Friday, October 10, 2008

Ahh so last night's FAKE SNL or TNL (Thursday Night Live for the abbreviated challenged) Weekend Update totally redeemed itself for all the sucky Weekend Updates that have been in the regular episodes thus far.  Last nights TNL also brought back my favorite favorite segment called "REALLY!!! With Seth and Amy" regarding AIG and their half a million dollar company retreat after their $85 billion dollar bailout.  Hillary and I have a special place in our hearts for REALLY!!  Hill,  I was thinking we could just start our own and film them.  Yep.  Anywho - thanks to NBC you can see it if you missed it.

You have to skip to around 2:09 to see Really!  but the stuff before was pretty funny too.  The extra treat is that they debuted a NEW segment called "OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS!  With Seth and Amy".  I think I got like 5 texts come in at that exact moment with AHH PERFECT!  

Work has been getting me down a little bit this week for a variety of reasons so I'm hoping the weekend will be exactly what I need to be rejuvenated.  I just feel no matter how hard and late I work, and all the projects I take on so I can look valuable to senior employees - I'm still at the bottom because I'm a junior associate.    I liked when we were all equals - but I guess that's what comes with corporate america.  I have a few projects to finish up today but I'm alone in the office so I can play my music all loud and zone out (it's the little things really). 

No big plans this weekend besides drinking alot of wine and going to DSW for a new pair of shoes!  I have $15 dollars off on any purchase - $5 because it's my bday month and $10 from a random coupon they sent me.  I don't even know what I want to buy but I need a transition shoe.  Something between sandals and Uggs?  Maybe even something more complex than flats because lord knows I have a million of those.  I've been checking out the website but I can never tell how much I love a pair of shoes till I see them in the flesh.  Shoe politics.

I still want to go apple picking.  At Nashoba Valley you can pick apples and go on a wine tour and taste a ton of wines.  When I went there in the summer we just drank a ton of AMAZING wine - but if I could combine two of my favorite things - wine and apples - then hello!  I love wine.

Oh!  One more thing.  I just joined 20 Something Bloggers.  So add me!  Or join if you're not a member yet. 

View my page on Twenty Something Bloggers



Lizzy said...

Wine and apples in one day?! Sounds too good to be true.

No idea what DSW has out now. I love that store with a passion, but if I spent too long a time in there I could blow like...$300.

Kristen said...

Yes!! it's amazing! Oh and BTW Curtis Liquors is having a HUGE wine tasting again Nov 15. Put it on your calendar. I'm going to hit up DSW tomorrow and see what they have to offer. I need something cute and fall-ish!