Monday, March 24, 2008

Had a great weekend!

* Pat Gary and I saw The Cribs at the Paradise on friday night and they were a-mazing.  I know I use the word often but they were fantastic.  Even more fantastic was the opening band Drug Rug who are from the town of Bean.  Even better than that was the quotes of the night tied with Pat's "This is why school shootings happen" or the parking attendents "The Jason Brothers were here last night" to which Pat, Gary and I in unison replied "The Jonas Brothers?".

*The opening opener was named Jeffrey Lewis.  I can't go in to detail because I believe it's something you have to experience on your own.   Truefax - i just tried explaining some of the madness on this here blog and had to erase because it made no sense.  

* Spent Saturday in Ikea playing moderator between Hillary and John (a job a take very seriously).  Then went to din with Alison and Annie to our favorite place.  Later helped Hill and John take out old furniture and passed out watching Enchanted (which brings me to say Amy Adams was robbed awards season).

*I didn't do anything on Easter.  Mom and R were working and so were all the buds.  Later however Hill and I got Cheescake Fac take out and Annie and James came over and we watched the Office.  best . show. ever.

* Dreaded money and getting my taxes done.  Please don't ask me to be your friend for the next month for I will be paying my debt off to the man.  Damn you taxachusettts.

*Had a classic IM convo with Ellaine about how the rule of thumb in PR entertainment should always be "What would they do on Entourage" .  Back story.  I'm doing my first celebrity seeding all on my own and I was at a slight loss of who better to approach: Managers, Agents, or Publicists.  You'd think publicist to publicist would be a good plan i.e. on Entourage when Debbie Mazar's character (Totally blanking) got Turtle the Uggs.  Agents out of the question i.e. On Entourage Ari would totally toss anything that wasn't directed to him.  I decided on manager being my good point of contact i.e. Eric is totally the best way to get to Vince.  

(I tryed to save the exact convo but when I went to lunch my computer had a tantrum and aborted itself.)

Really today has been the longest day.  Am I a nerd because I am really looking forward to DWTS tonight and CSI Miami!?


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