Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's always nice...
to be appreciated by a client.  I come in to the office to see a delivery from Wine.com.  Duh I LOVE wine so naturally I'm thrilled.  I see it's made out to my two coworkers and myself.  So I wait until B gets there.  We open it and it's the sweetest note from one of our clients and a bottle of very nice champagne!  Long story short we (more like me cause they were both on mat leave) worked really hard and long hours to make sure a placement happened for one of our clients new products.  And it did!  And it was a fantastic review! It couldn't have been better if I wrote it myself.  So the client was excited and now we get to drink.  So I had to take a photo of it.
Kind of blurry but it's so pretty and no we haven't drank it yet. GASP!

I had a really good weekend.  Saturday I shopped (ALOT!!!) with Hillary and then we went out for some Cinco De Mayo eerrr Tres De Mayo celebrations to Acapaulcos which we decided kind of sucks but my marg was good.  Then went on a hunt for some wine and went to H and J's and watched a mini marathon of  Season 1 of 30 Rock (bought it for cheap at MovieStop!) which may be my new favorite show.  Liz Lemon is seriously my hero.  Seriously. 

I bought the cutest new shoes also!!  I really wanted a pair of new flats and I had a coup to Macy's so I decided to take a look. I generally despise department stores but I figured I'd give it a whirl.  I purchased the cutest pair of flats in the world.  I couldn't find a photo of them online but they're amazing!  And they have a tiny wedge heel.  Adorbs!

Sunday Robyn called me and invited me to the Red Sox game! Well her boyfriend had invited his little brother couldn't go so I was next choice (probably like 6th they're just being nice).   It was rainy and a little poopy out but one does NOT forfeit a free ticket to Red Sox game.  Great game! We had awesome seats and I took lots of pics of my fav men Lowell, Ellsbury and of course Papelbon but they had to play that AWFUL Dropkick Murphy's song when he came out.  Awful.  I had dinner plans with mom so I went home after which I endured probably the WORST T ride EVER.  Just bad - but the thai food mom and I enjoyed was well worth it.

The rainy weather has made it's way out finally (for a little while?!) and it's gorgeous out.  Work is going good and my bosses boss sent me the nicest email about a placement I scored for one of our new clients in a huge pub.  So good that the editor told me I deserved a raise.  It's days like this that make all the crappy ones good!  I'm in good graces with all my clients ( for the time being).


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