

Back at work today. Blaarrr. Still really hoping I am going to get that job @ the Ritz - I guess I am kind of stupid that I forgot to ask when I'd be hearing back for another interview - but I'm hoping on this week. I really need to get out of here.

Gym after work then Nip/Tuck!
Nip/Tuck is the new Entourage lol.

Oh yeah - I SOOO might be meeting Zack Braff tomorrow night. Keep ya posted.
