Friday, September 15, 2006

So my job hunt is at a standstill. I almost positive I didn't get the job @ the Ritz. It was two weeks ago that I had that awful phone interview so I take it's a no-go. I am so one of those people who's like whatever I didn't want it anyways - and then I will try and try to convince it to myself that I could do better - but I really wanted that job. I thought I would have been amazing at it. I guess they thought otherwise.

I also can't go out with my friends/family without them bringing up the fact that I am horribly under appreciated at my job. Ok so I know I am totally taken advantage of and all that stuff - but really does it make you happy to harrass me about it. I know they're just in my best interest but really it's so annoying.

Oh and I just had to write a check out to the government for my taxes. I'd rather go to the dentist. I know it's what would be taken out if I did get taxes out - but when I have to write a check for over $1000 and I ALREADY don't get paid enough - it's very painful.

I told Robyn I was thinking of taking like $400 for this Marc Jacobs bag I want. She assured me that they wouldn't let me keep the bag in IRS jail however. I would totally just make up an allergy and I can only sleep on my handbags.

On to better things. Taking Back Sunday was super fun last Saturday. As I predicted everyone else bailed except for Robyn and we had fun so whatev. We had a pretty pimp spot. I swear this weekend I will upload the videos I made from that show and the one in June (and the ones from Bon Jovi for my rockstars). Robyn and I hit the Salty Dog after for some brew and good chew. Hehe I really wanted that to rhyme.

Not sure what's on the plan for this weekend. All I know is that I'm broke but definitly going to try to see The Black Dahlia tonight. I know I already said this in the previous post - but go see The Last Kiss if you can. Such a great movie and Zach is a cutie. Maybe go to the RCC tomorrow night with the gang. Enjoy what nice nights we have left.

that is all.

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