Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So I worked from home today because we were supposed to get this epic snowstorm and my boss told me yesterday it would be cool for me to just stay home and work.  I got all my necessary documents I would need and forwarded my office phone to my cell phone.  I was all set.  

I woke up to hardly any snow and mostly sleet.  However I woke up at the time I would be getting to work so I just set myself up a nice little desk and did my work.  I discovered that my mother watches embarrassing day time TV like the View, The Doctors and the hour of the today show that Kathie Lee is on.  Therefore while doing my work I watched those as well.   Kathie Lee has really had some work done.

Anyways.  Working in your PJ's rules.  I did most of my work at the kitchen table and then I went to do a conference call in my bedroom.  While I was on the call, my cat comes up and sits square on my planner that I had spread out.  Clearly I wasn't allowed to do anymore work.

Yes he is the cutest.  I need to make a LOLcat of this for sure.  

About an hour later I played Sudoku on my DS (I am addicted).  I left to go to the bathroom and I come back and see this:

Apparently I wasn't able to play the DS either.  I am going to miss seeing his cute face everyday when I move out!


1 comment:

CIP said...

I looooove working in PJ's. Think your boss would let that become an everyday or once a week thing for you?

Oh, and my cat does the same thing with my Mom's stuff. As soon as she starts doing something, the cat sprawls out and chills.