Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My Horizontal Life.

It's no surprise that I have taken a little reading sabbatical. I read Twilight last year. I wanted to see what all I hype was. I still don't buy it totally but whatever. I tried reading the second book New Moon and I was just tortured to finish it. I will read Eclipse and the rest in time.

I bought Chelsea Handler's book My Horizontal Life on Sunday. I rarely buy books in book stores (woo Amazon) but I kept hearing so many amazing things about this book so I decided to just pick it up while I was out shopping.

Whenever I go and the subject of books come up I have to profess my love for My Custom Van by Michael Ian Black. Almost every time someone will follow that up with "Have you ever read My Horizontal Life?"

Anywho. I think it's because both books are comprised of short side spliting stories and then they move on to another. Maybe it's because of my increasing anxiety and ADD as an adult - but those types of books really resonate with me now.

I would give this book a 25 out of 10. Absolutely genius. I swear Chelsea may be my long lost older sister. Granted I'm not a pathological liar nor do I sleep with midgets - but there is a lot in the book I can laugh about and relate to. I wish I had it with me so I could share some of my favs.

The second to last one "Rerun" was probably my favorite of the whole book. I won't give all the awesomeness but it has something to do with Chelsea wearing a M&M costume to a costume Valentine's Day party at a complex that resembled the one in Melrose Place.

I finished it in less than a day. I guess the snowday helped. My huge pile of my "to read" books were glaring at me from the box I packed them in to get ready for the move. Did I mention I'm moving Friday? I'm not having a TV in my bedroom so I'm hoping I'll be more motivated to do some reading before bed instead of watching re-runs of "Will and Grace" (fav show ever).

I just ordered Chelsea's second book "Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea" off Amazon and also another one called "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley. Super excited.

More weekend awesomeness later.



rachaelgking said...

I read both of those, and they were HILARIOUS. Trust, they will deliver.

I didn't know Chelsea had another book though! I can't WAIT to pick it up!

patrick said...

Pre order my book, it is going to be better than all of the ones you mentioned. I don't have any fancy links up on Amazon yet, but if you give me ten bucks now, I'll send you a copy when it is done. This goes for all of your friends too.

Kristen said...

LiLu: yeah I think she came out with the Vodka book last year. After reading about all the vodka she drinks in the first book I'm dying to read the second.

Pat: I bet your book will be awesome. I would like to be a silent contributor. All the Pat anecdotal stories I have would definitely make that book top seller on the New York times list.

I'm totally going to make you read My Horizontal Life. It's very raunchy and fun in a Michael Ian Black way.

Lauren said...

we have all of her books at work..hey at least you arent reading the Watchmen like me..Although it has given tons of Brooklyn hipster guys a glance in my direction on the train...

Anonymous said...

This book sounds intriguing. Similar to Tucker Max's "Do they serve beer in hell" I would assume?

Kristen said...

Lauren: So that's how a girls got to work to get a boyfriend huh!!!

JustJp: Yes! Just like that. In fact when I went to link to My Horizontal Life, Tuckers book came up with it. It's so good! I haven't laughed that hard in ages!

megabrooke said...

i need to read that vodka one-- i own the other one but haven't started it yet either! i need to get on it, pronto. i fucking love chelsea- saw her this summer in lowell. she's hilarious.

glad i found your blog through lilu!

Kristen said...

Brookem: Isn't she amazing. I want to live vicariously through her hilarious experiences in her book! You must read it asap!
Ahh and I almost saw her in Lowell - my friends went but I had to go to Salt lake City for work! Hope she'll come around again soon!

Always good to find another Boston blogger!!