Thursday, November 06, 2008

Crazy-ness!  I'm still in awe over Obama winning.  It still gives me the chills.  Hope you all saved your newspapers from yesterday.  My favorite though are the people who are like "OMG I'm moving to Canada, Mexico etc," I think Switzerland was the best one so far.  Seriously - if people can't see how positive this will be for our country I'd be happy to see them go.  

Halloween was fun!!  I went to Target on Friday trying to find a costume and obviously found nothing.  However I did keep my devil horns on all day.  Someone at the party was like ok I know what you are!  You're a horny teacher.  So I took that as my identity for the night.
That's moi in the middle.  That argyle sweater was $20 at Target.  Get it.  Heather was a pregnancy pact girl from Gloucester.  Best costume.  Better seeing as Chris totally dropped her at one point.

The party was SO fun!! Alysse and I are kind of the Queens of beer pong but after our first game took like an hour we decided to call it quits.  Next time!  Lots of amazing costumes and good people.  They really went all out.  Kudos.

Next day I went to a beer tasting at Curtis Liquors which was awesome.  I ended up falling in love with Woodchuck and ended up buying a 12 pack (which earned me two free pint glasses).  So good!  My reason initially for going there was to get Hillary her favorite wine before I made the trek to go see her in Winthrop.  I make it seem far but really it's not!  Bad wine selection up there though.  

Went to Hill and John's new pad and helped them unpack/organize.  Their couch, which is the best couch EVER - didn't fit in the new place so they traded with their new neighbor (who helped them get the place!  Not a rando).  Not the best couches so we went to Target for more randoms and a slip cover (best invention EVER?).  We also picked out curtains and some other items to beautify (you'd think it was my apt too).  

When I got home later I found out that my uncle had passed earlier in the week.  Back story is I don't really talk to my Dad's side of the family.  They kind of forgot about me after my Dad died 16 years ago.  In an odd twist of fate - my uncle Richie - the one who just passed, had contacted me this year and we had been trading emails for a while up till about Oct 25.  We finally made plans to get dinner and drinks Nov 14.

I wondered why last week he wasn't emailing and I found out that he was found dead Oct 27. Cause of death is still pending.  Luckily I didn't miss the wake and found out it was Sunday.  I was a ball of a nerves all day.  Should I go, should I not go and send a card.  NO.  I was going to go.  For 16 years I have had something missing - I was super close with my cousins and aunts before that and I had missed it so much.  I tried to tell myself I didn't and that I was the better person -but after this year and reconnecting with uncle - I really felt like it was time to try and mend a relationship with them.

I won't get into all the details that will probably make me cry again - but the whole thing turned out great (minus the fact we were at a wake) my family cried when they saw me, I cried and everyone was just so shocked to see me.  They put pictures of me on these picture collages they made for the wake and it was one of the FIRST thing I saw when I walked in an it immediately made me feel better.  I met two cousins I never even knew about!  They're so cute.  I really regret not making sure I saw my uncle sooner but things happen for a reason - and in an eerie way I feel like maybe he knew he wasn't doing well and he would bring everyone back in the end.  He was only 48 - and looked WAY younger.  I'm so curious to know what happened.  
My aunts and I traded emails and my aunt who lives in Milton - emailed me the other day the sweetest note - that yes made me cry - now you know why I've been an emotional wreck this week.

Seeing my family inspired me to bring out some old school pics!  So I present you with Kristen circa 1980's:
My cousin Nicky and I in front of the old Dorchester house (which is now a spanish realtors office - tres sad).
Kim and I!  St Patrick's Day parade in Southie.
I loved that stinkin doll.  She's kind of scary now that I'm thinking.

This is my uncle and I.  I Must be like almost three.

My trip down memory lane.  You can see the others at my Facebook page (it's a public link you don't need a password - but feel free to add me!)  So happy the people I tagged were good sports lol.

Last order of biznass.  MUSIC!

I made it the Top 11 this week because I love the Cribs so much and I've been giving them a ton of love.  I love that new Coldplay album so much.  I wouldn't have even gotten into it if Pat didn't ask me to steal it (which I haven't done in FOREVER thankyouverymuch).  It's phenomenal and kind of matches my mood this week.  Somber but positive.  42, Lost! (with the exclamation point lol) Lovers in Japan, Life in Technicolor, and obvs Viva la Vida are the standouts.  So good.  I'm taking a break from my pod today and enjoying on itunes radio.  Seriously the best for non-stop 80's hits.  I'm talking like Foreigner, George Michael, Debbie Gibson, Madonna, and Aha (right now I have Take on Me!  Helll yes).

Good stuff.
Once again GOBAMA!



jessica maria said...

Wow, pregnancy pact teen from Gloucester is a GREAT costume! How topical!

And yes, that doll is creepy. ;)

Kristen said...

I know!! She was the only one! I was mad she didn't tell me she was doing it - i totally would have done the pact with her!

And yes that doll was a creep. I remember she would talk when no one was near her. Tres creepy. But she was my friend! Hey when you're an only child you'll take what you can get lol

Anonymous said...

you look so cute in that pic, and I loveeeee your friends pregnant costume! haha...i am wearing an argyle sweater today from forever 21, and i absolutely loveee it :)

patrick said...

Pregnancy pact. So thats how she got it to work. Where did Heather get a Gloucester shirt? Does she have a Scituate Sailor shirt? That is on my list of things I need/want.

Kristen said...

HAH she made it. She bought shirt, cut it to make it look whore-y and ironed on the letters. A scituate sailors shirt may be in your future.