Monday, April 07, 2008

I need a vaca.

Seriously the amount of time I put into work these days is killing my morale.  But not really because I can see a raise in my future.  Need. To. Move. Out.  I mean honestly.  I'm hip.  I have a hip job.  And I use the word hip.  Apparently I'm not as cool as I thought I was.

I am so desperate I asked this guy with really bad gas *story below* if he was looking for a roommate.  How did I end up with all married and pretty much engaged friends.

Anyyywho.  Friday went to a friends house with Hill and met a guy with really bad gas.  At first he tried to cover it up but then he just started to let them rip.  And then being like "Oh sorry guys".  On my way out he's like "Come Here", he puts his arms around me and goes "Wait for it. Wait for it" and I'm like OMG this dude is going to FART!!  Then he says "I knew you were cold and I was waiting for you to warm up."

Lemme tell you the winner's flock to me.

Saturday I got a pedicure and chillaxed and cooked for my aunt's surprise party on Sunday.  Then I went to go see one of my bffs from college at the house she just bought (!!!!).  So insane.  She's like my little sister this girl and she's all grown up now (Love you Lizzzy).  We ate drank wine, ate popcorn and gossiped like there was no tomorrow.  Then took part in each others favorite past times: Watching Joaquin Phoenix movies.  Signs was the choice of the night.  Say what you want about it - it's a classic movie. And I love M Night.

Sunday went to my aunt's surprise 50th.  She was totes surprised.  Seriously she cried.   Talked alot with the fam, ate too much food and fell asleep watching Dif'rent Strokes.  I need BET! They totally play it all day long and everyone knows it's one of my Guilty Pleasures.

Got some interesting shows lined up.  Really want to go see Panic (!)  and MCS in May but not sure.  I like BOA Pavillion.  Anything would be better than last year @ the Tweeter Center.  Took my bum 5 hours to dry.

MM other random thoughts.  I can't wait till the Boston Marathon is done and over with.  If I can get one (or two!!!!) camera crews to the booth I will be Hero of 2008.  Wish me luck.   

Oh and if Spencer Pratt was my brother I'd stab him.  In the face.



jessica maria said...

i'll be at that boston panic/mcs show....OBVS :)

Kristen said...

I hope to be!
I've never seen Panic and I <3 MCS!