Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dan sent me the link to this commerical today and I thought it was quite awesome.

Which reminds me I really want to go to a game soon.
Anyone interested in going Guerilla style sometime soon?
EDIT: By Guerilla style I mean like just going and winging it and if not we don't get tickets (which almost NEVER happens) we watch it in Tequila Rain or something. Silly faces.

Did alot of writing today for work.
Yesterday I got a request for one of our clients in the Nov/Dec issue of InStyle from the pitch I sent out which is pretty exciting since I'm new and haven't really done anything yet. This is good and makes me way more confident in my writing.

My boss sent out a Welcome email about me to the rest of the company yesterday pretty much talking me up hardcore. I never realized how cool I look on paper errr on email rather. One of the guys in the other office who's a youngin like me emailed me back and sent a picture of him high up Wyoming cause I have never been out there. I feel the need to share the gorgeous-ness.

He says where the arrow is, is his office. LOL.

Anywhoo. I'm sitting in my brr cold office wearing a hoodie from one of our clients just finishing up for the day.

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