Monday, May 18, 2009

Computer is still out of commission. When I recieve my severance I'm going to bring it to an independent computer fixer upper. I've already done some research on some in the area and I'm suprised by how many do not know their way around a Mac. Of course my nerdy PC friends are like "Told you not to buy a Mac." Whatever.

In the meantime I have to give serious props to my amazing roomate and my mom for letting me use their computers. Both PC's.

Friday night, the ladies and I went to see Angels and Demons. I loved it. I haven't read the book yet but I wanted to see the movie badly. It made me want to go to Rome. Badly. Or at least made me wish I had studied Art History in college. We went back to Hillary's apt and hung out and got pysched about our vacation (which is 12 days away!). I can't wait. I feel so useless not doing anything. At least when I'm on vacation I'll feel like I'm doing something.

Another bummer about my computer being out of commission is the fact that my resume is on it. So I just dragged out a hard copy and I'm going to go to my moms house tomorrow and re do the whole thing. It's a great resume and it would be impossible to re create off the top of my head.

Speaking of which I feel like I may be getting dumber. I've been saying really dumb things. I think my brain is tired and not used to being unstimulated all day every day. I mean really there are only so many Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Maury's that I can watch. So I've been playing Puzzle Quest and Sudoku like it's my job (could it be my job??).

Saturday Hillary's hubby came over and pimped our apt (attached our Wii and hid our wires - yeah we were so lazy). I went over to Greg's for a bit and hung out with him and his mom and new nephew who is so so so cute. Rest of the weekend was a bust. I've drank an insane amount of coffee and took like 6 naps. I neeeeeed some good news in my life.

Also, I woke up with the itchiest foot EVER!!! Like I wanted to stick it into a fan because it probably would have done the trick. Someone told me it meant I'm coming into money. Then someone else pissed on my parade and told me it may mean I'm going to get into a fight.

Please let it be money.



jessica maria said...

I've heard if your foot itches, it means you will be traveling. If your hand itches, you're getting money. If your ears are ringing, somebody's talking about you. And if a broom drops in your house, you'll be having visitors soon.


Kristen said...

Well that WOULD be accurate as I am going on vacation soon :) I'm still praying for the money!