Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movie, Album and TV Show of the Week (month?)
The Darjeeling Limited.
I could probably go on and on about all the fantastic things about this movie and all the great lines ("Look at those assholes" "I love you but I'm going to mace you in the face") but you should probably see it for yourself.
Fact or fiction: Hotel Chevalier? Was it shown in theatres?  Not because of the nudez but I could have sworn it was released online as a prequel after the movie came out.
Coconut Records
I got this album last summer-ish and I guess you can tie my recent love affair with it to The Darjeeling Limited because I remembered how much I LOVE Jason Schwartzman.  This album is fabulous because, Zooey Dechanel is on it, Robert Schwartzman  is too and um West Coast is California Pt 2.  Great great album.  It crushed my heart a little to know that JS says he most likely will never tour (lame) but I have hope.         

30 rock
No show since Sex and the City has made me want to move back to New York like 30 Rock has.  Maybe because they show my fav New York City deli Citi 75 (the ONLY place that carries my favorite black cherry soda in the diet variety and pretty much the best egg salad sandwich NYC can offer) or maybe because everything Liz Lemon says I can totally relate with.  1.  When she talks about Floyd and all the reasons he "gets" her.  2.  When she tells Floyd all the weird things about her. 3.  The singing of Annie tunes in the office. No comment.  And like 600 others.  It is quite amazing.  She is my kind of cynical and I love her.  Pat says she's filming a movie in Boston and I will find her and ask her to be my friend, Tina Fey that is. I am going to miss it for the summer.  

I leave you with the Brothers Schwartzman.  

Thursday, May 08, 2008

So there has been a little visitor in my office for the past few days.  

Tuesday I'm finishing up and getting ready to leave and I hear this rustling over by Bethany's desk which is like diagonal from mine.  I look in her trash bravely and there is nothing there.  Alrighty - time to leave, I'm going crazy.  I hear it again and this time I see a bag from her previous days lunch and the bag IS MOVING! I run - I mean RUN into my bosses office and tell her.  She's like "I can't I can't I can't!!!"  After begging, we both investigate the bag.  She throws a seltzer bottle on it and - nothing.  Then we drop a little notebook on it - again - nothing.  So then we see that Bethany has a paint stirrer on her desk (why I do not know) and Kathleen picks it up in hopes of flipping it and putting it in the trash - JUST in case there is a rodent in it.  So I'm standing at my desk and she flips it and a mouse RUNS out of the bag, flies in the air and scurries away.  I remember this in hindsight because as soon as the mouse showed it's face KB is screaming bloody murder - papers go all over - Treo goes the other way.  I - alarmed at the sitch - do the same.  

Mind you all my stuff is still sitting - on at the scene of the crime.  We decide that we have to call Joe the trusty landlord who's already gone home for the evening.  We also decide he's going to be PISSED at us because he's super tidy and he's going to see that Circes Grotto bag with Bethanys leftover salad still in it.  Problem.  His # is on a post it on my desk.

So in one fall swoop I grab the post it, my MacBook (lots of Device Removal warnings that day) and my purse and we're out.  He says he will come down and try to investigate.

Next day - Wednesday.  I come in and our office is now spotless. The trash I'd been meaning to throw away for a few days is gone and both of our trash barrels are on our desk as in hint that we probably invited the mouse in with all of our lunches that we are forced to eat at our desk because lunch breaks don't exist in PR (ok lie sometimesss I check Jezebel on lunch).

So I do my work.  KB comes in with a scared look on her face - won't barely walk in my office.  I assure her that it's probably gone and Joe saved the day.

10 minutes later I'm on the phone with a coworker and WHO scurries from one side of the room to the other - MICKEY FUCKING MOUSE.  

I'm sure I just hung out and I apologize but I had bigger things on my plate.  The mouse is chilling.  It is probably no bigger than a half dollar (do those even exist anymore) and it's looking for Bethany's left over lunch from the day before.  I run to KB's office and she's on a super important call with the big guys and I'm playing charades with her as to not interrupt the call.

I decide I am going to brave it on my own though.  Luckily we have ton of apparel in our office thanks to a very special client so I put one of their socks around my hand and in I go.  I just wanted to pick it up and do something with it - put it in a box I don't know.  So I am chasing it around the office - taking my heels off as to not scare it and it scurries into a supplies closet and just sits there.  Almost plays dead because he knows I am after him.   Joe tells us to close the closet and wait till he gets there and he will do away with it.

Joe comes in like a cartoon character with his cheese and mouse trap ready to set it and I'm like be careful the little sucker was at the very front of the closet and low and behold when Joe opens the closet there's Mickey - waiting patiently.

Now PETA lovers rejoice.  We released it into the field behind the office and are praying it never comes back.  

Bethany has yet to hear about the crazy-ness that went on while she was traveling but tomorrow I'm going to get to tell the story again.  With Charades.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's always nice...
to be appreciated by a client.  I come in to the office to see a delivery from  Duh I LOVE wine so naturally I'm thrilled.  I see it's made out to my two coworkers and myself.  So I wait until B gets there.  We open it and it's the sweetest note from one of our clients and a bottle of very nice champagne!  Long story short we (more like me cause they were both on mat leave) worked really hard and long hours to make sure a placement happened for one of our clients new products.  And it did!  And it was a fantastic review! It couldn't have been better if I wrote it myself.  So the client was excited and now we get to drink.  So I had to take a photo of it.
Kind of blurry but it's so pretty and no we haven't drank it yet. GASP!

I had a really good weekend.  Saturday I shopped (ALOT!!!) with Hillary and then we went out for some Cinco De Mayo eerrr Tres De Mayo celebrations to Acapaulcos which we decided kind of sucks but my marg was good.  Then went on a hunt for some wine and went to H and J's and watched a mini marathon of  Season 1 of 30 Rock (bought it for cheap at MovieStop!) which may be my new favorite show.  Liz Lemon is seriously my hero.  Seriously. 

I bought the cutest new shoes also!!  I really wanted a pair of new flats and I had a coup to Macy's so I decided to take a look. I generally despise department stores but I figured I'd give it a whirl.  I purchased the cutest pair of flats in the world.  I couldn't find a photo of them online but they're amazing!  And they have a tiny wedge heel.  Adorbs!

Sunday Robyn called me and invited me to the Red Sox game! Well her boyfriend had invited his little brother couldn't go so I was next choice (probably like 6th they're just being nice).   It was rainy and a little poopy out but one does NOT forfeit a free ticket to Red Sox game.  Great game! We had awesome seats and I took lots of pics of my fav men Lowell, Ellsbury and of course Papelbon but they had to play that AWFUL Dropkick Murphy's song when he came out.  Awful.  I had dinner plans with mom so I went home after which I endured probably the WORST T ride EVER.  Just bad - but the thai food mom and I enjoyed was well worth it.

The rainy weather has made it's way out finally (for a little while?!) and it's gorgeous out.  Work is going good and my bosses boss sent me the nicest email about a placement I scored for one of our new clients in a huge pub.  So good that the editor told me I deserved a raise.  It's days like this that make all the crappy ones good!  I'm in good graces with all my clients ( for the time being).
