Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is it crazy that in less than two weeks it will be December??  I think so!
Though I can't wait till next week because it's short!!

So, ok update.  Someone asked me about my apartment hunt the other day and I didn't even realize I didn't fill anyone in about my experience.  Ok so this is my first apartment hunting on my own so it's been pretty daunting.  I found a really cute place that I got a tour of on Halloween.  I find it amazing how some people can take photos to make rooms/spaces look HUGE because this place that I looked at seriously looked HUGE.  Then again for the price I guess that was wishful thinking.  

It was cute and probably the PERFECT size for me except two small issues.  OK the first one is a big issue.  There was ONE closet and it was in the bedroom aka for clothes.  My big problem right now is SPACE so I NEED at least one closet besides the one in the bedroom.  Ok well I'll give them the benefit of the doubt - there was TWO closets but they put the fridge in one of them.  Weird. 

Second thing was that the bathroom was in the bedroom which I thought was weird.  People have been telling me it's not but I think it is.  For ex to go to the bathroom you have to go through the bedroom.  I don't know it just caught me as weird.  Then she took me in the basement to show me the washer and dryer (good!) and the "storage" which had the largest dead cockroach/beetle in it.  Yah not putting my stuff down there.  

So I'm going to halt my search to at least February.  Gives me more time to save and I really love my mom's house around Christmas!

Work has been insanely busy.  More lately than ever.  Lots of new business pitches and presentations happening and I'm trying to lend a hand wherever I can.  Sad news came to us yesterday - one of our smaller clients called us to tell us they'd laid off a ton of people and they most likely wouldn't have us work for them anymore which makes me so sad.  I LOVE this client.  I love everything they stand for and the products we represent are AMAZING and I feel really proud doing PR for them.  I would work for them for free but sadly it's a lot more complicated than that.  We have some new business opps in the coming weeks so I'm hoping things will look up.  I mean - I've seen client teams fall apart because the client leaves.  Scary stuff.

My two co-workers (I always think of Jim from the office when I say co-workers because he says he could never call his co-workers friends - but in my case my co-workers are friends of mine) and I went out to dinner and drinks. 

We went to the Cheesecake Factory which was a unanimous vote.  My boss totally got pulled over getting there because she challenged me to find out which way was faster: Rt 123 or Rt 3A.  She said she felt the competitive nature take over and she ran a red light without even knowing.  She only got a warning but we had some giggles about it (and I plan calling her out at the all staff meeting tomorrow!).

We had so much fun.  I laugh SO hard when I am with them!  I swear the waiter thought we were psycho because of the laughs that were coming from our table.  We were talking SO much about work that Kathleen was like OK let's share something with each other that we wouldn't know otherwise.  So I told them the story of my NSYNC obsession when I was 16 and sending in a FANatic video.  I pretended to be naked in the middle of the road (I had a top pulled down and shorts on) and I held a poster board over my body that said "I AM NSYNCS BIGGEST FAN."  Wonder why I didn't win.  They liked that one.  

I told them I had a blog and that I'm not hiding anything so they can read if they want.  They know how obsessed I am with funny pictures/signs so were asking about which ones make the cut.  Kathleen asked me about one that I don't think I ever put up here:

From the Graves 601 Hotel in Minneapolis.  Probably the nicest place I've EVER stayed (seriously there was a tv in the bathroom but the shower was weird. I kept looking for a door but there wasn't one.).  They had this mile high sex kit in the minibar so obviously I had to take a picture of it.  Enlarge it to read the text better (that's what she said?).  I showed my boss the next day and she couldn't believe it.

I have some more gems from my phone that I've never posted on my blog. Stay tuned.



patrick said...

I agree about the bathroom in the bedroom. I mean, if there is another bathroom elsewhere, then that is okay. But, it's really weird because what if I came over, and pooped, and it smelled really bad, and the scent seeped out into your bedroom, and never went away. I am talking toxicity, like on a night we may have Papa Johns, which will probably never happen, because nobody likes Papa Johns. Only that one time... many, many years ago before you were born aka before I knew you.

jessica maria said...

I TOTALLY understand about closet space. We have 1 closet for the entire apartment, in my room. But there's no pantry or coat closet or anything downstairs. It's hell to make things look nice and not cluttered! And only one bathroom in the bedroom? Def weird.

HAHAHA - when I started dating Jesse and it was my first foray into actual NICE hotels, I definitely had one of those "where's the door???" moments with a hotel shower!

Anonymous said...

Yummm, Cheesecake Factory. Now I reallyyy want some!

Kristen said...

P Dunn I'm glad you took your pooping habits into consideration. That is exactly why the bathroom in the bedroom is weird. Like what if someone is staying over and they have to go through the bedroom. It's just weird. It was a nice bathroom though. I'm going to have a no Papa John's rule in my apt officially.

AHA Jessica I'm glad you feel my closet pain. Thankfully Ikea has some pretty decent looking closets you can put together but this place I looked at was so small I don't know where I'd put it. They told me there WAS two closets but to make more room they cut one out to put the refrigerator in. Yeah so small.

Yeah Cheesecake Fac is soo good. I crave their salads!!

Lizzy said...

I also agree about the bathroom thing. I know in apartments it can be quite normal to have to walk through the bedroom to get to the bathroom, but honestly, who wants people walking through their bedroom all the time, only to stink it out moments later?

Oh and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. Let me know if you are up to doing something this weekend. I have much news to tell you.