So. Random.
Today I was waiting for Bethany to go to lunch with me. I'm restless. All the time so I put my shades on and I think it's really smart for me to sit backwards on my chair, on my knees and spin around. Well while I'm spinning I underestimate my top-heavyness and over I go with the chair. I tried to catch myself. I went face first into the floor and chest first into the heavy ass part of my chair. Needless to say I feel like I have a tank on my chest because it's all bruised and it hurts when I take a deep breath.
However it was the funniest thing that's ever happened to me. Bethany said as I was falling I was very calm and all I said was "Woah woahhhhhh". I kind of laid on the ground and laughed until she was ready.
Kathleen came in later and as I was trying to recreate it I almost did it again. Wicked smart.
I was feeling a little down yesterday and the laughter that was produced from my idiotic fall saved my day. Weird how that happens.
Dark Knight friday. Too excited.