Monday, June 09, 2008

Fact.  I fell in love this weekend.
In true Kristen fashion it is with an inanimate object.

Helloo Lovaaa.  Yeah I kind of love them.  They put me back a pretty penny but - I got my holiday bonus - 6 months late but regardless, it still made my day.  I actually prefer it coming now.  I had so many bills around christmas I wouldn't have been able to have any fun with it.  So I bought those beauties up there.  I tried buying a pair of cheapies and they broke in less than a week.  Yeah it was a sign.  My Marc Jacobs ones are getting funky anyways.

I was going to model them for this here blog but I was afraid my photobooth would crack because of my hideous sunburn!  I really thought I was a superstar with the sunscreen yesterday.  I got out of the shower and put 30 on my face and 45 on my body and I come home in dire pain.  True story is that I didn't put any sun screen behind my legs and my butt sooo yeah it hurts alot.  I'm trying to wear pants around the house so my mom doesn't flip out.  I also have weird marks on my arm presumably from uneven sunscreen distribution.  Not cool.

The beach was great though and we decided we're going to try and make it a Sunday ritual.  So anyone who wants to beach it with us is welcome!

Saturday was also super hot.  I went to a Dunkin' event in Rhode Island and it was really great.  Not too many media showed up but the impact of the event was greater than any press it could have gotten.  And there were lots of cute boys there.  

After, I went home - did a little online shopping and enjoyed the pool for a while.  Went to Target for some fun summer stuff and a new shirt I plan on wearing when the big boss comes to town.  Robyn joined me for some thai food (even though she totes didn't want it - she's a saint) and it was amazing.  Sweet Lemons  on Rt 18 in Abington/Weymouth is AMAZING. Veggie tempura, chili fish, pad thai, thai rolls are the highlights.  I enjoyed a Dirty Martini (my offish drink of the summer).  Ack I want to go back right now.  Went back to go to sleep.  I was a loser on Saturday night.  Huge loser.

Now I am sitting my office in dire pain due to my burn.  My coworker is freezing and I am trying to convince her, with the heat that is coming off me  - that I could probably heat this whole building.

Dinner with the big boss on Wednesday.  Looking forward to it.  
Next week is the big week in New York where I hope to hook up with my sister from another mother Miss Lauren Brown who has turned into a serious new yorker and a few other faves.  There is a work purpose to this and I just saw the guest list - my secret BF will be there.  Blerg.


1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Ouch! The sunburn sounds nasty and I definitely know how it feels (look how pasty I am naturally lol). But if you ever have an extra seat for a beach trip, I'd be interested in joining!

Hope you're having fun in NY! So jealous!