Friday, July 27, 2007

I can't believe how fast this year is going by!
I was just thinking back @ January and feeling like it was yesterday.


So I had my first conference call today. All by myself. I usually have my boss with me leading the PR reigns but since she's out today it was me. Answering all the PR questions the client had. Sounds really stupid but I was nervous. It's for the show in Vegas that I am attending anyways so it's good it was just me. I outlined things I had researched etc and they were so impressed. I did quite well. I mostly just listened to really boring stuff but when I came up I kicked ass. I'm really looking forward to the trip! Sounds like it should be a good time.

Got my company credit card yesterday. So weird to see my name on an American Express card. And in my wallet. Bad? y/n.

Enjoying the peace and quiet of not having mom and roger around. I got home yesterday after work and cleaned up for I was having some friends over for pool and fun. I go out just to turn on the pool and I notice it's really low. Like way below where it should be. I pretty much fall over myself trying to find out where the leak is and I see this hole in the hose that is attached to the filter. Stuck inside the hole is a HORNET! That probably worked it's way through the skimmer to the hose and found this little hole but made it that far thus causing the leak. So I bravely open it a little further so the bug can come out and I see where I can pull it up so it's connected again. Phew. Still leaking slightly but I'll keep my eye on it. I put the water hose in the pool to start filling it up and cross my fingers. Also figure I won't tell my mom and roger seeing as they're on vaca and they'll be flipping out the whole time if they know something is wrong with the pool and they aren't there to fix it.

About 10 minutes later John and Kim, two of Rogers friends come over for a awim, super duper nice and rad so I didn't mind at all. John makes a mad dash for the pool seeing as my house is 100 degrees (did I mention the AC is busted too?) and Kim and I chat in the kitchen while I wait for Hillary. I tell Kim the story and we go out to look @ the leak. I make John promise he won't say a word to Roger until Saturday and he gets out of the pool to look @ it. He miraculously closes the small leak that left and even this morning before I left for work I checked and still looks good.

We ordered food from Fowler House via Dinner Delivered which was pretty damn awesome. At trivia a few months ago we won $20 from dinner delivered for answering a Bonus question. DD is pretty much this service that will deliver you food from all these various restaurants in Braintree/Quincy. So we picked Fowler House because they have the BEST pizza and it's cheap. We didn't realize we would have to wait an hour and a half unfortch. They did keep us updated though on when they were coming and such which was cool and the food was so yummy.

Working my face off today and then possibly maybe seeing The Simpsons tonight with Patrick and then tomorrow is Country Fest with Hillary and Jess!! So excited!! Kenny Chesney, my gals and some cool drinks - sounds like a great end to a good week!



Lauren said...

totally are like a total samantha in training with your awesome PR job!...and bt dub i saw the simpsons last night..funniest shit ever!

Kristen said...

Aww I was supposed to see it friday night but decided not to! I REALLY want to see it!
Don't you know my life goal IS to be Sam lol