Friday, February 27, 2009

Scratch that. Five people got laid off this week. The last person was on vaca so she was told on Tuesday. What a great way to come back from vaca huh. Le sigh.

So I've been really getting back into fitness hardcore. I did SPIN again Wednesday night. My mother called me during the day to inform me that her and my stepdad would also be attending. Great. They're going to try to talk to me the whole time and ruin my attempt at a zone out state when I'm working out. When I got there I tried to set my bike up just enough space away from them to not make it look I was trying to avoid them but just enough so I didn't have to talk to them.

I totally kicked ass this time. The new sports bra helped (yes it's really called the Ta Ta Tamer - and tame the girls it did). I see my stepdad totally struggling and I can't help to giggle a little bit. I'm horrible I know. He's always like I have the energy of a 24 year old kid (he's 55) and he does - most of the time. He's always super competitive too - which is probably where I get it from. I see him get up and whisper something to my mom. And he bolts. Before I could even start to tease him after the class he gave me 18 reasons why he couldn't finish the whole class. And he EVEN had a butt pad for the seat. Which I may need to invest in. My butt bone really hurts after SPIN. I'm sure it has a technical name. But yeah it hurts. I'm glad my seat at work is nice and cushioned.

I also went to the gym last night to see my favorite instructor who's been on vaca. That class is a mix of free weights, cardio and strecthing. Just what I need after SPIN. Then next week I'm going to do a Zumba class down the street from my house with Chris. Hope I can keep this up once I move. Our apartment building had a gym - and it's right next to our unit. Perf.

P. Dunn and I are seeing Drug Rug tonight. We love them.

I'm so boring lately. As I was cuddling into bed with some tea and wine - yes I drink both at the same time and have no qualms what-so-ever - I noticed my two precious kitty cats were sleeping side by side on my bed. It made me sad that I would have to leave them. My bed is their home. Then I heard that my room will be used as a "junk room" when I leave because they're doing the bathroom over and it's next to my room. Where are the kitties going to sleep? These are the things that keep me up. Ok anywhosit. I took a picture and planned on uploading it today but the birthday girl - my office mate - took her camera cord back. We share everything in here. Soon my blogger friends - soon.

Oh BTW. My obsession of the week:

I know it's a few weeks old but I am obsessed with it. I had only seen the uncensored one on NBC and on TV so I hadn't gotten the full effect. "Fuck land. I'm on a boat." Has Andy Samberg been spying on my friends and I?

So about a year and half ago my best friend announced she was getting married - ON A BOAT. The whole idea of a cruise really spazzed me out. I don't know just looking out and seeing sea - all around me was making me anxious just thinking about it. So one night we all got together for drinks and dinner for a friends birthday and our friend Jess - who is the champion lightweight gets wasted and is trying to sell me on the cruise. She is naming all the reasons why being on a boat is cooler than land - and ends her very eloquent speech with a very loud "FUCK LAND." We all thought this was hilarious so the boys are trying to get her to say it as much as possible and with each time she is getting more and more passionate about how much she hates land. Well she is so infamous so this rant she is sometimes called "Fuck Land" - hey is Fuck Land coming? It's probably one of the most overused sayings in my little circle. And for good reason. it's high-larious. While I'm sure we're not the only ones that hold "fuck land" close to our hearts - I'd like to think that's our own personal little shoutout.

So ladies and gents. Happy Friday. Oh and .. FUCK LAND.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Hump Day!
This week so far has been agonizing work wise. Four more people got laid off at the company I work for. First it was a number of senior management in October. I was pretty confident I would be safe as my salary is quite low and I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference if they were to let me go.

Then Monday we got an email about a emergency meeting 10 minutes from then. We knew it had to be about people getting laid off. Bethany and I sat there staring at each other being like "They'd have to call us if we were getting cut right... right??" Then all of a sudden my phone rings. My heart probably stopped for like two seconds - I'm sure of it. It actually was my supervisor letting me know she wouldn't be calling in but she wanted us to tell her what was being announced.

Four really good people got laid off. What's scarier is that they were at my level. One of the guys that got laid off had been working on an account with me - now that he's gone I'm getting his hours and his work - it sucks but - I couldn't be happier to take on more work! Two of my favorite gals also got laid off. One who was a Assistant but man she was awesome. Another who was my total BFF during the election. Total liberal asshole like myself. We also did Boot Camp together and if she wasn't there all the times I wanted to break down - I probably wouldn't have made it.

I guess I'm just lucky to still have a job. So I'll leave it at that.

The weekend was great. Friday the whole gang (minus P. Dunn) got together at Chili's for some drinks and apps. Twas a good time! But I'm totally jumping ahead of myself. Before I met the gang at Chili's I bought a new mattress!

I was super intimidated as I always am when it comes to buying big items. I hate when people are super eager to sell you something - it makes me so nervous. So I marched in and I was like "Listen - I did my research - THIS is the bed I want." He made me feel smart and also made me get on this super scientific bed to figure out my pressure points and how I like to sleep. He kept making awkward gestures to my "top heavyness." To alleviate some of his awkwardness I was like yeah I know I have big boobs let's move on. My mom was mortified. Oh yeah I harrassed her into coming with me. And it's a good thing I did because he took $100 off the mattress I wanted because she bought her mattress there last year. So I got me a sweet new matress and boxspring for $542 and that includes delivery.

After Chili's a few of us moseyed on to The Half Door in the always lovely Quincy Center. It was fun - but super crowded. Robyn and I saw our BFF from High School who looked and smelled totally cracked out. She awkwardly wanted to take a picture with us. So bizarre.

Saturday Missy and I went around to some places looking for stuff for the apartment. We found an entertainment center and a coffee table but are still looking for the kitchen table. Nothing that we've fallen in love with yet. I got a new duvet from Ikea and some frames (which reminds me I need to go to CVS and print out a shitload of photos from my cam) and also some cute decorative stuff.

Later in the day Hillary, Robyn, Alyssa and I went to see the Wrestler. How painful was that movie? I felt like I was watching an episode of intervention. Mickey Rourke was amazing and would have deserved the Oscar (but Sean Penn won and deserved it more!). It was just so depressing. Wrestling was his drug. When things were going good he stayed away from it and when things were hitting the shitter he would torture himself.

Then we enjoyed a dinner at Abington Ale House (which is a stone throws away from my new apt) and stopped at Target to buy the Dead Like Me movie. I was pysched it was there. They were actually selling the first two seasons and the movie together for $50! I'll have to save my review till the next blog because I promised Pat I would not tell him about it (and he's one of the 6 or so people that read my lousy posts). After that we split up and I decided to go stop by Great Chow to meet Jen and Justin for some drinks. We had so much fun. Pat and friends ended stopped by a bit later. Meanwhile drama is unfolding in the parking lot. A girl that was with Jen's sister got arrested in the parking lot - second DUI in one week crazy huh. After she got arrested she CAME BACK! I'm really thankful I was never that rebellious. I'm kind of glad I was a total nerd. The girls at the table behind us were also causing their own brand of crazy. They were like pulling down their shirts and making out and just - yeah it was funny. So Pat made me capture some of it in only a way I could:

Ladies and gents I present to you - the sly photo. I made it seem like I was taking a picture of P. Dunn but no I was taking a picture of the ridiculously tragic girls behind us who in the picture above - one girl was giving the other a lapdance and was in mid of pulling her pants down. Crazy people I tell you. Towards the end of the night one of the gals had a breakdown and was crying all into her drink. Then the folks she was with got in a fight outside and the cops and an ambulance came. I swear it was like a live episode of Cops that night.

Sunday was the day I wait for all year!! THE OSCARS!! I went to Annies and we had a great time. I made my famous guac and Colleen made Buffalo Dip (which totally overshadowed my amazing guac!) which was amazing and Annie made all these different variations of popcorn (her engaged state has made me so domesticated like). I was very happy with the results of the awards! So happy for Slumdog Millionaire taking home all it's awards and also for Sean Penn and Dustin Lance Black on behalf of Milk. Go google their acceptance speeches. Amazing.
Obviously we kept score. Robyn got first, I got second and Annie got third. It was fun.

We all pretty much had a big fail on the technical ones but we all did well on the big ones. I really liked the show this year. The format was cool and so was Hugh Jackman. Oh and my friend Jessica has done a great blog featuring the best/worst dressed - which BTW I totally agree with.

Oh also - Maxise at "i hate so much" - is featuring a doozie of "Would You Rather Wednesday" - so go check it out. I haven't answered yet. This is a hard one :)

Some of my other favorite blogs this week. This may be my favorite blog of LiLu's so far. Like I mentioned in my last post - this gal is hilarious and would probably be my bff if I lived in DC. Well she blogged about something yesterday that is near and dear to my heart - THE SNUGGIE. Please go read it and tell her how genious it is.

And my last comes from the lovely and talented Kay Hanley. She likes Google Analytics. Alot. Maybe a bit too much. Anyways - go check out her blog (and her post about the Oscars) and read this awesome blog about what she learned about herself when she saw all the things people type into Google to get to her blog.

Everyone have a sweeeeeet Wednesday.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I patience is fleeting today. I'm 100% sure my computer almost blew up and 1 hour later anonymous IT guy tells me it could have been my iPod poisoning it. How dare he accuse my iPod of being toxic! He suggested I take it to the doctors aka the genious bar to make sure it is void of all CTD's (computer transmitted diseases - I just made that up. I'm so fucking clever).

Last night I decided to take a SPIN class at the gym. I haven't went since the last time, which was like three years ago when not only did my ass hurt for three weeks, but when I got up to get a drink of water my legs gave out and I fell in front of the whole class.

But I decided that I need to get my ass into gear. Annie's wedding and my 27th birthday (which happen to happen consecutive days in a row) are creeping (ok more like 8 months) close. SO I go to Spin. Sweet - someone I know. We shoot the shit and I soon realize I have to get a pass to be in the class so I sprint downstairs - get one - come back up. The agro instructor is like "where were you? Are you this late to work and other engagements in your life." Whatever.

SO I get on the bike - get situated for my height etc. Get into the stance and start going. This may fall into a slight category for TMI Thursday - but for those who don't know me in real life - I have really big boobs. Like big ones. I got my first brazierre at 8 and from then on it was boob-city. Of course I get the joke all the time - "So do your boobs hit in you in the face when you run." Umm I wear two sports bras - so no.

I can finally say YES. Yesterday as I'm pedaling and getting into the stance - my boobs are kinda slamming into my face. I can't believe I am even admitting this. I couldn't stop laughing. The only way I could get comfortable was to stand on the bike - pretty much the whole time. Funny back story: I was telling my coworker that day that I didn't think SPIN would be intensive enough to require two sports bras. But oh it did. My butt does not hurt like it did when I first did Spin but my legs are really paining today. It's a good pain for sure. I plan on taking it again next Wednesday.

Maybe my next foray in TMI Thursday will be more exciting.

In other news one of my former likes (note: not loves) has been trying to nudge his annoying face back into my life via FaceBook. Really?? I like FaceBook as much as the next day but really you want to check up on my life and shoot the shit - call me. Use the freaking phone. I'd even take a text. I'm NOT going to write back to your one liners about how much you'd like to see me when you're in town etc etc. You suck at life and I let you go for a reason. That's the rah-rah side of me. The other just wants to have some fun :)

Oh did I mention I have an IRL (in real life - for those not so savvy) crush. I'm sure I'll be over it by Monday but it's nice while it's around.

So we measured the apartment on Tuesday and if it is possible - we actually fell more in love with the place. They fixed our balcony door and it's so cool. We stood out there talking about how damn excited we were to move in and how awesome our place was. Everything that we noticed last time has been fixed (I'm still missing a closet door!) and the bathroom is super shiny now. It was kind of grimey before. This week I've been looking at TV's, mattresses, wine racks (obvs), TV stands and kitchen tables. I wasn't going to buy a new mattress but I watched a special on mattresses the other night and I got skeeved out. They say mattresses really shouldn't have two owners and my mom gave me her mattress about a year ago when she bought a new one. Oh and she told me today that my mattress is 17 years old. Greattt.

After my computer debacle I got really lazy and really just read blogs for like a half hour. So naturally I need to pass them on:

Maxie - I Hate So Much.
(ok if you're not absolutely on the floor laughing after you read her blog you may have a problem. Her most recent post is one of my favs. Also this one. Oh and this one. Read them all!)

LiLu - Live It, Love It.
I just discovered LiLu's blog last week after Maxie linked it in one of those posts up there. I envy both of these ladies wicked exciting lives and wish I had the cojones to write about what they write about. They both are religious with posting on TMI Thursdays (seriously go read them) which is what helped me to share my embarrassing Spin class. Her series on "Shizz her boyfriend says" is AMAZZZING.

Jessica - tried to live forever every day of the year
I love Miss (soon to be Mrs!!) Jessica. She reminds me alot of myself except she's way cooler and lives in New York City.

Jess - Classy In Philadelphia
This Jess also reminds me quite a bit of myself. She is super into PR (and did one semester at my alma mater Hofstra!). She's super sophisticated (alot more than I was at 20 and probably now at 26) and I love reading her blog! Woop!

Rachel - Confessions of a Jersey Girl
Rachel's blog is so fun to read. She tells amazingly heartfelt stories that have made me cry a few times and is also a really good person to follow on twitter (as are the rest of my blog friends).

Cake Wrecks - Need I say more. My coworker and I absolutely are in stitches when we waste precious time on this here blog.

Postcards from Yo Momma - Everyones Mom says dumb stuff. Next time she does - submit it to this website.

Ok I realized that I have like 57 blogs in my reader that I love. If I did not shout you today your time will be coming soon!!

And like I would shout out my IRL friends that have blogs. Ahemm.
Mr. Patrick Dunn (who needs to get his ass posting more. He's HIGHLARIOUS and not to mention - a total stud. From our first meeting in the line to get our tickets at the airport for Vegas when the guy yelled at us - I knew I wanted him to be my friend)
Ms Lizzy Mann who - now don't be jealous - was able to live with me in college and spent ENDLESS hours in the car from New York to Boston and rinse and repeat.

Ok one more. Lauren Melanie Brown. Yes she shares half of her name with a Spice Girl but she also has a kicken super stylish fashion blog. Did I mention she also was my favorite roommate in the whole entire world and we were probably sisters in a past life? Yep. True fax.

Now that I have came out of the "i love to blog and bloggers" closet I must be packing up my stuff so I can go test out some mattresses.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just tid-bits this time.  I tried updating yesterday and then I realized I had nothing interesting to say (do I ever?).
  • Weekend was cool.  
  • Saw My Bloody Valentine 3D with Lydia.  There was a two year old child in our row.  Fucked. Up.
  • Got a mani pedi with my mom before her big day in the city.
  • Watched Secret Life of Bees and cried my eyes out.
  • Napped and watched too many shows about people getting married.
  • Went out for Valentine's Day with my date - Robyn.
  • Played Beer Pong and met tons of new people.
  • Saw a lot of characters out at the Commonwealth including a guy who had a mesh zip-up shirt on with a sparkly sequin shirt over it (YES I took a picture with my cam phone but it didn't come out!!!!)
  • Started organizing for the big move.
Speaking of the big move we're officially getting our keys on March 9.  My plan is to move most of my stuff in Monday and Tuesday and then move my bed March 11 because I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to get everything else situated.  

Tonight, Missy and I are going to the apartment to measure and make sure everything is cool when we move in.  I'm super excited.  Oh in my weekend my Mom and Roger went to look at TV's for me.  I'm finally going to join society with a big kid plasma TV.  It's going to be sweet.  

I'm getting really anxious about what might be under my bed.  Seriously.  I hope my yearbook is under there - that thing has been MIA for years.

Yep.  Still uninteresting,


Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Monday.  Ok not Happy Monday - I hate Mondays.  I just thought I'd stick with the Happy * insert day here* theme I have been taking.

Friday night I saw "He's just not that into you" with Missy and Jess.  We met up at Olive Garden for drinks and good food and then headed over to the theatre.  We bought our tickets in advance and I'm really glad we did. The theatre was PACKED.  

We all loved the movie.  Ginnifer Goodwin was amazing.  Lots of LAUGH OUT LOUD moments.  She was insane in the movie.  But some of things she did or thought of - I think every girl can definitely relate.  I'd rather not admit all of the traps I've fallen into but a few times I cringed thinking of how dumb I must have looked.  Definitely a live action bible for us girls.

Saturday I went to the Wrentham outlets in a hunt for a new purse.  I was going to go to the Coach boutique but I decided I should try to see what kind of deals I could get at the outlet.  I got my state refund back and I decided I would treat myself to a new bag and put my federal return in my bank for the big move.  The Coach Outlet in Wrentham has doubled its size and is just so overwhelming.  I went by myself so naturally when I picked out a bag I took a photo of it and sent it to my friends for the opinions.  There was one bag.  I couldn't stop staring at it.  Actually this woman was kind of mulling around it and I was like please don't take it, please don't take it.  
I'm regretting not buying it.  I did not get it because I realized it's the same color scheme as my Signature Tote. But the inside was the tattersall print.  Oh god I want to go back and buy it.  Ok no.  As I'm toying over this bag I spotted this gorgeous little clutch out of the corner of my eye.  

Totally not my color - but I figured sometimes I need a burst of color in my wardrobe.  The flap opens and flips up and the inside print is the anniversary pattern.  Not going to lie.  it's kind of what sold me on it.

Click here to see the inside and all the crap I can fit in it.  You can't see but I was able to fit my skinny mini wallet, phone, cell, keys, lip gloss and everyones favorite - visine.  My contacts get dry alot k.

I took this lovely lady out with me to meet Justin, Jen and Pat for dinner at Fuji.  Hmm just the thought makes me want to get their amazing sushi.  Pat and I shared two Scorpion Bowls which were so good.  I got the Philly roll and the Spicy Tuna roll.  So good.  

Pat's the best model ever.  I don't think this picture actually does the scorpion bowl the justice it deserves.  It actually looks bigger in real life.

Somewhere during dinner Justin hijacked my phone and went through my pictures.  He then made me tell him all the random stories that go along with some of the pictures.  He's like you have the BEST stories.  So someday I think I'll dedicate a blog to all my random photos.

Did I mention how much I love Justin and Jen?  They are as good as they come.  Jen could be my long lost sister - for real and Justin is just so nice and if Pat and Gary didn't already make me laugh until I'm on the floor - he's also one of the funniest people ever.

Oh also at dinner - I saw my oldest BFF ever Miss Paula.  How excited was I.  I bump into her in the most random places.  I will be calling her this week for a dinner date.  Picture throwback time!
How do you all like my Farrah Fawcett hair?  We're super sexy.

After dinner we went to the South Side Tavern to see Ann Marie's cousins band called "The Bitter End" play.  The place was SUPER small but actually quite quaint.  The crowd was a little bit older.  The band was awesome.  The girl singer would come out and let us sing in the mic.  Yeah we were so cool.  I have a thing that when I go out to see local bands that play 90's music I'll yell "Letters to Cleo" like a heckler.  Of course they never played but this time after I said it they played "I want you to want me."  Ok I'll take it.  I know a number of people who thought that was their song.  I won't call them out.   It also smelled like blueberry muffins in there.  Most pleasant bar smell ever.

I have a video on my white Mac that I'll load when I get home.  It's really funny.  This one girl was dancing like Molly Ringwald in Breakfast Club.  I always like hearing my commentary when I get home and watch them.  

Rock steady.  Did you all hear Blink 182 is reuniting???  You can't tell in that picture but Tom is standing like a foot away.  Maybe they smell?


Friday, February 06, 2009

Did you know that you can make a wish-list on Bed, Bath and Beyond? Ikea needs to create one of those things!
I need so many lame things for when I move.  We haven't done a huge count of the things we need yet but these are the things I know I'll need.

People find it so funny that I hang dry almost EVERYTHING.  Ever since I was a kid we never used the dryer.  Like ever.  In the summer it's pretty much non existent.  We hang everything on the clothes line.  Then in the winter we hang everything inside.  The only thing we dry are jeans really because with the way they make jeans now - it's a necessity to always dry them.

So that explains the stand dryer :)

We ended up scoring a sweeter apartment after all.  The one we were supposed to get - on the bottom floor; the people decided not to leave.  So they offered us the chance to look at two more apartments.  The first one they showed us was a different layout.  WAY smaller.  And on the bottom floor.  It's in the "basement" but has windows at foot level.  We both didn't feel the same vibe we did from the other one.  So then they showed us the one on the third floor (*note to all that will be helping us move in - the third floor is the second floor because you walk in the building on the second floor :) ).  The one on the third floor is amazing.  It's the same layout as the one we liked and - it has a balcony!!  A sweet one.  SO yeah we're excited.  And they also said we could paint if we wanted.  Sweet!  Did I also mention it's NEXT to the gym?  Yes.  I will have NO excuse.

Going to the movies tonight to see "He's Just Not That in to You" with some lovely ladies.  We're grabbing dinner and drinks before.  I'm super excited!  Tomorrow we're seeing some band in some bar in Quincy.  Ha that sounds funny.  I also hope to work in a lot of sleep and maybe a little organizing/accessing shit I should get rid of.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already.  I for one couldn't be more excited.  Wednesday signify the almost end of the week.  Can you tell I'm just dying for a day off?  

I had a pretty chill yet fun weekend.  Friday night Robyn and I went to Chilis before heading to Lydia and Phils for Grace's rave themed birthday party.  Unlike the goth party - I did not dress up for this one.  I was just starting to feel the beginnings of a cold roll over me and I was up so early for the seminar.  So my story was to tell them the only knowledge I have of a rave is from the movie GO!  so I dressed normal like Katie Holmes' character.  It was fun.  I feel like I so rarely get to see those guys so it was good to see them.  I didn't stay long as I was pretty much falling asleep on the couch.  Yeah I was THAT girl.

Saturday Robyn and I went to the mall for some shopping and chatting.  We decided we might have to go to Bamboozle because of the KICK-ASS lineup.  In short: No Doubt, Third Eye Blind, Taking Back Sunday, Bloodhound Gang, Fall Out Boy and probably others I'm missing but those are the best.  It's not in Asbury Park anymore to my dismay but it's now held at the Meadowlands in Jersey so it's only just about 4 hours away - also exact mileage that I used to drive when I went to Hofstra.  

I was going to hang in on Saturday night to nurse my looming cold but I remembered that my friends Dawn and Chris were having a Wii night at their place so I really couldn't pass it up.  Pat met me at the Home Depot in Rockland (how classy of us)  as I have NO idea how to get to their house and we made our way over.  Jen and Justin who I adore were also there and Gary and Lisa showed up later with their party pants on shortly after.  We played Mario Kart (well ok I didn't but everyone else did) and then the boys cleared the room while the ladies played Wii Cheer.  Holy shit.  There isn't a more fun game to play.  I absolutely need to buy this game when I have a Wii.  Then Dawn played Dancing With the Stars on the Wii.  The rest of us hung back because she was clearly better than the rest of us.

The boys came in after the coast was clear and played Punch Out on the Wii.  I guess it's like this old Nintendo game that all the guys in the room had stories about playing it when they were lil ones.  

Meanwhile I played with Dawn and Chris' new puppy Harris!  He is a gorgeous brown lab!  Sweetest dog in the world.  Seriously.  I tried taking him home.  They would not let me.  Also spending the night with us was their daughter Regan who is the toughest little kid I've ever met.  I swear she is destined to be a stunt woman.  She is fearless.  I kind of tried to take her too.

I don't know how the next part of the night happened but all of a sudden we're watching the dog show on Animal Planet.  We were so entranced by this show - we must have watched it for two hours.  Exciting us the most were the names of the "handlers".  One of the bests was Boy Sukit.  Yes that was his name.  The laughs I had - I swear they cured my cold. Then Gary and Pat were telling stories about causing trouble in that same neighborhood when they were kids.  It never ceases to amaze me all the voices Pat and Gary can do.  I think I heard renditions of Pats Mom, Pats dad, Norm (my favorite), Norm's dad, Pat's grandfather, Ron and many more.  I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

Sunday I did typical sunday things.  I did a workout class on demand.  The one I did this time was Biggest Loser Cardio and the hot host Bill (Bob?) from The Biggest Loser leads it.  It was so awesome.  I did some laundry and also cooked some SuperBowl-ish food.  I did NOT watch the game.  I watched a few commercials and tuned in for the half-time show so I could rouse my boss about Bruce Springsteen ( she LOVES him).  We've had a picture of The Boss (Springsteen - not MY boss) on our door for months.

Monday I felt like death.  I didn't sleep at all Sunday night.  Monday night I slept better and by Tuesday my cold was gone.  However last night I was back to hardly sleeping at all.  My mind is racing with apartment things.  When should I start cleaning my room out, where will I put everything, what IS under my bed and other prodding questions.  I also have picked out a few things from the Ikea catalog which I am planning to feature in an upcoming blog.

Oh I also finally told my mom and step-dad I was leaving.  They're already making plans for the room when I go - so yeah they took it well :)
