Thursday, April 16, 2009

The last three event days in pictures. I'll do a for real post about the event - promise.

Driving to the hotel to get set up before everyone else starts arriving. I saw this sign and laughed. Just like the SODYPOP sign. Love these ads.

Got into the hotel and I had these surprises waiting for me. I booked Towers level suites for the attendees of the event. Figured it was swankier and it comes with access to the sweet executive lounge (more on that later). I got the room list the day before - and instead of putting me in a Standard room - they had booked me in a Tower's level room. She said it was upgraded for free - I think she sensed the stress and sometimes frustrating and figured I'd need a sweet (suite?) room.

Cute little plate of cookies (and yes that blue thing is ROCK candy!). I thought Bethany may have got it too so I asked her how she liked her cookies - and she didn't get any. The missing spot is from the one she took. I didn't have any - but I did take the rock candy.

Side story: When my boss arrived we put some materials together in my room and we had a laugh about the cookies - she was like "I bet you already took a picture of it huh, when will you blog about it?"

They also seemed to think I'd be carrying on some serious big kid business and took the liberty of printing me my own letter head. I didn't. But I took them home. I will send "serious" letters on this paper.

I broke out in uncontrollable giggles seeing this whilst brushing my teeth on Tuesday night after a fantastic dinner (more on that - I swear). Douche bonnet is so the new douche canoe.

Last night we went to Stephanie's on Newbury for the farewell dinner. Someone ordered this tower 0' onion rings. I thought it was amazing. So did Sarah. She asked me if I would tweet about it. I did.

More later I promise - lots of good tidbits. Everything went amazing. Everyone was happy and yeah I wish it could have been a day longer.


megabrooke said...

mmmmmonion rings. nomnomnom. ive been dying to get to stephanie's!

Kristen said...

OMG you must go there! They have the most legendary macaroni and cheese. And bruschetta. We originally ordered two but we ordered two more plates. Amazing. Service was amazing. Wait until the patio is opening. BEST people watching place in the city!