Friday, August 06, 2010

Ok I know I said I was going to start blogging here more often but things have been crazy.

But that's no excuse.  I need to kick the negativity out of my life and attempt to chill and relax (what's that?)  So I'm kicking it off with a list of things I'm currently obsessing over - ala Jamie Lovely:

Mint Sprint by Sally Hansen:

Not my image.  (file under things I am not happy about: my BlackBerry camera breaking)
Seriously.  The formula is amazing.  The color is stupid pretty and you only need two coats to make it look awesome and glossy.  I usually put a top coat on but you don't even need to with this baby.  Oh and it cost me $2.99 at Bed Bath and Beyond.  AND it dries super fast. 

Destry It Goes On

I know I put this album in my 2009 album roundup but I've been putting it into heavy rotation as of late. Michelle has the most lovely voice in the whole land.  Lovely early Rilo Kiley-ish.  So wonderful!  If you want me to send you the album leave your email in the comments!

Cat Videos

Especially this one.  One of my favorite interns and I traded cat videos for like an hour the other day.

Horseneck Beach

I've lived in Mass almost all my life but I have never been to this amazing beach right on the Rhode Island border.  Parking is cheap and the waves are killer.  Also, it reminds me of Jones Beach - so natch - I love it.

Big Brother 12

Ok I'm so embarrassed about this one (and not the cat videos miraculously).  Every summer I become absolutely obsessed with Big Brother.  This season is ok.  Rachel is the worst.  Team Ragan.

Mad Men

Nuff said....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SPOILER ALERT: I’m a huge LOST fan.  I got into it a few seasons late when I was peer pressured by a few of my good friends to watch it on DVD and the rest is history.  I spent the summer of 2007 watching every episode, essentially staying up all night because  "just one more episode” turned into five or six at a time.  It was that addicting.  It was fun theorizing story lines with my friends and having nonsensical discussions about certain characters and how they got there. 

One thing I quickly learned while being a Lost fan was that there are two kinds of people in this world: people who are Lost fanatics (like myself) and people who hate it and hate on the people who watch it.  They did not hold back on Twitter and FaceBook.  Last night I was bombarded with people I followed posting things like “I’m so glad I never wasted my life on LOST,” “I’m officially leaving Twitter until LOST is over so I don’t have to see anyone talking about it,” and “The next person who talks about Lost gets defriend-ed” (names withheld to protect the innocent).

Non-Lost fans also had a great time posting fake scenarios and spoilers throughout the night.  Comedian Aziz Ansari even posted fake spoiler texts he was sending to his Lost-fanatic cousin all night, which was also pretty entertaining.

As soon as 9:00 p.m. came around I did my best to stay away from the social networking sites.  I also opted to watch it by myself so I could take it all in and try to understand and absorb it all (which is really the height of my Lost nerd-ness).  I was texting one of my good friends throughout the night and ended up sending Tweets to other Lost fans who were also watching the show in real time. 

The finale itself was 2.5 hours long.  It may seem like a long time for a finale – but let me tell you – they really did it well.  At 11:28 the show ended. We had our “answers.”  The majority of people I know loved it.  Some hated it – so much so that they posted threatening messages to LOST’s official page on FaceBook almost as soon as it was over (no seriously, go read what’s been posted on their wall already

Add series finales to the list of things that have been transformed by social media.  Today on the radio one of the DJ’s was comparing the Lost finale to the Seinfeld finale in 1997 and a caller called in and said “Well at least for the Seinfeld finale I didn’t have to ban myself from FaceBook and Twitter to avoid spoilers.” 

All in all, I still have around 100 questions I’d like answered by Mr. Lindelof and Mr. Cuse – but I think that’s the point.  The shows creator J.J. Abrams said today “A good question is often better than a good answer."  And I have to say – I couldn’t agree more.

OK ok.  I've been semi inspired to bring back this here blog.  I also really like the last one I posted too.  I'll start my comeback with two posts that I've done for my company's website. 

Monday, January 25, 2010

I becoming a huge nerd in which I get really excited to check out my recommended YouTube videos based on crap that I’ve watched.  This video up there came up today and I saw right away that it was from Skate and Surf Festival and I had a bit of an inside party.
Skate and Surf Festival was held in Asbury Park, NJ in mid April.  For three years my friends and I trekked down from Long Island to see our favorite bands for a weekend of absolute crazyness!  I can say without a doubt the weekends I spent at Skate and Surf Festival were probably the best of my life so far.
It was before the “scene” got all crappy and to it’s current state (please refer to this years Bamboozle lineup).  You made a million friends whereever you went in the venue and outside and in the hotels and at rest stops.  It was too fun. The poor Berkeley Hotel during those weekends (HA I was just reminded you can watch Brand New’s Jude Law and Semester Abroad video to get a hint of a taste of the things that went on there.  That video was taped at the 2002 S&S).  They must have dreaded that all year.  Creepiest nice hotel in the entire world.
I can’t even begin to go into all the random inside jokes and bonds and epic singalongs (or the not safe for interwebz) from these trips or even sit down and make a list of all the bands I was exposed to and the like.  I would like to someday.
I went from 2002-2004 to what was known as Skate and Surf Festival.  In 2005 they stopped it and all of a sudden Bamboozle was the new Skate and Surf - but it wasn’t.  They kept it at Asbury Park Convention Center for 2005 but in 2006 and on they moved it to Giants Stadium.
I actually was talked in to going last year and it was painful.  Absolutely painful.  Bands that used auto-tune, backing tracks and relyed on their style and hair product rather than actually making half decent music (I’m talking to you 3OH3).  It wasn’t a total waste however.  My partner in crime and I had a classy White Castle like adventure around East Rutherford looking for good eats, I got to meet some cool people (Jessica!) and I did get to see my favorite band ever - No Doubt.
Anywhosit.  If you’ve made it through my blah blahing you are awesome.  The video up there is from 2003 and Brand New played last on the second (first?) night.  I can almost feel how epic the vibe was in there that night just watching it.  What a venue to see a show in (I keep hearing conflicting stories about how it’s not there anymore?  True/false?).  It was this MASSIVE room but you always felt like you had the best spot.  This was one of those shows where you really feel apart of something.  Oh god yeah that’s nerdy - but true.
There’s also a video of BN playing from that show “Ok I Believe You…” and when he sings “The kind of song that makes people glad to be where they are with whoever they’re there with..” I remember looking at Lauren, Robyn and Liz and being like “Yeppp.”