Thursday, June 19, 2008

New York.
Man I missed it.

Arrived in New York City on Monday and we were put up at the Dream Hotel.  Really funky and modern but you can tell it was a hostel like 5 years ago.  They played 90's tunes in the lobby - I'm talking Bell Biv Devoe, En Vogue and Boyz II Men.  Yeah crazy.  They put apples on the pillows and this blue light outlined the floors and the desk. And you COULD NOT turn them off.  I took a consensus the next day and no one knew the mystery of the blue light either.  So New York.

I ate one!  But don't worry they refilled them every night.
I took a photo of the crazy blue lights but they came out shitty in my camera phone.
Monday night I went out with Lauren who I missed SOOOOO much! We went to this place called Vnyl and their menus were made out of old 80's albums.  Right there I didn't care how the food was.  The place rocked.  My menu below.
Duh!  Love Lionel Richie.  Sex.  Lauren got Michael Jackson's thriller.  Food indeed was amazing even though we hardly ate any of it cause we were talking so much.  It was amazing to get together with her after being away from each other for 2+ years and catch up like we haven't missed a beat.  Love that gal and her super offish New York apt.  We grabbed some coffee after and chatted about ridiculous ness.  Twas a good night.  Went back to the ho and went sleepy sleep for a busy next day.

Got to the studio in the am.  Hustled to put my clients space together and merchandise it.  I put my first mannequin together and dressed them!  It's a very odd thing.  After I finished the whole thing it all fell and I had to do it again.  I was going to take some photos but that really killed my morale.

Anywho.  After everyone was done we went back to the hotel.  I did a little work and I got prepared to meet my client for a drink on the rooftop deck.  So nice.  So Sex and the City.  Then we went to meet everyone for dinner at Resto.  This place was insane.  They had a pig theme. Pigs feet, pigs ears, PIGS HEADS.  Yes pigs heads.  They deep fry pigs heads and put little ham sandwiches on the outside.  YEAH. They only serve two a night and by the time we got there they were sold out, to Steve's dismay.  One of the editors who came with us suggested it.  It was alright though.  For dessert they brought out a bunch of really fancy chocolates.  Oh and they had really yummy beers and they put them in fun non-beer like glasses.

Next day was the event.  It was crazy and as always I was still getting stuff together at the 11th hour.  I walked a mile to Staples to get some copies made.  Feet were KILLING.  But I didn't wear smart shoes.  A good amount of people showed up including my favorite and some new favorites.  Got some swag and it was really successful.  Then because I'm the nicest person I offered to get fedex labels - another mile.  Seriously I wanted to cut my feet off.

Left around 5 and made dinner plans with Molly and B with the boys.  I met the boys down after I freshened up and we waited forever for a cab forever because there were CRAZY insane downpours.  I wore a really cute dress (thanks Hill!) but this time wore my Chacos. We met at this sushi place called East.  It boasts a sushi conveyor belt that comes around and kind of lets you pick what you want.  However we sat in one of the private rooms on the second floor which came with a kareoke machine.  We decided it was too expensive but listening to the others around us was just as, if not more, entertaining.  It was a really good time.  We got drinks, tons of sushi and laughs were had.

Yum.  Most of it was gone by then but you get it.  Even though my feet were killing me I walked back 10 blocks before grabbing a cab.  I love walking at night in New York.  Such a gorgeous night.  Sad to leave this morning but good to get home.  

I want to go for fun soon.  Who's coming.



jessica maria said...

I love Vynl! :)

Kristen said...

Yah! So gooodddd! The Nachos were so yum. And the menus! What a good idea. I'm easily impressed obvs.