Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I can't believe the summer is almost over.  It was definitely a good one.  Even though I was mostly jobless - it was probably one of the best summers I have had in a while.  I got to take a lot of beach days and got to hang out with my favorite people every weekend.  

I am however pretty glad to see the Fall come.  It holds my birthday and some weddings I'm looking forward to.  Speaking of weddings I picked up my bridesmaids dress last weekend from the bridal shop.  I loved it when we picked it out and I love it even more now.  

When they sized me I went a size down than they recommended because it always lights a fire under my ass.  I did good for a while but for the past few weeks I've kind of fell off the wagon.  To my surprise the dress is still too big!  Weee.  I'm definitely not going to pay to get it altered so I'm going to use some safety pins and "Tim Gunn it" and make it work.  I'm so crafty.  And who's going to be taking pictures of my back.

The same night I picked my dress up P. Dunn and I went to this place called the Waterclub for one of his friends birthdays.  Seriously don't look at the site it's misleading.  All I have heard is that it's douche bag central and boy was I right.  We walked around Marina Bay for a bit searching for an ATM.  When we walked by we both kind of looked at each other and said "I don't think I want to go in."  But alas we went against our better judgement and went in.  No more than 20 minutes in we decided to peaceee out.    Think of Ed Hardy just throwing up everywhere and that's it.  Lame.  We left and had to run back to the car cause it was all of a sudden like a stage 4 hurricane outside.  Eff you Bob.

Today I had to go into Boston to appeal the surcharge to my insurance after the accident.  Even though it appeared to be my fault I stood by the fact that I would have had plenty of time to stop as I was far away from the car and going way under the speed limit, but the snow made it impossible.  I think it went really well.  After my recorded interview with the attorney for the state, he looked at me and was like I can't say on record until the letter goes out but this will be cleared up and not to worry.  

So I decided to shop around while I had a whole day in Boston to myself.  Newbury Street is ALWAYS bad news for me and Marc by Marc Jacobs is even worse.  After spending forever in there talking to the wicked awesome sales dude I left with this gorgeous lady:

Except for it's purple instead of pink but the M by MJ website didn't have an image of the purple.  So. cute. Also left with a cute purple change purse.  I like it.  A lot. 

Also bought two new books: Dead After Dark the first novel of the Sookie Stackhouse series (I LOVE TRUE BLOOD) and Sloppy Firsts which I have been hearing nothing but good things about.



Friday, August 21, 2009

So I just got back from seeing maybe my new favorite movie of all time.

(500) Days of Summer

Incredible.  And the soundtrack is just as equally awesome.  I actually went and saw it by myself, something I've recently realized I have to get used to if I like random movies.  And I'm not working freelance right now so I have my days free.

Anywho. I LOVE this movie.  LOVE it.  It had all the makings of a great movie.  Great cast (my love Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds - Fig 1 see below), amazing music and a good story.  I don't want to giveaway too much but right after I left the theatre I decided I hated the ending.  But then after thinking about it - I realized how good it was.  How much sense it made and how it pulled the movie all together.  The whole movie just made me smile.  Even the sad parts.  And I love love love the music (email me at if you want me to send it to you).  I listened to the soundtrack to and from the theatre and it made me super psyched.

Fig 1. My love Matthew Gray Gubler aka Paul aka Reid in Criminal Minds (and apparently the voice of Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks).   He plays Tom's (Joseph Gordon Levitts character) friend in the movie.  Obsessed.  I first laid my eyes on him when my roommate got me into Criminal Minds.  Ready to see this movie again - esp for him.

And just so you know - I believe every movie now needs a choreographed dance sequence to Hall and Oates:
Oh and kareoke to the Pixies - this movie COULDN'T get any better.  

Long story short - who wants to come with me when I see it again!?


Monday, August 10, 2009

Whattt a weekend!  Friday I went to the beach with my friend Jen, her sister Julie and their crazy cousin Andrew.  Fun was had and I finally went into the ocean for the first time this summer.  It's finally tolerable (but only after like 10 minutes of feeling frostbitten).  We had a grand time.  Their cousin was only 16 but whooped it up with us anyways.  We went to a fancy ice cream parlour in Duxbury and acted inappropriate and all the housewives were throwing us dirty looks.

I met the gang at Chili's for dinner.  It was lovely.  I met Pat, Jen and her husband Justin after at the Cabbyshack in Plymouth and more fun was had.  I drank more and laughed at people.  There was an old lady who was dancing but she looked like a fake old lady - kind of like the old Six Flags guy.  I enjoy that place a lot.  Plymouth used to be so lame but it's totally the summer version of Quincy but still fun.  Every outside bar looks out into the ocean and if you're lucky you'll see a fake palm tree.  I tried taking pictures but it did not work.

Saturday I went back down to the southern parts to float around with Pat in his sweet ass pool.  We floated, drank and talked crap about people and repeat.  Oh and this happened.

Pat tried to get in with style and grace but ended up going for a fall.  The typical hammock snafu.  Don't worry he was ok - I checked before I told him to not move so I could take a picture.  Twas funny.  Thanks for letting me put this on the internet for all to see.

I had to haul ass back to Abington so I could hit the supermarket for my guac ingredients for Nicole's Bachelorette party.  She already had one in Ft Lauderdale so this was one was going to be apps, alcohol and silly games.  Jen and I got there about 7.  The bride was late  so we chatted with her sisters and her mom and her awesome bridesmaids.  We played pin the macho on the man (the mans face was Ron's - her fiance so we all had a good laugh).  We all got to pick certain "units" as the package (no pun intended) instructed.  I've always been a fan of eggs and bacon.

(Don't mind my sloppy nails).  I did not win the contest.  I placed the eggs and bacon no where near goods.

We chatted a bit more and decided to go to Blue 22 - a nice little place in Quincy Center.  The Local Locals (can't find a site for them but they're really really good) were playing and they were nice enough to buy us all shots - they called it the Local Local shot and it tasted something like a grape crush.  Twas yummy.  Nice little bar.  Not too crowded - it was literally the band, the bachelorette party and the people who worked there.  Of course I took a ton of pictures.

Mrs Ewell and myself.  I've known Jen the least amount of time out of all of my girlfriends but I swear we must have known each other in a previous life.  We're such kindred spirits and are constantly finishing each others sentences and laughing till our faces are red.  I adore this girl and her awesome husband (who has my dead MacBook in his work room in 1 million little pieces - sad).

Anywhosit.  We went back to Jill's sweet townhouse and gabbed till about 330 when we decided it was probably time to go home (and ok for us to drive lol).

I woke up the next day to an text from Pat requesting my presence for pooling and boozing.  I wasn't feeling much up to booze but I did so anyways.  Nikki also joined and we had a grand old time.  Nikki confirmed some suspicions I had about certain people - but there is so much good shit in this blog I will not bring it down my negative people.  Pat cooked and it twas good.  His roommate and his family came over and more fun was had - and this happened.

Pat just started slinking off his chair.  

Speaking of Pat - he linked me tonight to his infamous blurty for an example of why he does NOT like the beach and I got caught up in reading 4 years of Pat madness.  I've read them before but they're funny every single time.  I'm begging him to publish them ala I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.  Checcck it.

I'm going to quit drinking till the weekend.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Woo!  Welcome to the first blog post from my new MacBook Pro!

I have finally saved up enough money from my freelancing job to buy a new Mac.  I don't know how I lasted so long without a computer of my own.  It was ok using my mom's when she was on vaca.  But super lame.

I was going to get the same computer I'd had (white MacBook) but I decided after much deliberation (yes I took it as seriously as America's Next Top Model) I opted on the MacBook Pro.  I love it.  LOVE IT.

Had a busy weekend.  Friday night I went out for John's birthday to the Abington Ale House.  So SO many people that I hadn't seen in a while (Andrea and Josh!!) and it was a good time.  I kept telling myself that I had to go home to cook (for Annie's bridal shower the next morning) and I couldn't stay out late.  Of course that didn't happen.  After AAH Gary talked me into going with him to Bella's in Rockland to meet a friend of ours.  Fun times were had and more drinks were drank.  Nicole's friend Kim made us "special" drinks and I swear they were on a time release.  I drank it and didn't feel it until I got home and got into bed.  Going to bed with the spins = not a good time.  

Annie's bridal shower was amazing.  She got awesome gifts and she enjoyed herself.  We ended up renting a hall for cheap and bringing/making all the food.  I probably would not do that again. But hey half of us are jobless so it worked well.  It was just a lot of work.  After I helped Annie and James bring all their new presents home I went back to the apt.  

I got like two hours of sleep the night before because I stayed up feeling sick most of the night so I wanted to pass out.  But I was going to see Incubus with Missy and some of her friends.  We had a great time and Incubus exceeded my expectations big time.  

Sunday was Nicole's wedding shower where I had a blassst!  I won the center piece and it's gorg.  Also the favors were these mini shakers full of hershey's kisses.  So cute.  Later that night I headed to Annie's to help her address her wedding invitations.  Needless to say I'm wedding-ed out.  

This weekend I have Nicole's Bachelorette which should be fun.  I hope she gets a stripper.
