Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just realized I forgot something pretty exciting that also happened this weekend: My mom and Roger (step-dad) are finally getting married.

I feel like everyone I tell is WAY more excited than I am. I am excited - don't get me wrong but I'm just like "jeez finally." They've been together for 17 years. I'm just not surprised. They've been engaged for over 10 years and have told me they were getting married like 6 times.

They were supposed to be married in 2000 - I even sent Joey Fatone from NSYNC a letter to see if he wanted to be my date (still waiting on my rsvp - FYI - oh yeah did I mention I was 18). But they didn't. Plans fell through.

Come two weeks ago at my mom's birthday I break the news about my vacation. Roger is often a professional parade pisser-on-er so I told just my mom. She's like WHAT! We were going to get married on May 30!

Oh. Well excuse me. I guess since I don't live in their house anymore I am void of big news. They both get all flustered that I didn't tell them sooner.

Sunday, I'm in the gym (where BTW Missy and I found a condom wrapper - hip-hop superstar must be seducing the ladies in there with his sweet moves) and my mom calls. I tell her I'm on a plan to look fierce at Annie's wedding (see previous post for bridesmaid woes) and before I can finish she's like "Oh! We're getting married June 20. We already paid for the luncheon at Common Market." Pretty exciting - but again I'm kind of over it. I can't wait - and it's going to be amazing but I feel like they're already married so it's no big shakes. I've been calling Roger my step dad for years - he's been in my life longer than my biological father was - his daughters (regardless of my liking for them) have been my sisters - I like his family more than I like my own. So many of them have shaped my life for the better. So I'm looking at this wedding as a party - official merging of families though it's already happened years ago.

Weird. Actually putting that out there has made me more excited for their wedding. If only I could put a veto on crazy step-sister attending.

Moving on. As a part of my seriousness of getting into shape and eating better (I haven't had a bagel or bread all week - go me!) I have decided to broaden my workouts. I did Zumba a few years ago at a Women's Retreat (totally mom's idea - leave me alone) and it was fun. It's all he rage now. Every gym has it - except for mine. I found out that Bayshore Atheltic Club in Braintree has a Zumba class and you don't have to me a member to join the class. All you do is spend $7 ($5 for members). So, mom's friend Kim asked her to go, mom asked me to join and I told Missy about it.

I have never had so much fun working out. I didn't fill my water because I was like "Ohh dancing - how much will I need to hydrate." The answer is "A LOT." After some serious giggles I got into it and I was sweating a TON (TMI?) I felt like my clothes were getting heavier and heavier. I rolled up my pants like a hip hop gangsta. It was insane. I have never sweat so much. Sooo worth the $7. Did I mention I'm the worst dancer ever? I'm going back tonight and have recruited a few more gals to come with so I'm even more excited.

Time to get back to work. <3



rachaelgking said...

Congrats to your moms and her boo! I'll be your date if it's Memorial Day weekend... :-)

Lady Jane said...

I have the ZUMBA DVD's but I ordered them off TV in like 2002. I think its pretty funny that it is all the rage now. I should get them out of storage and like..exercise or something. BTW thanks for stopping by my blog! I love seeing new people:)

Anonymous said...

omg!!! wow congrats!! and its ok i wrote JC last week and still hasnt gotten back to me but he left a voicemail.

Kristen said...

LiLu - It's June 20! But I'm so down for some Boston hangs on Memorial Day Weekend!

Lady Jane - HAH I bet you could sell them for big bucks now. It's so fun. I'm addicted now. Thanks for checking out my blog!

Lauren - Isn't that insane. They're already an old married couple. I'm just not impressed :) AND WHY on earth would you write to JC!? lol