Thursday, September 25, 2008

I can't believe how frigidly cold it has gotten in Mass in the past few days.  I need to invest in some shoes that will keep my feet warm (not ready to wear my Uggs or ULU's).  OO which reminds me I have a coupon at DSW!  My hands are frigid too.
It's that time again!
It's definitely been a Weezer type of week!!  Ok so I listen to Weezer alot EVERY week but w/e.  I've been alone in the office this week so I've been listening to my iTunes (me and B usually play 80's iTunes radio - great day passer BTW).  It irks me to no end that if you bought an album on another computer - you can't play it on this one.  Example.  I downloaded MCS "Commit this to Memory" probably one of my favorite CD's of all time -  onto the PC I used to use at home that used to crash like every other day circa 2005-2006. Because of that,  I would have to keep registering my iTunes and when I finally got a computer than worked (THANK YOU MAC GODS) I was never able to register my pod (until I realized I could just make a new account - duh).  But I still cannot play that album on my computer - and well sometimes I just need to listen to it.  Reminds me of becoming a MCS convert, driving around in Long Island and getting Lauren - my non believer roomate - hooked on it.  Man I miss college and New York.  Ok anywho.

I need to plan a trip to New York REAL soon to see Lauren!!  The last one didn't count because it was work related  = nottt fun!  I think my work travels are done for the year though which is good.  Still want to go to Vegas as I noted on my myspace and the outpouring of people who said they would go with me was astounding.  I just need to go somewhere.

Ok things I am excited for:

The Office comes back tonight!!!!!  Seriously so excited.  What's going to happen with Andy/Angela and Dwangela.  Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the finale from last season - Andy asks Angela to marry her - TOTALLY stealing Jim's thunder - but last scene you see Phyllis walking in on past lovers, Dwight and Angela (hence Dwangela) necking in the corner.  Snap.  All I know is that previews show M. Scott with a mustache.  If you haven't watched EVER - watch for that.
Some other Office fun stuff.  I found this yesterday online - Serenity By Jan!!!!
Yeah I know.  Full of WIN.  The descriptions for the scents are amazing.  Personal Favorite.
Hunter Green: 
This youthful, firm scent will leave your mouth watering. While designing this candle I felt like a college girl again. Just as Eve was tempted by a decadent apple, you’ll be tempted by the most erotic scent of my collection, "Hunter Green."

Oh also.  I've been procrastinating a tad this morning - but with good reason:

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures
Amazing.  And if you didn't know already where my loyalty stands....

Thanks to Hillary who didn't think I'd wear it :)


1 comment:

jessica maria said...

Aw, it sucks not having music in all the necessary places. I flipped out when I realized I didn't have all of Tragic Kingdom on my iPod one day. It became my #1 priority when I got home. Ha.