Thursday, December 04, 2008

I find it odd that I'm not able to put a title on any of my blog postings.  Anyone know why?

Anywho.  I went over to Greg's last night to return DVD's and books I have had for literally 2 years and to catch up on some good TV.  My two favorite Wednesday night shows have been cancelled or paused indefinitely:  Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money.  

Networks keep the shittiest shows and always dump my favorites.  I absolutely LOVE those two shows.  But thanks (or no thanks) to ABC come January 21 Lost will fill my Dirty Sexy Money void.  Pat also posted this new Lost clip but I must do it as well.  Not because it's pretty much the most exciting show on TV - but my first dad crush on TV makes a cameo.

Yes Graham Chase.  My first older man crush on TV (way before Dawson's dad on Dawson's Creek!!).  He's looking a bit husky in this clip but still holds my heart.

Let's take a moment to reflect on awesome Angela's dad was:

Wonder if he would like Playin' Dead.

So with the loss of my awesome Wednesday nights we searched for something new to obsess over.  I think I have found it.  It's called Secret Millionaire.  I feel so embarrassed for admitting this - but I think it's my new favorite show.

It's about these really rich people who pose as poor people in less fortunate areas and convienently meet all these people that inspire them for being "poor".  At the end of the show they have to distribute at least $100,000 of their own money to the people they meet - breaking up however they want.

So anyways.  The first rich people is this dad and his son.  The dad pretty much brags that he has the best job in the world because when people lose their houses he gets richer.  His son is a total brat who smokes pot and plays the guitar all day.  They go to Imperial Beach, a city in CA near the Mexican border.   The people they meet are: this lady who looks like a dude who fell off a ladder years ago and because she didn't have health insurance they took her house, second is this woman (who they meet in a grocery store??) who takes in a ton of kids and feeds them with her social security, third is this little girl (they see her picture on one of those cans in a liquor store? So random) who has bone cancer and they can't afford treatment anymore.  I was sure they'd give her at least $100,000.  Come to the end when they're giving out the checks (which is the best part because they have to tell the poor people they just exploited that they are really loaded) and they give the first lady $25,000 (THAT'S IT?), the second lady $50,000 and the girl with cancer the same.  Seriously!!? Dad brags about all this money and he only gives out $125,000.  It's a tax write off - hello!  Oh and a snafu I noticed was that the check they give to the old lady and the girl with cancer have the same check # on it!  FAKE!

Second hour - they people are way cooler.  They go to all these areas hit hard by Katrina and live in a trailer park for their week.  They gave each person they met with $100,000.  Take THAT rich guy from first ep!!  Another little editing error I noticed was that on their checks the date was 4/31/08.  Yeah there are only 30 days in April.  Got you FOX!  However Greg, who works in a bank told me they would probably still take the check.

I still loved it.  It's like Extreme Home Makeover but the people don't lose their houses after because they can't afford the taxes.


Anonymous said...




patrick said...

Haha, 4/31/08.

patrick said...

Oh PS. Did you ever see the Extreme Makeover Home Edition episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Classic calamity.

Kristen said...

Yeah 4/31/08!! I made my friend rewind it on DVR! Stupid.
Oh and where can I watch said It's Always Sunny episode!! I need to see it.

patrick said...

I think it is on demand, if you have that.