Last time I blogged I was on my way to the cruise!! It was amazing. The time of my life. I can't bare to look at my pictures (ok it's not that bad lol) without getting wicked sad. The wedding was flawless and it only rained once but it was still better than ANY rain we get back here in Beantown.
I tryed to copy and paste the pics and such from my livejournal entry but it didn't work quite as well so I linked it here.
Christmas was AWESOME. Got some great stuff, new Coach bag (which I will talk about in a second), Heroes Season 1!!! (even though I've seen it but I love it) the Office Season 3, One Tree Hill Season 4, Harry Potter, Twilight, some LLBean stuff and other christmas staples.
Well I guess the Coach bag wasn't a real Christmas present seeing as I bought half of it for myself. I had $125 worth of gift cards, $50 from mom and $75 from Lyd Phil and Alysse from my birthday. Also I had one of the hard to get a hold of Preferred Customer Event coupons which gives you 25% off. So I decided I NEEDED to get a new bag. The bag I wanted was $448, then 25% off and my cards made it $227!!! Not bad for a Bleecker Collection bag.
Everyone meet Brandy.
And duh me being wicked excited about her.
I stuck with the tradition of naming my bags so I decided to call her Brandy. She looks like a Brandy color. I was going to call her "Brit" because the real name of the color is British tan but it would remind me of Britney Spears and that's not happening.
When I bought it in the store I really didn't see it. They take the name and # of the bag you want, they go back and get it while your paying and boom you're done. You don't even really get to see it. So I get home and see that it wicked scratched! I understand it's Brandished Leather and it's supposed to GET scratchy but not out of the box. So I exchanged it and they sold out of them in the store so I had to wait another week to get it. She came even more beautiful than before. I just was out in the rain and got it all wet and freaked out minorly.
PS Why is it thundering in the Winter?!?
Anywho. While I was on vaca the big boss was coming from Headquarters for big news. Bummed I wasn't going to be there, I asked my coworkers to send me an email after he leaves and tell me what it was. I prayed to god I wouldn't be out of a job when I got back ie. Sorry guy's we're closing the Boston office etc. So I get back that next Monday and I have a HUGE package of stuff on my desk. We were actually bought out by a larger company in Minneapolis! I'm psyched because they're benefits are MUCH better, they have a TON of offices around the US and I've never worked for a bigger company.
HR and IT came from Minn. and pimped us out. I thought my computer was fine but they're IT guy was like "Why do you have a PC?" and I'm like "Well that's what I got when I started here" so he goes "Ok... we're getting you a Mac". So now I have a Black MacBook (twinsies with my White MacBook at home). It's very pretty and amazing that I can bring it home and put all my work stuff on it. And I can get my use my entourage (Mac's version of Outlook) at home!!! No going to the office on the weekends for ONE email. So I'm still using two computers because I don't know yet what to do with all my PC stuff (getting to that today - I'm sure it's going to be a huge project.
Also fun things about my "new" job - I get to go to Minneapolis on Monday for seminars and orientation. While the other two women I work with in my office are kind of bummed about it I'm super stoked. Never been to the midwest! Excited to meet everyone over there. I'm excited to learn about how they run their office and such and I hear we're staying in the nicest hotel in Minneapolis. I'm crossing my fingers for a detour to the Mall of America.
Another new aspect of my job is doing time sheets by 15 minute intervals. Crazy yes but you don't realize how organized it makes you. I actually had to do away with my Coach Planner (your welcome Robyn) and I moved down to a At-A-Glance. Much more room to write and it's less hefty than the coach one.