Saturday, September 06, 2008

Saturday I attended the Greek Festival in Braintree.  Very random and totally ironic (just saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and remembered how much I wanted to go to Greece - ok not ironic at all).  Anyhow while myspacing early in the week I got word that my pal Heather ( a real greek ) would be attending.  As Robyn and I are driving past the HUGE Greek church I exclaim with glee that we should go and crash it.

So I call my good friend Heather and turns out she's there and rather bored.  What I really wanted to get there was an evil eye bracelet.  I know you can get it at the lame mall kiosks but I just didn't want to do that.  And since the Greek Festival is about $3000 less than a trip to Greece I decided to buy one there.  It's very pretty.  And blue.  When we got to the Greek festival a festive Greek (i'm assuming) lead us to a space.  We find that the Greek Festival is actually outside - in the 90 degree weather.  Insane.  We perused the flea market like boutique which was very cool and everyone was really jazzed about their products.  I wish I took more pictures of some of the things that were there.  Alot of people were selling Christmas stuff and I couldn't understand why.  I bought said bracelet and also picked one up for Mom and Hillary.  Twinsies.  After a discussion on ouzo and how it was a shame they did not offer any at the festival we headed outside to meet Heather.  

So mad that we just ate before deciding to go because there were SO much - too much amazing food and aromas outside.  Traditional greek music was played by a band who's average age was 85 and kids and grandmas were dancing.  What I did want was a alcoholic beverage.  Not ouzo :( Was going to grab wine before I saw they had Greek beer.  Obviously I had to try it.
Before we left I picked up some traditional Greek pastries for Mom and looked at jewelry once more.  I don't know what it is with me and flea market jewelry.  I love it.  It's cheap and campy and always provides a fun story.  I have this one really rad ring that I get so many compliments on that I actually got from the Revere flea market.  I bartered and everything.  True story.  Let's go back.

Yesterday (Monday) I'm sure I saw death beside my bed.  I was more sick than I have ever been in my entire life.  I took my first sick day in like 3 years.  I couldn't talk, I couldn't walk - I pitied myself all day lol.  Usually I like to watch TV when I'm sicky but I physically couldn't concentrate on opening my eyes or getting up if I didn't have to.  Finally at 4pm I felt a little better and took a shower (which felt great) and watched Entourage and Big Brother from the night before.  Went to bed really early and woke up today feeling 95% better.  Still a little headache but mostly all better.

I actually just wanted my fourth 3-day weekend in a row.  

Minneapolis next week for All-Staff and new business presentation!  Then travel is done for this year.  I really want to go to Vegas for fun over Thanksgiving weekend.....



kassie! said...

Ah man, I love Mythos!!! Whenever I find it around here I always pick some up because it is definitely a rarity.

Kristen said...

It's seriously so good!! I'm going to search around for it now.

patrick said...

Greek festival? Greece is kind of near Malta. As in the pee parties. I was reading about Malta's economical history in my economics book. Unfortunately, there was no mention of it's most thriving and lucrative enterprise - The Pee Party. They also filmed the movie "Troy" there. I heard Brad Pitt had a blast, now I know why. I'm filled with fun facts today.

Kristen said...

Yes it was awesome. I felt totally Greek. Malta (thanks to Google Maps) is actually closer to Italy. Who knew! Well they only want the most exclusive people to attend their pee parties. They don't want it to be written about in books. That's why you got the "secret" invite.