Thursday, February 19, 2009

I patience is fleeting today. I'm 100% sure my computer almost blew up and 1 hour later anonymous IT guy tells me it could have been my iPod poisoning it. How dare he accuse my iPod of being toxic! He suggested I take it to the doctors aka the genious bar to make sure it is void of all CTD's (computer transmitted diseases - I just made that up. I'm so fucking clever).

Last night I decided to take a SPIN class at the gym. I haven't went since the last time, which was like three years ago when not only did my ass hurt for three weeks, but when I got up to get a drink of water my legs gave out and I fell in front of the whole class.

But I decided that I need to get my ass into gear. Annie's wedding and my 27th birthday (which happen to happen consecutive days in a row) are creeping (ok more like 8 months) close. SO I go to Spin. Sweet - someone I know. We shoot the shit and I soon realize I have to get a pass to be in the class so I sprint downstairs - get one - come back up. The agro instructor is like "where were you? Are you this late to work and other engagements in your life." Whatever.

SO I get on the bike - get situated for my height etc. Get into the stance and start going. This may fall into a slight category for TMI Thursday - but for those who don't know me in real life - I have really big boobs. Like big ones. I got my first brazierre at 8 and from then on it was boob-city. Of course I get the joke all the time - "So do your boobs hit in you in the face when you run." Umm I wear two sports bras - so no.

I can finally say YES. Yesterday as I'm pedaling and getting into the stance - my boobs are kinda slamming into my face. I can't believe I am even admitting this. I couldn't stop laughing. The only way I could get comfortable was to stand on the bike - pretty much the whole time. Funny back story: I was telling my coworker that day that I didn't think SPIN would be intensive enough to require two sports bras. But oh it did. My butt does not hurt like it did when I first did Spin but my legs are really paining today. It's a good pain for sure. I plan on taking it again next Wednesday.

Maybe my next foray in TMI Thursday will be more exciting.

In other news one of my former likes (note: not loves) has been trying to nudge his annoying face back into my life via FaceBook. Really?? I like FaceBook as much as the next day but really you want to check up on my life and shoot the shit - call me. Use the freaking phone. I'd even take a text. I'm NOT going to write back to your one liners about how much you'd like to see me when you're in town etc etc. You suck at life and I let you go for a reason. That's the rah-rah side of me. The other just wants to have some fun :)

Oh did I mention I have an IRL (in real life - for those not so savvy) crush. I'm sure I'll be over it by Monday but it's nice while it's around.

So we measured the apartment on Tuesday and if it is possible - we actually fell more in love with the place. They fixed our balcony door and it's so cool. We stood out there talking about how damn excited we were to move in and how awesome our place was. Everything that we noticed last time has been fixed (I'm still missing a closet door!) and the bathroom is super shiny now. It was kind of grimey before. This week I've been looking at TV's, mattresses, wine racks (obvs), TV stands and kitchen tables. I wasn't going to buy a new mattress but I watched a special on mattresses the other night and I got skeeved out. They say mattresses really shouldn't have two owners and my mom gave me her mattress about a year ago when she bought a new one. Oh and she told me today that my mattress is 17 years old. Greattt.

After my computer debacle I got really lazy and really just read blogs for like a half hour. So naturally I need to pass them on:

Maxie - I Hate So Much.
(ok if you're not absolutely on the floor laughing after you read her blog you may have a problem. Her most recent post is one of my favs. Also this one. Oh and this one. Read them all!)

LiLu - Live It, Love It.
I just discovered LiLu's blog last week after Maxie linked it in one of those posts up there. I envy both of these ladies wicked exciting lives and wish I had the cojones to write about what they write about. They both are religious with posting on TMI Thursdays (seriously go read them) which is what helped me to share my embarrassing Spin class. Her series on "Shizz her boyfriend says" is AMAZZZING.

Jessica - tried to live forever every day of the year
I love Miss (soon to be Mrs!!) Jessica. She reminds me alot of myself except she's way cooler and lives in New York City.

Jess - Classy In Philadelphia
This Jess also reminds me quite a bit of myself. She is super into PR (and did one semester at my alma mater Hofstra!). She's super sophisticated (alot more than I was at 20 and probably now at 26) and I love reading her blog! Woop!

Rachel - Confessions of a Jersey Girl
Rachel's blog is so fun to read. She tells amazingly heartfelt stories that have made me cry a few times and is also a really good person to follow on twitter (as are the rest of my blog friends).

Cake Wrecks - Need I say more. My coworker and I absolutely are in stitches when we waste precious time on this here blog.

Postcards from Yo Momma - Everyones Mom says dumb stuff. Next time she does - submit it to this website.

Ok I realized that I have like 57 blogs in my reader that I love. If I did not shout you today your time will be coming soon!!

And like I would shout out my IRL friends that have blogs. Ahemm.
Mr. Patrick Dunn (who needs to get his ass posting more. He's HIGHLARIOUS and not to mention - a total stud. From our first meeting in the line to get our tickets at the airport for Vegas when the guy yelled at us - I knew I wanted him to be my friend)
Ms Lizzy Mann who - now don't be jealous - was able to live with me in college and spent ENDLESS hours in the car from New York to Boston and rinse and repeat.

Ok one more. Lauren Melanie Brown. Yes she shares half of her name with a Spice Girl but she also has a kicken super stylish fashion blog. Did I mention she also was my favorite roommate in the whole entire world and we were probably sisters in a past life? Yep. True fax.

Now that I have came out of the "i love to blog and bloggers" closet I must be packing up my stuff so I can go test out some mattresses.



rachaelgking said...

Hey lady! Thanks so much for the link love :-)

I had no idea when I started TMI Thursday last year it would turn out to be such a hit! But it is, because everyone is fabulous about sharing their most ridiculous shiz in kind. I always link everyone (I can find) who posts one, so if you click the TMI link on my page, you'll have access to nearly 100 TMI posts including mine and ALL of my friends who've joined in.

Love your bloggy too lady! xoxo

Kristen said...

TMI Thursdays are hilarious! I will have to go and look at the rest. Perfect for a slow Friday!!!

Lizzy said...

I seriously had to keep myself from laughing out loud after reading that. Honestly, I didn't think that spin would really make your boobs move that much. I'll need to keep that in mind.

Is there any small thing you want for the apartment? I'm thinking it's time for a gift!

Kristen said...

Oh yes! Liz it does! Especially when the instructor is on crack!! She was like get up ok sit down ok sprint. It was so awful. Awfully funny.

Well Ikea is always a winner. I'll probably marry Ikea one day.

jessica maria said...

Yay! Okay, also, that story you deem as TMI is HILARIOUS. Cause boobs are funny. ;P

CIP said...

Yaaaay yaaaay yaaaay thanks for the shoutout! <3

patrick said...

Why did that guy yell at us? I don't remember?

Kristen said...

I think we cut him. And maybe bumped him with one of our bags. I remember it was early - and he was PISSED.

patrick said...

Oh, well, I probably would have been pissed too because there was like twenty of us. It was like a high school field trip to Europe, minus being in high school and not going to Europe.