Monday, December 01, 2008

Ok the new Killers album is amazing.  I had my doubts as I was not a huge fan of "Human" but I got an email from iTunes about it coming out a day early so I decided to go for it.

It's brilliant.  I may be as bold to call it my favorite album of 2008 (and probably 2009).  It's the perfect hybrid of Hot Fuss and Sam's Town with extra awesomeness thrown in.  I sit here and listen and I hear something new everytime.  They're definitely experiencing with new instruments and sounds (I Can't Stay - probably my favorite song on the album makes me feel like I'm on a Caribbean island).  So genious.  Other great tracks are Neon Tiger, Spaceman (second single) Tidal Wave (iTunes version only), This is your life, Dustland Fairytale - ok the whole album is great.  Get it!

Thanksgiving was alright.  I made a pumpkin cheesecake from scratch.  This one to be exact. I had all intentions of taking photos of the finished product for this here blog but it was cut and gone before I could.  It was a hit obvs.  My mom ended helping me prepare it the night before T-day and we had so many laughs about how much harder we were making it for ourselves.  I have a tendancy to jump the gun when I'm baking - like I'll put something in before it's supposed to go in.  But it still turned out good.  I think I'll be making it again for Christmas Eve.

Thanksgiving wasn't so bad.  It ended up being my mom and Roger, grandmother and aunt, evil stepsister and I.  Oh and evil stepsisters baby.  I tried so hard to be a little nice to her.  Evil stepsister - not the baby.  The baby is cool.  I'm so not a kids kind of girl.  I've never had any younger siblings and not really any cousins I was really close to.  I end up talking to babies how I would talk to my cat.  Anyways after dinner and amazing dessert I made the hike up to Hillary and Johns to spend the night so we could get up early and shop our faces off.  We drank festive beverages and played the new SceneIt! for Xbox which is way more fun than the first one (even though I do way worse on this new one).  We looked a pictures from the cruise/wedding last year and remembered that this time last year we were somewhere floating in the ocean.  Sooo wish I was back there again.

Black Friday was slightly a bust.  I ended up scoring at Kohl's (twice actually) and got some great jewelry for mom and robyn (and who am I kidding I got something for myself).  The jewelry there is so nice and it was all like 75% off.  YEAH!  Target was too busy but we were able to grab Sex and the City and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (both which were so cheap).  We pretty much attacked a young Target employee who was carrying a stack of SATC movies.  We attempted Best Buy but the line was insane so we left.  We were actually looking for a space longer than we were in the store.

We ate a yummy breakfast at Hi-Tide in Winthrop and I packed up my stuff and went home.  Took a solid 3 hour nap and went out again to Circuit City (which was a SUPER bust).  Decided to go see Four Christmases with the fam.  I enjoyed the movie but the end was AWFUL.  But I still love me some Vince Vaughn.

Friday night I met Liz at OG for some food and chats.  Probably more chats than food seeing as I brought home my whole meal.  That's what happens when we get a talking.  Love that girl.  We spilled about jobs, new developments in our lives and realized we need to hang out more often.  I'll bring the wine if you provide Joaquin goodness.

Saturday night I went over to Robyn and Matt's new APT and Matt's friend Tim made us dinner (home made raviolis and chicken sausage!  Yum).  We played Wii Baggo (so fun!  I won!  And I think we should get points in the real life game when you get the bag on the box. Just sayin.  We could prevent the 6 hour game we played in the summer).  Also played Wii trivia and I made a new Mii.  The boys giggled at some comedy show and Robyn and I watched the little known but classic 2003 film, Grind.  

Sunday Annie and I trekked in town to see the Grinch musical at the Wang Theatre (now called the Citi Performing Arts Center.  Sad).  So good!! There were a ton of kids there who all got really excited - dare to say Annie and I were right there with them.  Wasn't going to go but Robyn got tickets for both shows yesterday through work so we took two of the day time tickets and Matt's mom and little brother took the other two.  Good times.  Love that damn movie (animated and Jim Carrey version).  Went to lunch at PF Changs and it was so good.  We forgot our doggie bags.  Talked about Annie's upcoming wedding and my dislike for bridesmaid dresses.  I have to go in March to pick mine out.  Which means I have appr 3 months to look fabulous.  After Christmas I'm getting serious with this diet and workout crap.  I need to be the hottest bridesmaid (you hear that Alison and Robyn :)) - in all seriousness - Hillary's wedding was amazing but I looked like poop.  The dress was TOO big for me and my hair was a frizz ball (thank you Mexico heat).

Time to work.  Entourage's new featured "My Day" is staring me in the face with all my to-do's for today.


patrick said...

Make me a copy of the cd, or put it on one of those flash jumpy things. Actually put it one one of t hose flash jumpy things, because I kind of need a new one, since I don't know where any of mine are.

Thank you

jessica maria said...

Hm, perhaps I shall check out the new Killers, I've heard good things. I wasn't too much into Sam's Town...

Kristen said...

Yes Pat I will make you a copy. And I can give you a ton of jump drives! They're taking up room on my desk.

jessica! Yes get the Killers album. It's great! I can't stop listening to it. Like I have to tell myself to stop but I keep going back to it!

patrick said...

I prefer the title flash jumpy thing, throw Sam's Town on there too, if you are able to.

Kristen said...

Title flash jumpy thing!? Does this mean you don't like my former clients name all over them lol.
I will put ST on as well. And some Letters to Cleo!

Lauren said...

i have to be the debbie downer on this entry...not a fan of the new killers at all...we are playing it on heavy rotation at urban though...