Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"It could be worse...". Is what I have been saying to myself since I left work yesterday.

I was on my way home. I was planning on going to Home Depot to pick out shelves for our pantry and then to Ikea for the bookshelf I'd like to build before all the crap in my room comes.

Then this happened.

I was cruising along 123. Not going too fast as it was sleeting, icing and raining all at once. Perfect recipe for a car accident. I was nearing the end of 123 and I come up on this street on the left. Well the car two cars in front of me stops suddenly to stop and turn as does the lovely car in front of me. You can guess what happened next. I slammed my breaks but they were impervious to the sleet and rain - but I attempted to move my car to the right so I wouldn't hit it.

I tried my best. But as you can see my right bumper got right up in the rear passenger bumper of this guys car. His car looks 100 times better than mine. He probably has a basketball size indent in that back right corner and no damage to his lights. Sweet older guy. Probably in his 70's. Tells me his wife pushes him around more than my car hitting him. I made sure he was ok 100 times. We traded information and the cops pull up. I was happy to see them just in case this man went home and complained about pain because when the cops and fire trucks (yess FIRE TRUCKS. Plural! For my stinking little accident) came they all asked him another 100 times. The cops were also super nice and helpful.

Went home and Roger and Mom had a good laugh about me now having two messed up bumpers. I did not laugh. I kind of got really bummed about it. So many things are going awesome and I was saying that this amount of positive things NEVER happens to me. This had to come and smack me in the face.

But I went to sleep early. Slept on it and realized it could have been way worse. My car could not be driveable. His car could have been way worse. One of us could have been seriously hurt. I'm back in good spirits today! I somehow lost my registration after giving it to the cop last night so I went and got myself a new one today. I went to the Norwell Police station to do an accident report and I called my insurance company and started a claim.

Going to build the shelves tonight in the pantry and hopefully finally get in that trip to Ikea. All is well.



jessica maria said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear that!!! :(

rachaelgking said...

Oh, you so win! Your Monday was way worse. I'm sorry love!

But IKEA-ing makes everything better... :-)

Jenni said...

Sorry about your car!

rachel elizabeth said...

at least you were okay! (i'm so behind on blog reading.)

i was in two horrendous accidents in one month... same car. it is not fun.

Anonymous said...

not the civ civ..man we had so many good times in that car...stalking famous members of emo bands *wink wink

Andhari said...

Sooo sorry about your car :(

patrick said...

So that is why the other night you only had one headlight? I meant to tell you that, but forgot. It all makes sense now.

Kristen said...

Jessica: It definitely sucks. I'm the queen of bad timing. In between moving and waiting around for random deliveries I was working on getting crap done insurance wise.

Lilu: Ikea actually does make everything better. Not sure why. The promise of all that cute cheap stuff is too much excitement to handle!

Jenni: It's all good! Thanks for commenting. I love your blog!

Rachel: OMG this weekend while I was home I saw 456 unread blogs in my reader. I haven't began to make a dent. Soon soon :) Loving your vlogs btw!

Lauren: Yes. My baby civ. All it's trips up and down the Hempstead turnpike stalking you know who. It's ok though. It's going to go to the car doctor this weekend. I love that damn car.

Lolita: It sucks but I keep thinking it could have been worse. I have to look on the bright side :)

Pat: Yeah I was wondering if anyone noticed that lol. I'm scared I'll get pulled over because of it. I was driving home from Ann's the other night and I had to put my high beams on and the one on that side was like flickering and then blew out. Lucky I live at Area 51 and those lights lead me home safe.