Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So Letters to Cleo was amazing just as I expected.

Pat and I started out the evening at (club) Chilis.  We decided didn't want to see the opening band so we left Braintree around 8 and headed into Boston.  We got a little lost because last time we went Gary drove and I didn't pay attention.  But we ended up finding our way onto Comm ave.  Parking behind the Paradise was $5!  So lucky.  You figure we had taken the T we would have pair $7 for park (YEAH $7 to park at B-tree now) and then $4 bucks each for us to take the T.  Lame.  That's my problem with the MBTA they encourage people to T-it but then raise all the prices to park.  

Anywho when we got in we checked out merch and I got the "When DID we do that" CD they were selling exclusively at the shows - pretty much had all b-sides, remastered versions and stuff they did for movies on it (yes it has Cruel to be Kind, I Want you to want me and Dangerous Type on it).  

We got some drinks and parked ourselves up on the second level.  It was like 25 degrees out and we realized it would probably be cold in there to - not so - it was probably 90 degrees in there.  Seriously.  Pat may or may not have seen the infamous Kaitlin standing in front of us.

Show started and the place was electric.  I felt chills when they came out and started the first notes of Demon Rock.  With many of my favorite 90's bands alot of them played at Middle East, TT's, Paradise - 18+ - Letters to Cleo and Third Eye Blind stick out most.  I remember being 14 and having a hour long conversation with an employee at Sam Goody's (that is not there anymore and has been replaced by Forever Slutty-1) about how I was going to be Kay Hanley for Halloween because they were playing at TT's on Halloween and I couldn't go because I was, well, 14.  So yeah hearing the beginning of Demon Rock almost put a little tear in my eye - 12 years overdue.

Ok enough blah blahing.  Here is the set list (not in order it was played obvs - that would be too easy):
Big Star
Rim Shak
Here and Now
Mellie's Coming Over
Because of You
Find You Dead
Veda Very Shining
I'm a Fool
Demon Rock
Fast Way
Pizza Cutter
Little Rosa
WTFAMP (also known as Where the fuck are my presents) The Christmas Song
I want you to want me

Yeah that setlist = amazing.  I never heard WTFAMP (the x-mas song) before and I loved it.  I can't believe Kay is 40!!  Seriously - I swear people like her and Gwen Stefani are freaks of nature. 

Find you Dead was a total treat because when I peeked at the LA setlist I didn't see it so I was a little sad.  It's so weird songs that bring you really distinct memories.  Like that song and especially Because of You - remind me of freshman year and standing at the "Jesus" in front of Archies waiting for my mom.  Acid Jed reminds me of my thirteenth birthday.  I walked to Caldor (PS click that link and read about the "scandal" holy shit) and I bought the Jagged Little Pull tape and the Wholesale Meats and Fish tape.  Weird.

Ok back to the show.  They told fun stories before some songs like they were asked to write a christmas song for a charity - so they came up with "Where the fuck are my presents".  The charity told them nicely they thought it was too "mean spirited" and Kay was like "Yeah I mean, I didn't think it was at all - down deep isn't everyone like - where they fuck are my presents."  Sweet.  I really hope they make a recording from that show - or really any from this "tour" would be great.  They closed with Rim Shak which is one of those live songs you're like "wait where is this on the CD?" because it live is just on a whole other level.  Every song they played was just 1 million times better live.  For Little Rosa Kay and USA Mike (her hub) came out and Kay sang and he played the guitar.  It was amazing.  Just how the song should be.  The only song I didn't get to hear was Acid Jed.  Maybe next tour guys???

The show ended at about 10:15 and as soon as it was over I knew I wanted to go again to the next show (tonight - actually probably starting in like 10 minutes).  I schemed a little bit at work today and really considered going alone (who knows the next time they'll come back) but alas I decided to hang in and go to bed early.  When I started writing this post I was still considering going. 
Some fun from the show:

Yeah I know my pictures suck. This one was the best.  The rest are here.

These are better:

Fast Way

Here and Now

I had intentions of taking video of my favorites but I was too busy dancing and singing to do so.  You know how it goes.



jessica maria said...


(still jealous, though, obvs)

patrick said...

Nice videos, I love how they crackle my speakers.

You failed to mention the city tumbleweed, the paranoia of losing our jackets, and under my umbrella-ella-ella, which I heard on the radio today, but the non-jay-z version. I know it is probably on the radio every 3 minutes, but I never listen to the regular radio.

Kristen said...

AHAH I know. It's my ghetto recording skills.

I thought of the city tumbleweed today when I thought I saw some real tumbleweed in Scituate. And I'm glad no one stole our jackets. We have nice jackets.

It's a hard knock life.

patrick said...

I actually wouldn't have minded if my jacket got stolen. Fun fact. I actually bought two of those jackets, because they were on sale for like $7 each at Kohls. I figured if it ever gets ruined, lost, or stolen I had a backup. Maybe I could give one to Gary, because I hear he is in the market for a new jacket.

~ That Jennifer Lopez song with LL Cool J

Kristen said...

7 bucks!! That's a good deal. it's a nice jacket. HAH I saw that on Gary's facebook. I was going to make a Burlington Coat Factory joke but I wasn't sure if he would get it. He'd probably call me a douche for suggesting he'd go there. OOO Gary.
Oh that song is called Lose Control. I heard it on my workout mix this morning and fondly remembered it from the other night.