Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's.  One of the stupidest days of the year.

However, I've heard some goodies today.

I promised myself I wouldn't fall for any but one of my co-workers totally got me.

Anywho one of my favorite blogs Jezebel (http://www. jezebel. com) posted a blog that they were all fired and that CondeNast bought them out (aka sold to the man) and now instead of snarky comments on fashion and celebs it's all "This is what you have to wear in the Spring to get your man to do all the sexual positions you've already tried but we recycle them every issue" shit like that. Pretty good because it's still going on.

Thought that was pretty good but then someone at my company just sent out an email containing this link:
http://mail. google. com/mail/help/customtime/index. html

Google Mail aka Gmail is letting you compose emails - FROM THE PAST. Never send in late work related items again. Send yourself an email from the past.
Testimonials on the site are as follows:

"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing.
Todd J., Investment Banker

"I just got two tickets to Radiohead by being the 'first' to respond to a co-worker's 'first-come, first-serve' email. Someone else had already won them, but I told everyone to check their inboxes again. Everyone sort of knows I used Custom Time on this one, but I'm denying it.
Robby S., Paralegal

I almost bought it for like 30 seconds before I saw this on the bottom.

How come I only get ten?
Our researchers have concluded that allowing each person more than ten pre-dated emails per year would cause people to lose faith in the accuracy of time, thus rendering the feature useless.

Their findings:

N = Total emails sent
P = Probability that user believes the time stamp
φ = The Golden Ratio
L = Average life expectancy

Seriously. Kudos Google. Kudos.


jessica maria said...

We read the same stuff! JEZEBEL IS MY LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Best. Blog. Ever. I was cracking up re: that April Fools post.

Kristen said...

It's genious right! I can't get enough of it.

They worked really hard on this April Fools joke though! I love it.
I just saw the "new posting rules" also! So good.