Good weekend. I swear I don't remember any of it though.
What I do remember is drunk face-booking someone I may or may not have a crush on. Great. I'll let you know where this one goes.
Friday night Pat and I went to Chili's for some drinks and apps. So yummy.
Saturday I woke up early to drop my car off in Lawrence. One of my step-dad's friends is going to fix it on the cheap (hopefully). I should be getting an update soon. Wasn't a good sign that when he looked at it he was like "Oh that's worse than I expected!" Yikes. I also picked up my rental. 2009 Toyota Corolla. So nice. Probably one of the nicest cars I've ever driven. I'm a Honda Girl for life but I would consider buying one after my Civ goes to the junkyard (knocccck on wood). It's super sleek looking. Love it. I have it until Friday.
Stopped at my aunt and uncles to have lunch and chat. Had to talk with my awkward cousin who's around my age but has the social graces of a 8 year old. She always makes me feel so awkward and weird. Stopped at Lisa's (my favorite cousin) to see her and her husband and daughter Julia. Love her.
Hillary had her crepe party later that night. I was exhausted I should have napped before hand but I didn't have time. I made my guacamole and Robyn made really good buffalo dip. Crepes were amazing and I could probably never make them as good as Mrs. Hagler. I'm going to try dammit. Seven bottles of champagne were had. Twas a good night. We played Apples to Apples (LOVEEEE) and some other game where you reveal this funny stuff about yourself and each time a different team would have to decide who said what. Can't remember the name but it was wicked fun.
Sunday I went out with my mom to the Curtain Factory to find some curtains. I got some pretty sweet pomegranate color curtains. Gorgeous. I haven't put them up yet because I need a step stool to do so. Sure different not living at home with my step dad the handy man of handy mans. Another few stops at BJ's, Walmart (ugh) and Shaw's and I was DONE for the day. I went to CVS and printed out like over 100 pictures from both of my digital cameras. I never realized how many great pictures I had in there. I went back to the APT, did some laundry and filled up some frames I bought at Ikea.
Also when I saw Hillary on Friday night she gave me a few housewarming gifts. She gave me one amazing frame that fits four pictures and this wooden K. Sounds silly - but she has this H that she got in Pheonix a few years ago and I always tell her how much I want a K. Well when she went to Pheonix in Feb she bought me my K!!! It's so sweet. So is the frame. It's heavy so I'm not sure yet where to put it on the wall. Again I need someone to tell me where the studs are so I can make sure it doesn't come flying off the wall in the middle of the night.
I was extremely productive. Doing laundry was NOT bad at all. I dragged it down to the basement. No one was in there so I had pick of the machines. Reminded me SO much of doing laundry in college! So funny.
I hope this week passes fast. I need another day to veg wicked bad.
Oh BTW I'm going to Punta Cana in June! Super excited. Anyone who wants to go it's SUPER cheap. Like $800 cheap (that's including airfare!). All inclusive. So excited.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thank the lord it's almost Friday. Every morning seems harder to get out of bed (which is pretty much the most comfortable bed ever. Be jealous).
I didn't do anything on St. Patricks Day besides wear a little bit of green. Doesn't matter who the hell you are - in Boston on St Pat's day - EVERYONE IS IRISH. I usually go out and do a little drinking and gallivanting but this year being it two days after I moved I opted on staying in. Missy and I went food shopping and to Target to find some stuff for our kitchen.
The cart we wanted for our kitchen was sold out but we also needed a lamp for our living room. Badly. When you come in late at night you have to pretty much walk clear across the apartment to put the kitchen light on. So we bought this bad bitch:

It looks kind of ugly in the picture but trust - it's way better looking in person. This took me two hours to put together. Ok I took a break to watch Adam's horrendous performance on AI and of course to refill my wine (maybe that's why it didn't make sense) but this thing was a pain in the ass. Sometimes I'm such a guy - I HATE directions. Of any kind. I DO NOT ask for directions driving around. I feel like if I just keep driving I'll figure it out. I also don't like directions for furniture and the like. Maybe that's why my Ikea dresser fell apart after two months. Long story short. If I read the directions it probably would have taken me at least half the time it did.
Anyways. It does wobble a little bit still after three times of taking it apart and putting it back together. But it looks nice and definitely helps because Saturday night I was almost impaled by our old shower rod trying to put the light on.
Last night I went to dinner with Greg and his mom. Being the daredevil I am I decide I want to get the "Knock you on your ass wings." Not a good idea. I was starving so I went to town when they got to my plate. Not more than half way through the first one I can feel my face heating up and my mouth on fire. I almost spit it out - but since they know the owner I decided against it. She brought out bread thinking it would help soak up the hotness (it didn't FYI). I had to take my damn sweater off. And my arms are less than desireable at the moment so you KNOW I didn't want to do it. I had to bring them home - again feeling bad that they had just bought my dinner. So anyone up for a challenge please let me know so you can take them off my hands ;)
I think I growled a little bit at them this morning when I went to make my lunch.
I'm getting really settled in. It already feels like home. Missy went to California yesterday to see her mom so I was alone and it was a little scary. Yeah I know I'm a dork. I had a water bottle out on the balcony and the wind hit it and it scared the LIVING SHIT out of me. Not knowing what it was yet I grabbed my butter knife that I used to butter my toast and I opened the patio door just to make sure no one was out there (I live on the Brockton line - give me a break!). Just my water bottle rolling around. Silly me.
I didn't do anything on St. Patricks Day besides wear a little bit of green. Doesn't matter who the hell you are - in Boston on St Pat's day - EVERYONE IS IRISH. I usually go out and do a little drinking and gallivanting but this year being it two days after I moved I opted on staying in. Missy and I went food shopping and to Target to find some stuff for our kitchen.
The cart we wanted for our kitchen was sold out but we also needed a lamp for our living room. Badly. When you come in late at night you have to pretty much walk clear across the apartment to put the kitchen light on. So we bought this bad bitch:

It looks kind of ugly in the picture but trust - it's way better looking in person. This took me two hours to put together. Ok I took a break to watch Adam's horrendous performance on AI and of course to refill my wine (maybe that's why it didn't make sense) but this thing was a pain in the ass. Sometimes I'm such a guy - I HATE directions. Of any kind. I DO NOT ask for directions driving around. I feel like if I just keep driving I'll figure it out. I also don't like directions for furniture and the like. Maybe that's why my Ikea dresser fell apart after two months. Long story short. If I read the directions it probably would have taken me at least half the time it did.
Anyways. It does wobble a little bit still after three times of taking it apart and putting it back together. But it looks nice and definitely helps because Saturday night I was almost impaled by our old shower rod trying to put the light on.
Last night I went to dinner with Greg and his mom. Being the daredevil I am I decide I want to get the "Knock you on your ass wings." Not a good idea. I was starving so I went to town when they got to my plate. Not more than half way through the first one I can feel my face heating up and my mouth on fire. I almost spit it out - but since they know the owner I decided against it. She brought out bread thinking it would help soak up the hotness (it didn't FYI). I had to take my damn sweater off. And my arms are less than desireable at the moment so you KNOW I didn't want to do it. I had to bring them home - again feeling bad that they had just bought my dinner. So anyone up for a challenge please let me know so you can take them off my hands ;)
I think I growled a little bit at them this morning when I went to make my lunch.
I'm getting really settled in. It already feels like home. Missy went to California yesterday to see her mom so I was alone and it was a little scary. Yeah I know I'm a dork. I had a water bottle out on the balcony and the wind hit it and it scared the LIVING SHIT out of me. Not knowing what it was yet I grabbed my butter knife that I used to butter my toast and I opened the patio door just to make sure no one was out there (I live on the Brockton line - give me a break!). Just my water bottle rolling around. Silly me.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Drug Rug.
So Pat and I went to see this band called Drug Rug a few weeks ago and I'm finally getting around to uploading the video I took. Drug Rug is this fantastic band from the great city of Boston - and yeah - we just love them. Spread the love.
We saw them open for the Cribs (an equally as awesome band natch) and we were officially hooked.
Some extra pictures:

Sarah's hair was so cute that night.

On the way home driving through Roxbury we saw this sign:

Pat was mortifed that I stuck my arm out the window to get this picture. He was ducking for cover (google Roxbury and I'm sure you'll find some colorful information). It was too good not to take a photo of it.
So Pat and I went to see this band called Drug Rug a few weeks ago and I'm finally getting around to uploading the video I took. Drug Rug is this fantastic band from the great city of Boston - and yeah - we just love them. Spread the love.
We saw them open for the Cribs (an equally as awesome band natch) and we were officially hooked.
Some extra pictures:
Sarah's hair was so cute that night.
On the way home driving through Roxbury we saw this sign:
Pat was mortifed that I stuck my arm out the window to get this picture. He was ducking for cover (google Roxbury and I'm sure you'll find some colorful information). It was too good not to take a photo of it.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Well. Moving is finished. Unpacking is another story.
It wasn't as bad as I expected it to me. Roger and his best buddy helped Missy and I move all of our heavy stuff from our respective previous living spaces and into our new place. We took all the boxes up. Despite moving into the third floor without an elevator it wasn't so bad. All the deliveries and set-ups came on time so that was good. Except for my mattress that I had to wait around for (ok it was totally worth it - I've never slept so well).
Last night our last piece of furniture arrived and it really pulled everything together. We really need something over our big couch - any thoughts?
Ok well in true Kristen fashion I documented the whole move. With my real camera - not my shitty camera phone quality:

Goodbye old ugly bedroom. Yes there is my cat. She did NOT want to leave. For the record I did have pretty things on the wall - besides that cross.

In the new place we have this abnormally large closet with one HUGE shelf. We keep joking that we could fit someone in there. Well Pat (BTW go read his blog - it's a gem) was up for the challenge. He grabbed his favorite (ok favorite name) book off of my book shelf (Hot Mess for the record) and took it to read in there. Looks pretty comfy huh.

He was really into it apparently.

Finished product of the living room. The second couch really made it look homey. I love it. All we need is some art in there and it will be perf (my longtime neighbor at my moms house gave me a $50 gift card to Home Goods! I'll probably look there soon!).
I'll post some bedroom pictures soon. I need to clean it a little bit more and get some stuff on the walls. Or maybe I'll be like Mariah Carey and keep my bedroom private ala her Cribs episode. Yeah - no :)

So Friday I went back to my mom's house to clean what was left of my room. I came back Sunday for lunch to see my mom has already turned it into her own little gym. So cute.
The weekend wasn't all moving and no fun though. Friday night I went to Chili's (surprised? I know - hold your gasps!) with Pat, Hill and John. We came back to my new pad (officially called Area 51 - there is a cell phone tower behind our parking area. It lights up like a space station at night) for a tour and some hangs. Saturday I met my good friend (soon to be MARRIED FRIEND!) for lunch. I later met up with the bridesmaids for her wedding for a pow-wow. I was convinced we wouldn't get anything done but we actually did alot. I was dreading it but it was kind of fun.
Saturday night we went out for Natalie's going away party at Fuji. Natalie is my current roomates old roommate (and really good friend of mine) and the reason I got to move out (I mean that in the nicest way possible). She moved to Texas to live with her mom and to go to school. It was so nice and I think I cried a little when I said good bye. Lots of drinks and sushi were had.
I left Fuji around 10:30 to go visit Ann Marie in RockVegas for her bar party. Her husband built a bar in their garage. Sounds kind of crimey but it's amazing inside. Probably the nicest bar I've ever been in. Literally when you're inside you feel like you're in a legit bar. A nice one at that!!! I watched everyone play RockBand for a while and then I had to go home to sleep.
Woke up early next morning to help Missy bring over some last things (and our couch!) to the new place. To my surprise Natalie was still there finishing up her packing for the moving truck. I had to say good-bye again. It was worse this time because it was final. She was really gone. But it gives me a chance to go to Texas!!! No joke I'd really like to visit Texas.
Anywhosit. I'm cooking my first dinner in the new place tonight. Few ideas. I'll brainstorm on the way home. Maybe take some photos.
Oh BTW anyone have Kelly Clarkson's new album. Seriously so impressive. I've been listening to it nonstop since last Thursday.
It wasn't as bad as I expected it to me. Roger and his best buddy helped Missy and I move all of our heavy stuff from our respective previous living spaces and into our new place. We took all the boxes up. Despite moving into the third floor without an elevator it wasn't so bad. All the deliveries and set-ups came on time so that was good. Except for my mattress that I had to wait around for (ok it was totally worth it - I've never slept so well).
Last night our last piece of furniture arrived and it really pulled everything together. We really need something over our big couch - any thoughts?
Ok well in true Kristen fashion I documented the whole move. With my real camera - not my shitty camera phone quality:
Goodbye old ugly bedroom. Yes there is my cat. She did NOT want to leave. For the record I did have pretty things on the wall - besides that cross.
In the new place we have this abnormally large closet with one HUGE shelf. We keep joking that we could fit someone in there. Well Pat (BTW go read his blog - it's a gem) was up for the challenge. He grabbed his favorite (ok favorite name) book off of my book shelf (Hot Mess for the record) and took it to read in there. Looks pretty comfy huh.
He was really into it apparently.
Finished product of the living room. The second couch really made it look homey. I love it. All we need is some art in there and it will be perf (my longtime neighbor at my moms house gave me a $50 gift card to Home Goods! I'll probably look there soon!).
I'll post some bedroom pictures soon. I need to clean it a little bit more and get some stuff on the walls. Or maybe I'll be like Mariah Carey and keep my bedroom private ala her Cribs episode. Yeah - no :)
So Friday I went back to my mom's house to clean what was left of my room. I came back Sunday for lunch to see my mom has already turned it into her own little gym. So cute.
The weekend wasn't all moving and no fun though. Friday night I went to Chili's (surprised? I know - hold your gasps!) with Pat, Hill and John. We came back to my new pad (officially called Area 51 - there is a cell phone tower behind our parking area. It lights up like a space station at night) for a tour and some hangs. Saturday I met my good friend (soon to be MARRIED FRIEND!) for lunch. I later met up with the bridesmaids for her wedding for a pow-wow. I was convinced we wouldn't get anything done but we actually did alot. I was dreading it but it was kind of fun.
Saturday night we went out for Natalie's going away party at Fuji. Natalie is my current roomates old roommate (and really good friend of mine) and the reason I got to move out (I mean that in the nicest way possible). She moved to Texas to live with her mom and to go to school. It was so nice and I think I cried a little when I said good bye. Lots of drinks and sushi were had.
I left Fuji around 10:30 to go visit Ann Marie in RockVegas for her bar party. Her husband built a bar in their garage. Sounds kind of crimey but it's amazing inside. Probably the nicest bar I've ever been in. Literally when you're inside you feel like you're in a legit bar. A nice one at that!!! I watched everyone play RockBand for a while and then I had to go home to sleep.
Woke up early next morning to help Missy bring over some last things (and our couch!) to the new place. To my surprise Natalie was still there finishing up her packing for the moving truck. I had to say good-bye again. It was worse this time because it was final. She was really gone. But it gives me a chance to go to Texas!!! No joke I'd really like to visit Texas.
Anywhosit. I'm cooking my first dinner in the new place tonight. Few ideas. I'll brainstorm on the way home. Maybe take some photos.
Oh BTW anyone have Kelly Clarkson's new album. Seriously so impressive. I've been listening to it nonstop since last Thursday.
all moved out,
i have a fuji tag,
Kelly Clarkson,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"It could be worse...". Is what I have been saying to myself since I left work yesterday.
I was on my way home. I was planning on going to Home Depot to pick out shelves for our pantry and then to Ikea for the bookshelf I'd like to build before all the crap in my room comes.
Then this happened.

I was cruising along 123. Not going too fast as it was sleeting, icing and raining all at once. Perfect recipe for a car accident. I was nearing the end of 123 and I come up on this street on the left. Well the car two cars in front of me stops suddenly to stop and turn as does the lovely car in front of me. You can guess what happened next. I slammed my breaks but they were impervious to the sleet and rain - but I attempted to move my car to the right so I wouldn't hit it.
I tried my best. But as you can see my right bumper got right up in the rear passenger bumper of this guys car. His car looks 100 times better than mine. He probably has a basketball size indent in that back right corner and no damage to his lights. Sweet older guy. Probably in his 70's. Tells me his wife pushes him around more than my car hitting him. I made sure he was ok 100 times. We traded information and the cops pull up. I was happy to see them just in case this man went home and complained about pain because when the cops and fire trucks (yess FIRE TRUCKS. Plural! For my stinking little accident) came they all asked him another 100 times. The cops were also super nice and helpful.
Went home and Roger and Mom had a good laugh about me now having two messed up bumpers. I did not laugh. I kind of got really bummed about it. So many things are going awesome and I was saying that this amount of positive things NEVER happens to me. This had to come and smack me in the face.
But I went to sleep early. Slept on it and realized it could have been way worse. My car could not be driveable. His car could have been way worse. One of us could have been seriously hurt. I'm back in good spirits today! I somehow lost my registration after giving it to the cop last night so I went and got myself a new one today. I went to the Norwell Police station to do an accident report and I called my insurance company and started a claim.
Going to build the shelves tonight in the pantry and hopefully finally get in that trip to Ikea. All is well.
I was on my way home. I was planning on going to Home Depot to pick out shelves for our pantry and then to Ikea for the bookshelf I'd like to build before all the crap in my room comes.
Then this happened.

I was cruising along 123. Not going too fast as it was sleeting, icing and raining all at once. Perfect recipe for a car accident. I was nearing the end of 123 and I come up on this street on the left. Well the car two cars in front of me stops suddenly to stop and turn as does the lovely car in front of me. You can guess what happened next. I slammed my breaks but they were impervious to the sleet and rain - but I attempted to move my car to the right so I wouldn't hit it.
I tried my best. But as you can see my right bumper got right up in the rear passenger bumper of this guys car. His car looks 100 times better than mine. He probably has a basketball size indent in that back right corner and no damage to his lights. Sweet older guy. Probably in his 70's. Tells me his wife pushes him around more than my car hitting him. I made sure he was ok 100 times. We traded information and the cops pull up. I was happy to see them just in case this man went home and complained about pain because when the cops and fire trucks (yess FIRE TRUCKS. Plural! For my stinking little accident) came they all asked him another 100 times. The cops were also super nice and helpful.
Went home and Roger and Mom had a good laugh about me now having two messed up bumpers. I did not laugh. I kind of got really bummed about it. So many things are going awesome and I was saying that this amount of positive things NEVER happens to me. This had to come and smack me in the face.
But I went to sleep early. Slept on it and realized it could have been way worse. My car could not be driveable. His car could have been way worse. One of us could have been seriously hurt. I'm back in good spirits today! I somehow lost my registration after giving it to the cop last night so I went and got myself a new one today. I went to the Norwell Police station to do an accident report and I called my insurance company and started a claim.
Going to build the shelves tonight in the pantry and hopefully finally get in that trip to Ikea. All is well.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Ahhh the end of the weekend. Sunday night is seriously my LEAST favorite time of the week. Actually no - Monday morning at 7:30 is.

This weekend has been just non-stop. Friday I left work early to go pick up the keys at my new apartment!!! So excited. Just having the keys makes it all real. Missy and I went to Target and picked up a bunch of cleaning supplies. The maintenance people did a really good job cleaning up the place but who knows what kind of crap they use. Anywhosit. Jess came over to check out our new (albeit empty) apartment. We did some cleaning and then went to Acapulco's for some din-din. I was going to go back to my Mom's house and pack up a load to take over but I started getting a little delirious at dinner so I figured it best to go home.
I hadn't actually packed a thing until that night. I didn't have any boxes. So I went to Curtis Liquors were I am embarrassed to say they know me by name - and they gave me a ton of boxes which ended up being perfect for my DVD's. Saturday I woke up bright and early and went to U-Haul to buy some larger boxes for books and the like. Needless to say I am right now sitting in my empty childhood bedroom. All I have is my bureau and my bed to move and they will be making the trip Thursday.
After making a few trips to the apartment (with my mom and step dad) I decided I needed a little me time. So I went and got a manicure. Nothing makes me feel better than getting a mani. My nails are getting so long so I want to keep them all purty. I digress.
I took a 45 minute nap (ok more like 30 - I was really compelled by THS Bret Michaels) before I had to get ready to go meet Justin and Jen at Fuji for some dinner before we went to South Side Tavern to see "The Bitter End".
I got my favorite sushi. It was so amazing I needed to photo it.

Justin laughed at me. I got Spicy Tuna and a Spider Maki. Spider Maki is the one that looks like - well - a spider (actually soft shell crab). Justin's food came out first and the waitress was like "Oh sorry about the wait - the spider takes a little more time to cook." Jen and I were dying. We both got the same thing. Dinner is going well and all of a sudden Jen starts choking and spitting her food back up into the napkin. I thought she was going to throw up at the table. She made a bee-line to the bathroom and when I rush to follow her in I see her doubling over laughing. She's choking and laughing which made me start laughing. People must have thought we were crazy.
We then made it to South Side Tavern to meet Ann Marie and the rest. I have a confession to make. I really love local cover bands. Especially The Bitter End. They're so good. Ann Marie's cousin Paul plays the guitar and the lead singer is a really cool gal named Kimberly. They're just so fun. I don't know if this makes me a "townie" but if so I'll take it. Beats going to Tequila Rain like last weekend ANY DAY. Oh yeah last weekend we went to Tequila Rain (aka the WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD - OBVS not my idea) to celebrate Hillary's promotion. If I wasn't able to make fun of all the tragic cases in the room I wouldn't have enjoyed myself at all.
I digress. Again. P Dunn ended up joining us for some tunes and dancing. I wish I took a video of the Ann Marie vs. Pat dance-off. Epic. We had a lot of fun but we were sitting next to the speaker and it was really fucking loud. I seriously couldn't hear a thing and my ears were buzzing when I got home. We decided next time we need a quiet playdate.
Best part of the night was finding out one of Ann Marie's friends who I see when we go out - also lives in Abington Glen. How random! I'm super stoked. She's a really sweet girl so I can see a lot of hanging out in the future. I told her to give me the deets of the place since she's lived there for a year - and she said that she really had no complaints besides the laundry some times. So that was really good to hear :)
Today I met Missy at Natalie at Abington Ale House for some lunch and another trip to the apartment. This time I took all my purses and pretty much everything in my closet. Also my "file holders" which are actually a little handheld box and then my most recent addition - a large Coach shopping bag.
We put up some art and cleaned our dishes and lined the cabinets with the contact paper (NOT EASY). Natalie and I had the task of putting together Missy's shot glass cabinet (another NOT EASY). But once we got it together it and put the glasses in it looked amazing. She is so well traveled. The farthest I've been is Mexico.
I took some photos to send via text - so here they are:

It doesn't look like much yet - but where the small couch is, is where our entertainment center that will hold the amazing TV (yeah I got a 42" TV! It's so sweet) will go and the wall on the other side will be the big couch and smaller couch. Also you can see our sweet balcony - which doesn't look so sweet in this photo but trust me - it is.

My room was even less cool than the picture of the living room so I took a picture of the bathroom. I LOVE the art so much. Missy picked them out at Bed Bath and Beyond and as soon as I saw them I fell in love with them.
I'm still feeling a little messed up from this time change bull crap.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
My Horizontal Life.

It's no surprise that I have taken a little reading sabbatical. I read Twilight last year. I wanted to see what all I hype was. I still don't buy it totally but whatever. I tried reading the second book New Moon and I was just tortured to finish it. I will read Eclipse and the rest in time.
I bought Chelsea Handler's book My Horizontal Life on Sunday. I rarely buy books in book stores (woo Amazon) but I kept hearing so many amazing things about this book so I decided to just pick it up while I was out shopping.
Whenever I go and the subject of books come up I have to profess my love for My Custom Van by Michael Ian Black. Almost every time someone will follow that up with "Have you ever read My Horizontal Life?"
Anywho. I think it's because both books are comprised of short side spliting stories and then they move on to another. Maybe it's because of my increasing anxiety and ADD as an adult - but those types of books really resonate with me now.
I would give this book a 25 out of 10. Absolutely genius. I swear Chelsea may be my long lost older sister. Granted I'm not a pathological liar nor do I sleep with midgets - but there is a lot in the book I can laugh about and relate to. I wish I had it with me so I could share some of my favs.
The second to last one "Rerun" was probably my favorite of the whole book. I won't give all the awesomeness but it has something to do with Chelsea wearing a M&M costume to a costume Valentine's Day party at a complex that resembled the one in Melrose Place.
I finished it in less than a day. I guess the snowday helped. My huge pile of my "to read" books were glaring at me from the box I packed them in to get ready for the move. Did I mention I'm moving Friday? I'm not having a TV in my bedroom so I'm hoping I'll be more motivated to do some reading before bed instead of watching re-runs of "Will and Grace" (fav show ever).
I just ordered Chelsea's second book "Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea" off Amazon and also another one called "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley. Super excited.
More weekend awesomeness later.

It's no surprise that I have taken a little reading sabbatical. I read Twilight last year. I wanted to see what all I hype was. I still don't buy it totally but whatever. I tried reading the second book New Moon and I was just tortured to finish it. I will read Eclipse and the rest in time.
I bought Chelsea Handler's book My Horizontal Life on Sunday. I rarely buy books in book stores (woo Amazon) but I kept hearing so many amazing things about this book so I decided to just pick it up while I was out shopping.
Whenever I go and the subject of books come up I have to profess my love for My Custom Van by Michael Ian Black. Almost every time someone will follow that up with "Have you ever read My Horizontal Life?"
Anywho. I think it's because both books are comprised of short side spliting stories and then they move on to another. Maybe it's because of my increasing anxiety and ADD as an adult - but those types of books really resonate with me now.
I would give this book a 25 out of 10. Absolutely genius. I swear Chelsea may be my long lost older sister. Granted I'm not a pathological liar nor do I sleep with midgets - but there is a lot in the book I can laugh about and relate to. I wish I had it with me so I could share some of my favs.
The second to last one "Rerun" was probably my favorite of the whole book. I won't give all the awesomeness but it has something to do with Chelsea wearing a M&M costume to a costume Valentine's Day party at a complex that resembled the one in Melrose Place.
I finished it in less than a day. I guess the snowday helped. My huge pile of my "to read" books were glaring at me from the box I packed them in to get ready for the move. Did I mention I'm moving Friday? I'm not having a TV in my bedroom so I'm hoping I'll be more motivated to do some reading before bed instead of watching re-runs of "Will and Grace" (fav show ever).
I just ordered Chelsea's second book "Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea" off Amazon and also another one called "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley. Super excited.
More weekend awesomeness later.
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